This blog's lasted me for nearly 4 long years...
Most of the stuff i've written in the past is just ramblings of an angsty 18 year old... but as time went by, so did the material and i must say... the content's definitely improved~
So, i think this blog deserves some kind of... recognition~
it was my first online journal and it holds a lot of memories... i hope when the world comes to an end & the internet is destroyed, Aliens when find this site and put me in their history books~
However, if all goes well after 2012 then i guess i'll just show this to my kids instead...
to a glorious 4 years, & to 4 years more..
and farewell~
Change. has. come.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Theodore's day off/ ced's big return/ afew words from the writer/ and then some...
when over to Koven to meet QJ for breakfast n babysit little "dore" when she was the one doing the actual babysitting n i was just helping the kid get MORE dirty :p
this is he, in his adorable little kiddy tram which i happily push through crowds of people, pretending we're a shotgun family and being amused at their judgmental stares.. which i thought was pretty funny~

we took him to the supermarket & an aquarium...

the kid stared at the pizza+fishes like it was the first time he's even seen them.. tsk, wad a noob~

after awhile, i felt like foolin around on a swing set so we went to this playground for a bit while young theodore went for a quick ride on the "what-cha-ma-call-it-shaky-thing"...

his shoe make silly noises when he walks, it's cool to just watch him run around picking up twigs & randomly touchin stuff :)
took him back home after gettin all dirty from the wet slides and rollin on floors for a quick bath and a change of clothes...
okay, so in my defence... he was lookin at me with his beautiful doe eyes and youthful innocences... i couldn't NOT let him have a Snack Pack now could i?!

met her friend & the 3 of us cabbed down to expo where they went for service & i went to the tech fair to find jess. Said good bye to the little tike & i chatted with jess for a bit before headin home...
the journey home was long and squishy from having the expo brimming with nerds from all across the land... the short bursts of rain didn't exactly smooth the journey home either... and this was mid day where the bus intervals took forever... so that experience was quite a bitch-_-
jess came over after work, we talked and chilled while waiting for the plane to arrive... i bought this woodcraft construction kit of the Eiffel Tower at the Koven Mall for just 2 bucks, pretty neat huh?

usually something like this takes about 10 mins to put together, but i took the time to smoothen all the edges and snip off any splinters so, i think i took about an hour and a half... but despite all that it still looks wobbly...
Hence, confirming i have absoultly no skill in ENGINEERING.

so anyway, this was the final product...
i waved it around for about 10 sec then that was that...
of to the shelf to be forgotten...
oOh, and i find this picture really funny for some reason :)

cabbed down to the airport at about 3am. the place was all shiny in preparation for the whole Christmas thing..
creepy "left-4-dead" lookin escalator...
all the kan-chiong parents waiting outside arrival trying to spot their sons...
"cannot find one lah auntie..."

They came out shortly and we spotted him from afar pushin the little airport trolley with a haversack on his back... cabbed yet again to whitesands for mac breakfast and tea.
it's definitely been too long.. good to have u back dude~
fucker bought me a toy penis... i have it soakin in a bucket in the kitchen now... it's a little furry to the touch & gross to look at seriously -_-
final cab home and facebook-ed for a bit before crashing.... slept for like 4 hours and woke up feelin cold and cranky from the sore throat and throbbing head....
past few days i've not been gettin enough sleep and eating shit like Manhatten Fish Market, McDonalds, Fried Wanton Noodles & Nasi Lemak.. not to mention the heaty tubs of Snack Packs...
i should stop trying to kill myself with cigerettes, fastfood & sleep deprevation...
last friday when i think my fever was at it's peak, i had a crazy nightmare whilst waking up from my nap... it was about all my friends getting killed or something and i was the only one left alive to fend for myself against... whatever threat that was out to get me... i was just running and running throught this dream and it just got me thinking that, maybe it's not a dream... maybe it's a prophecy of some kind and i just had a premonition of wad's gonna happen in 2012....
does anyone else have a dream like this?
maybe it's one of those deja vu things where everyone has the same dream and it turns out to be true~
or maybe it's just the fever fuckin with my brain...
whether it's that or a sign of impending doom, we still got a couple more years to live so...
i'd like to take this moment to just comment on wad a super long post this is... i haven't been using this space as often as i'd like anymore but i still try~
And that i'm really hungry now and tired right now... can't really decided which to do first... will i doze off half way through my meal? or will i not be able to fall asleep on an empty stomach?
hmm, let me ponder over this more while i watch some youtube videos of Family Guy....
this is he, in his adorable little kiddy tram which i happily push through crowds of people, pretending we're a shotgun family and being amused at their judgmental stares.. which i thought was pretty funny~

we took him to the supermarket & an aquarium...

