Thursday, October 04, 2007

bad ju ju~

so much has been goin on, theres alot on my mind... i would've lost it if not for the conversations with huda n vic so thanks alot~

shit happens... but life goes on... just gotta deal with it cause thats the way the world works~

we have the right to feel sad and theres nothing wrong about feeling the way u feel even if the situation doesnt call for it... emotion isn't something u can control... so, we deal with it... in wadever way we see fit~

we cry, we scream into a pillow, we drink, we have sex, we talk... but we deal with it nontheless... and it makes us feel better~ Thats all we really need, just to.. feel better about ourselves and prepare us for wad's to come... theres nothing wrong with that~

and it does make u stronger, it does make u a better person... u understand things better, and u know how others feel hu have gone thru wad ur going thru.. and u know ur not alone...

the results came back not too long ago, & even though i passed my retake subject and wont be kicked outta sch, i've decided that it would be wiser to drop out instead, get thru with the army then come back n study design or mass comm or something... then once i save enough money, im moving to australia n im never coming back~ at least the ppl there are nice n they speak friggin ENGLISH... 80% of ppl here cant seem to do it here-_-

anyway, im cool now... about everything... i was sad, then pissed, then sad again.... but now im cool so its all good~ dont know if things will be fine, but at least i'll be ready for it... i think....

went grocery shoppin n got a bottle of wine and some blue cheese... mom says it tastes like shit, but my sister n i like it... its got a very sophisticated taste of sweetness from the wine n texture from the cheese... very refine indeed~ its something u'd either like, or wont... just like caviar or those snails that the french eat at cocktail parties~

makes me feel like royalty everytime i take a sip, just luv it :)

a friend of mine's mother's in her final stage of cancer... im not exactly a big fan of god, but im gonna pray for them~

this month has just been filled with so much bad ju ju..... i think its time they stopped...
u think u can do that mr god? -_-~

*escargots... an edible snail prepared as an appetizer or entrée~

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