one cartoon in particular being the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...
awesome show back in the day when it 1st came out in 1987. it had great character development, a good plot that had an evil villian, monsters and robots... basically it was a cool show, n kids liked it... it was witty and funny and had plenty of ass kicking in it as well~
lets look at the characters.... there's 4 mutant turtles all named after famous renaissance artists hu learn ninja from a kung fu master hu got turned into a rat to prevent an evil bad guy named after a kitchen appliance and a brain in a man-robot suit from bringing this big ball-like tank called the technodrome to the surface n destroy the world~
the characteristics of the turtles where both unique and were wad every cartoon super team from then on needed... hot headed rebel, the easy-going goof, the wise & cautious leader, and a science geek~
Raphael: the "Wolverine" of the group, he's the reckless badass that does wadever the hell he wants n doesnt take shit from nobody... he's probably the strongest one of the 4, but his rage often clouds his judgement n gets him into more even more trouble then b4... plus he's the only one cool enough to get his own turtle bike while everyone else rides in the van~
Michaelangelo: the free spirited surfer dude... arguably the coolest turtle of the lot... he uses alot of slangs and was the one that made pizzas look cool... he fightscenes are comical but effective, like the fights u see in a jackie chan movie... plus that "cowabunga" phrase he uses all the time, wad does it even mean?
i went n googled it, n apparently it was a catch phrase used by surfers meaning "to ride the waves"~ bet u didnt know that DID U... bet u went round yellin " COWABUNGA!!" to all ur friends when u were a kid n not even know wth it ment DIDNT U!~
Donatello: the tech wiz, he's the intellectual one of the group, u always see him messin around with chemicals or fixin some machinary while mikey's eatin his pizza, leo's training with splinter and raph is watchin tv~ he's the one that builds the weapon to destroy the bad guy of that episode when the time calls for it... he's also the one that pimped out the turtle van with missles n shit... which, i have no idea where they got the missles from in the 1st place~ plus, everytime the turtles are trapped or corner by the bad guys, he'd always manage to pull out some fancy gizmo from his ass to save the day... kudos~
Leonardo: the leader... he's the serious one, always thinking of his fellow brothers before himself... the father figure i guess... always following the rules n doing the honorable thing... he'd probably be the most boring one of them all if not for the 2 big ass katana's he weilds~ he's swordsmenship is uncanny and matched with his smarts and training produces a deadly combination of wit and skill~
then there was splinter and April O'neil, they were the other main characters in the show...
Splinter's just a rat, nothing much there....
April on the other hand was this super hot channel 6 news reporter with her orange jumpsuit and red hair running around with her camera n that dorky cameraman who's name i cant remember...
anyway, tat was the 1987 version of the cartoon show.. and it was the best version of the TMNT~

then in 1997, there was "Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation" this one wasnt really a cartoon, it was set in the real world...

so it was 4 guys in turtle suits.. this concept followed the 1990 TMNT movie... they even had a 5th female turtle which was uber lame.. i dunno wad the producers were thinkin~
then came the 2003 version of the TMNT cartoon where it showed the turtles in a more darker way...

they were more violent n a tad too much robotics like laser guns n stuff, which totally lost that jackie chan-ness appeal... what i hated about this series was they completely screwed up the original plot... yes, there was a shredder n a krang.. but they made shredder into this billionaire darth vader character hu kept sending his minions to rob banks n shit instead of taking over the world... and krang didnt turn up till the later part of the show where he was just shown as some normal everyday episode bad guy-_-
no foot soliders, no beebop n rocksteady, no technodrome... instead there were voodoo dragons and mystical ninja tournements were splinter was actually one of the champion fighters back in the day... COME ON! -_-
but hey, at least they had a shredder and a Krang.. even though they werent properly developed... apparently kids just wanted to see more action n lasers n shit -_-
the last straw was when they came out with "TMNT-Fast Forward"...
omg~ now the entire plot had gone to shit... the whole legacy of the TMNT, from being the cool, lovable, ass-kickin creatures to the stupid futuristic light-sabre weilding, laser blasting, alien-fighting sellouts they are now....

look at that.. i dont even know hu that boy in the middle is... where the hell did April go?! n how the FUCK could they live so long?! a lifespan of a turtle is an about 100 years old, not a fuckin millenium! even so, they wont be called TEENAGE muntant ninja turtles.. they just be called mutant ninja turtles.... so wad gives??
u know why kids are getting so retarded these days?
i'll tell u why....
its cause the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles went GAY, thats why~
im just really cranky cause my ipod's screen's a lil messed up n i cant read the song titles....
dont judge me-_-~
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