the kid stared at the pizza+fishes like it was the first time he's even seen them.. tsk, wad a noob~

after awhile, i felt like foolin around on a swing set so we went to this playground for a bit while young theodore went for a quick ride on the "what-cha-ma-call-it-shaky-thing"...

his shoe make silly noises when he walks, it's cool to just watch him run around picking up twigs & randomly touchin stuff :)
took him back home after gettin all dirty from the wet slides and rollin on floors for a quick bath and a change of clothes...
okay, so in my defence... he was lookin at me with his beautiful doe eyes and youthful innocences... i couldn't NOT let him have a Snack Pack now could i?!

met her friend & the 3 of us cabbed down to expo where they went for service & i went to the tech fair to find jess. Said good bye to the little tike & i chatted with jess for a bit before headin home...
the journey home was long and squishy from having the expo brimming with nerds from all across the land... the short bursts of rain didn't exactly smooth the journey home either... and this was mid day where the bus intervals took forever... so that experience was quite a bitch-_-
jess came over after work, we talked and chilled while waiting for the plane to arrive... i bought this woodcraft construction kit of the Eiffel Tower at the Koven Mall for just 2 bucks, pretty neat huh?

usually something like this takes about 10 mins to put together, but i took the time to smoothen all the edges and snip off any splinters so, i think i took about an hour and a half... but despite all that it still looks wobbly...
Hence, confirming i have absoultly no skill in ENGINEERING.

so anyway, this was the final product...

of to the shelf to be forgotten...

cabbed down to the airport at about 3am. the place was all shiny in preparation for the whole Christmas thing..

"cannot find one lah auntie..."

They came out shortly and we spotted him from afar pushin the little airport trolley with a haversack on his back... cabbed yet again to whitesands for mac breakfast and tea.

final cab home and facebook-ed for a bit before crashing.... slept for like 4 hours and woke up feelin cold and cranky from the sore throat and throbbing head....
past few days i've not been gettin enough sleep and eating shit like Manhatten Fish Market, McDonalds, Fried Wanton Noodles & Nasi Lemak.. not to mention the heaty tubs of Snack Packs...

last friday when i think my fever was at it's peak, i had a crazy nightmare whilst waking up from my nap... it was about all my friends getting killed or something and i was the only one left alive to fend for myself against... whatever threat that was out to get me... i was just running and running throught this dream and it just got me thinking that, maybe it's not a dream... maybe it's a prophecy of some kind and i just had a premonition of wad's gonna happen in 2012....
does anyone else have a dream like this?
maybe it's one of those deja vu things where everyone has the same dream and it turns out to be true~
or maybe it's just the fever fuckin with my brain...
whether it's that or a sign of impending doom, we still got a couple more years to live so...
i'd like to take this moment to just comment on wad a super long post this is... i haven't been using this space as often as i'd like anymore but i still try~
And that i'm really hungry now and tired right now... can't really decided which to do first... will i doze off half way through my meal? or will i not be able to fall asleep on an empty stomach?
hmm, let me ponder over this more while i watch some youtube videos of Family Guy....
Friday, November 13, 2009
one more time~
I was suppose to starve myself today to prepare my tummy for the awesome zhi char of a life time i'd be havin for tomoro's Road Trip to JB, but couldn't help it...
Bar chor mee + Western from Lavender near the immigration building after accompanying Winson to get his passport~
look at that man... dammmmn~

the Rain hindered most of our walking so we didn't really have much time to work with... decided to go to the "Guan Yin" temple to bai-bai...

