then we wrote our names on some tiger thingy... dont know wad its for but they had crayons there so yeah... had to vandalize it~

lots of cam-whoring.. its kinda fun, i understand why chicks love to do it.. but most of the pics of me are fugly so im not gonna post them~

went to coffee bean to chill... chatted for like 3 hrs i think... it was cool: ) i ordered some fruity tooty mango tea shit which cost like $7 dollars... yeah.. never buy anything tats not coffee in coffee bean, its a total rip off~

& i dont think this picture looks gay at all... its a totally manly position my hands are at so i dont get it... DAMN my korean-ish looks n white+fair complexion! u think its a compliment but korean guys look faggoty -.-

went to town, chilled somemore... walked around a bit.. then headed home, met mom for dinner.. which is a rare, since i hardly ever do that... n mom was so happy -_- but she kept giving me her pet talks on how im suppose to plan my future now that im not in sch anymore n wad not...
n she thinks my shag band is some gang insignia or something... my mom is so innocently cute~ pfft...
cant stop smiling today :) :) :)
right thats it then.. ciao~
at least koreans dont look indigenuous and shitty like south east asians. be lucky that you look more korean than dirty.
Koreans dont look faggot-ish. Us japanese have the creep ass eyes. They're big AND slanty
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