From being a cute shy kid aunties loved to adore in primary sch.. to a soft pale-skin nerd everyone loved to pick on.. to now.. a good-lookin, tall, well-build, charming, did i mention gd lookin guy~
oh how i've hated my childhood...just look at the geeky face of mine... even girls would beat me up... jeuz christ~

now u know y i turned out so messed up.....
havin girls pick on u is not cooL~
ah but at least now i've been told im 'scary lookin' by many ppl so at least i dont get picked on so much... plus.. once ppl know u got a tattoo or pierced ur lips its a pretty useful intimidation tooL~
but im sure those hu know me know im nothin like wat i look like... dont fuckin discriminate ppl on their looks.. i hate tat.. ~
Oh yes.. another thing cooL happened today... my sister was casually blow-drying her hair when the hair- dryer exploded~ there was sparks n everything... burnted a hole in her hand muahhahaa~ gawd im a bad brother...
i guess this was payback for that time when she forgot to turn of the iron n i accidentally brushed up against it...
ITS KARMA I TELL YA! n it sure took its time seeing as how it happened like 7 yrs ago.. but at least justice is served..~
gd thing about my burn was tat i got to show it off to all my friends.. n she got to take an off day from work.... ~
look at that... its crazy y im still single i tell ya~

hmm.. cant help it i guess..
women are crazy...throw rocks at them~
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