my "Fortune Paper" i got from shaking-the-wishsticks-outta-the-round-container said...
"Glad tidings come from above. All of a sudden, treasures of Mt. Tai at your disposal. To inquire or marvel at this good news, best to proceed as many helpers are around."
-wadever that means...
but it says its a "Good" interpretation... so i guess thats cool~
tomoro's gonna be awesome... just hope the weather'll be kind and no one tries to stab us there~
until then, stay tuned...
Bar chor mee + Western from Lavender near the immigration building after accompanying Winson to get his passport~
look at that man... dammmmn~

the Rain hindered most of our walking so we didn't really have much time to work with... decided to go to the "Guan Yin" temple to bai-bai...

my "Fortune Paper" i got from shaking-the-wishsticks-outta-the-round-container said...
"Glad tidings come from above. All of a sudden, treasures of Mt. Tai at your disposal. To inquire or marvel at this good news, best to proceed as many helpers are around."
-wadever that means...
but it says its a "Good" interpretation... so i guess thats cool~
tomoro's gonna be awesome... just hope the weather'll be kind and no one tries to stab us there~
until then, stay tuned...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
holyyyyy shiiiitttt....
why didn't they figure this out sooner?!?!
and the website's just a mouth-watering display... two more days to having the Zhi Char of a lifetime with the Party Boyz... it's gonna be a blast and i'm gonna starve myself on friday just to prepare for it :)
why didn't they figure this out sooner?!?!
and the website's just a mouth-watering display... two more days to having the Zhi Char of a lifetime with the Party Boyz... it's gonna be a blast and i'm gonna starve myself on friday just to prepare for it :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Na-Nu Na-Nu~
i dunno if anyone noticed... but isn't the show "Cosmo & George" starring Gurmit Singh just a rip off of the 1978 show "Mork & Mindy"?
not only do they both have the same concept of using names in their titles... but the entire plot is the same, cept the one with Robin Williams in it is less lame~
And that actually counts for something seeing as how it was first shown in the 1970s where bell bottoms and Mullets where considered the 'beez kneez'~

anyway, back to real life....
spent the afternoon feedin bananas to the turtles and making them pee on themselves before tossing them back into the pond~ i had such a laugh when they started doing that, it was really the highlight of my day, besides ur morning text of course~
our yabbie's pregnant as well... she's been tending to her eggs for about a week or so now. We watched her fiddle with them for a bit before going back to torturing jH's catfish~
it kinda sucked that everyone else left while we stayed but at least we fooled around enough to keep us entertained throughout the day, which (might i add) was INSANELY HUMID AND SUFFOCATING~
yesterday as well...
i do NOT like the weather here, and apparently, the weather here doesn't like me either -_-
wadever man, im headin out for some CAKE, fuck u Global Warming~
oh & Jazrel, quit blog hoping when u know u've got homework to do :p
ps: i’m in love with your anxiety too~
among other things..
i dunno if anyone noticed... but isn't the show "Cosmo & George" starring Gurmit Singh just a rip off of the 1978 show "Mork & Mindy"?
not only do they both have the same concept of using names in their titles... but the entire plot is the same, cept the one with Robin Williams in it is less lame~

