fukin holidays so boring.. wake up every morning at 5am, shower.. then make my mom breakfast before playing "Gay-ple(Maple)Story" for 4 hrs ... yes yes.. i play maple.. its a horrible game of mindlessly hackin tiny mushrooms n snail for hrs on end before lvling even once... but i must admit.. its a guilty pleasure of mine~
Here's how my character looks like.. sloppy says i look like algae cause im like this lil' green shit tat shoot arrows.. bah.. i think i look cooL~

after my 4hrs of torturous spamming of my arrow, n listening to 98.7FM's "Muttons In The MOrning~" its usually off to swimmming at shawny's crappy condo with vic n sloppy~ the Stupid guards there really retarded.. i can just walk right in n they dont even suspect a thing.. shit i could be a terrorist for all they know.. Bleh~
We'd swimm awhile then start playin the "try to drown aaron" game, this involves a 3 vs 1 wrestling match where by all three dicks try to .. yes... drown me...
By 4-ish, im usually tanned n baddly bruised n cut in various places.. but it was fun.. sometimes we get to oogle at bikini babes sun bathing .. or i can scare the lil kids away with my tattoo.. Woot!
i even broke vic's thumb yesterday... he tried to grab me underwater so i kicked him n now he's hand is all bandaged up.. haha .. the pussy..
too bad he wont send me the picture of it... bleh...~ -_-
oh yes.. we made a couple of retared videos during swimming...
here's one made during the exams.. i was studyin n a freakin lizard took a shiet on my book...
this one is a twinky eattin contest btw sloppy n vic~ shawn's video phone is pretty shitty so all u can see is darkness n our retarded conversations...
the next 2 are of us playin with this stray cat tat stays in the condo~
ah.. i also like to mention that i love those lovey dovey chick-flick korean dramas ... they keep my mom n sis occupied on the weekends so they dont bother me as much... kudos to tat...~
bleh... i think tats all i've got to write about... 3 more weeks of holidays.. wat the hell am i gonna do now...~
oh gosh... i pity victor ... =X ..hahahah..didnt know u play maple ... -.-" boring game.. BTW , what ur lvl ??
im 76! u still play?
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