i stay at home all day n do nothin but watch tv n play my guitar~..
Occasionally i do a lil drawin n read a bit.. but tats about it..
i've been playin my guitar so much, my fingertips have all been blistered up.. so now it hurts to play.... no one's free.. they've all gotten jobs n shit..
i swear.. the next semester holiday im getttin a job n going out everyday...~
i've been google-ing alot of nonsensical stuff to occupy my time...~ read up about serial killers and the history of some guy called albert fish.. hu's apparently some american serial killer hu tortured n ate lil children... neat~
dont know y im even tellin u ppl this...
hmmm ... i want a lava lamp~

anyone know how to play the second part of John Mayer's Why Georgia?~
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