anyway, back to real life....
spent the afternoon feedin bananas to the turtles and making them pee on themselves before tossing them back into the pond~ i had such a laugh when they started doing that, it was really the highlight of my day, besides ur morning text of course~
our yabbie's pregnant as well... she's been tending to her eggs for about a week or so now. We watched her fiddle with them for a bit before going back to torturing jH's catfish~
it kinda sucked that everyone else left while we stayed but at least we fooled around enough to keep us entertained throughout the day, which (might i add) was INSANELY HUMID AND SUFFOCATING~
yesterday as well...
i do NOT like the weather here, and apparently, the weather here doesn't like me either -_-
wadever man, im headin out for some CAKE, fuck u Global Warming~
oh & Jazrel, quit blog hoping when u know u've got homework to do :p
ps: i’m in love with your anxiety too~
among other things..
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
cause i'll be coming over~
(*stood outside my corridor whilst enjoyed my second cig of the day.. it was remarkably windy~ i watched how fast the clouds above where moving and occasionally a flash from above would light up the sky for a few seconds and avert my attention for a bit... )
Spent about 20mins in the kitchen & was all done with marinating & seasoning the then frozen poultry when i realized there was no more rice left to cook.. had to call mom to buy food back instead which was quite disappointing since i was really keen on having a home cooked meal today~
(*the sky's starting to get darker and the breeze is wonderful... it made the tip of my fag glow with every gust, diminishing it even quicker... i wasn't bothered by it though~)
With the Officers not around in the morning, we took the speakers from the Conference Room and blasted 'Kings of Leon' & 'Hall & Oats' cause it was Retro night and anything goes on Retro Night~
(*grabbed a hand full of grapes from the fridge and went back outside for a little longer. Stood by the corridor door contemplating why Seasons happen everywhere else in the world but here. It would be nice if it snowed once in awhile... i wondered if it would be a chore to dawn winter wear every time before heading out. i might actually have derive some pleasure in the process...)
We've been planning a 'party boyz' trip to Lavender to try the "Best Bar Chor Mee in the World" & the Super Spicy "Hums" that sm keeps talkin about~
friday night? or maybe saturday, i dunno.. i might have school...
i might not....
(*i start to feel tired.. it's beautiful weather to fall asleep to~ i toss the seeds over the ledge & watched them fall beneath to the trees. I go back inside and shut the door behind...)
Spent about 20mins in the kitchen & was all done with marinating & seasoning the then frozen poultry when i realized there was no more rice left to cook.. had to call mom to buy food back instead which was quite disappointing since i was really keen on having a home cooked meal today~
(*the sky's starting to get darker and the breeze is wonderful... it made the tip of my fag glow with every gust, diminishing it even quicker... i wasn't bothered by it though~)
With the Officers not around in the morning, we took the speakers from the Conference Room and blasted 'Kings of Leon' & 'Hall & Oats' cause it was Retro night and anything goes on Retro Night~
(*grabbed a hand full of grapes from the fridge and went back outside for a little longer. Stood by the corridor door contemplating why Seasons happen everywhere else in the world but here. It would be nice if it snowed once in awhile... i wondered if it would be a chore to dawn winter wear every time before heading out. i might actually have derive some pleasure in the process...)
We've been planning a 'party boyz' trip to Lavender to try the "Best Bar Chor Mee in the World" & the Super Spicy "Hums" that sm keeps talkin about~
friday night? or maybe saturday, i dunno.. i might have school...
i might not....
(*i start to feel tired.. it's beautiful weather to fall asleep to~ i toss the seeds over the ledge & watched them fall beneath to the trees. I go back inside and shut the door behind...)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
someone like you~
had dinner at Din Tai Fong before catchin "Funny People" yesterday... it was rather draggy but a good show nontheless... can't go wrong with an Adam Sandler movie~

"funny people~"

Took my mom out for lunch at some Chinese Restaurant at Tampines. The waitress there spoke such pleasant Mandarin... i was more impressed than confused as she explained the "Soup of the Day" and all that stuff whilst taking our orders. Bravo~

met V at century square to get some stuff then headed to the library and borrowed a few "Sandman" novels for fun~ Had a Ciku Milkshake from one of the juice shacks nearby... it was weird, i shall not comment any further..
Annoyed his sister for a bit before headin home...
"really? are you REALLY studying?"

came home, went for a haircut, met the bff for dinner... she made mac & cheese for the first time and we ate it off Bugs Bunny plates & shared them with the baby cousins~

grandma's cooking is always super cause it's made with love~ i thought i was just gonna have a simple meal with her & chill for a bit. Ended up having chili crab too. So far the day just keeps getting better and better~

here's a lil 'before and after' pic...
this is before...

and this is after...

thats the cute cousin who looks at me funny every time i come over and runs away screaming whenever i poke him~

aftermath :)

Polymates where joy-riding near the east, called me along.... i complied~

headed to changi village for drinks.. hung out for a bit before they drove me home~

this was a rather spontaneous Sundays & i quite enjoyed myself today... looking forward to going back to flight tomoro. It's been a long time & i miss my mates in camp~
there's tons of cool movies coming out soon that i wanna watch.. 500 days of summer, Amelia, Julie And Julia, City Of Men to name a few~ hopefully i'll be about to watch all of them...
the weather's starting to act up again, all that global warming shit is really fuckin with the Ozone. Think the week's gonna pass pretty slowly, but at least i'll have a couple of things to look forward to when the weekends near...
i really hope your not weird in person~
not too weird at least :)
had dinner at Din Tai Fong before catchin "Funny People" yesterday... it was rather draggy but a good show nontheless... can't go wrong with an Adam Sandler movie~

"funny people~"

Took my mom out for lunch at some Chinese Restaurant at Tampines. The waitress there spoke such pleasant Mandarin... i was more impressed than confused as she explained the "Soup of the Day" and all that stuff whilst taking our orders. Bravo~

met V at century square to get some stuff then headed to the library and borrowed a few "Sandman" novels for fun~ Had a Ciku Milkshake from one of the juice shacks nearby... it was weird, i shall not comment any further..
Annoyed his sister for a bit before headin home...
"really? are you REALLY studying?"

came home, went for a haircut, met the bff for dinner... she made mac & cheese for the first time and we ate it off Bugs Bunny plates & shared them with the baby cousins~

grandma's cooking is always super cause it's made with love~ i thought i was just gonna have a simple meal with her & chill for a bit. Ended up having chili crab too. So far the day just keeps getting better and better~

here's a lil 'before and after' pic...
this is before...

and this is after...

thats the cute cousin who looks at me funny every time i come over and runs away screaming whenever i poke him~

aftermath :)

Polymates where joy-riding near the east, called me along.... i complied~

headed to changi village for drinks.. hung out for a bit before they drove me home~

this was a rather spontaneous Sundays & i quite enjoyed myself today... looking forward to going back to flight tomoro. It's been a long time & i miss my mates in camp~
there's tons of cool movies coming out soon that i wanna watch.. 500 days of summer, Amelia, Julie And Julia, City Of Men to name a few~ hopefully i'll be about to watch all of them...
the weather's starting to act up again, all that global warming shit is really fuckin with the Ozone. Think the week's gonna pass pretty slowly, but at least i'll have a couple of things to look forward to when the weekends near...
i really hope your not weird in person~
not too weird at least :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
*Knocks on the window...
Neighbours kid: "hello kor kor, can borrow ur PSP?"
me: "im sorry Danny, i sold it to a friend, i don't have it anymore~"
Neighbours kid: "Orrhh... can go inside your house to play?"
me: "not today, i gotta study..."
Neighbours Kid: "Kor Kor, can come play with us?"
me: "umm... well.... no, i gotta study -_-"
Neighbours kid: "Orrhh.. okay~"
*runs off...
ergo, imahorribleperson~
2 more papers to go...
im out of cigs and sugar for my tea~
Neighbours kid: "hello kor kor, can borrow ur PSP?"
me: "im sorry Danny, i sold it to a friend, i don't have it anymore~"
Neighbours kid: "Orrhh... can go inside your house to play?"
me: "not today, i gotta study..."
Neighbours Kid: "Kor Kor, can come play with us?"
me: "umm... well.... no, i gotta study -_-"
Neighbours kid: "Orrhh.. okay~"
*runs off...
ergo, imahorribleperson~
2 more papers to go...
im out of cigs and sugar for my tea~
Thursday, October 01, 2009
beanie babies~
i was this close to being late this morning cause i had some trouble with my ez-link card since i wanted to try my luck using the old one...
yeeahh, I'm one of those lazy people who didn't get their ez-links changed on time like their suppose to so don't judge me -_-
brought my books to camp & spent the first half of the day making notes and stuff~ At least i managed to squeeze a little mugging in the day so i won't feel so guilty later on~ i'm probably only like one/fifth done with my revision, and with only a few days till my 1st paper, it would be unwise of me to head out during the weekends... However, Ced insists i attend 'boy's night' this Saturday & tempts me with his 1-for-1 booze, so i'll just leave it pending~
this afternoon's antics were quite fun. We had a little 'Dukes of Hazard' episode up by the training grounds when no one was looking..
Forgive me but i must be vauge when it comes to disclosing my affairs in the RSAF, i mean... it's not like i can go right out and say how me and my friend, who's name may or may not have been jH, rode a certain vehicle down a certain slope at a certain speed which might or may not have been the appropriate thing to be doing but hey, that would be totally unprofessional of me, so i won't~
Back in the flight we fooled around with the fishes from the pond & took turns flippin the turtles over with the fishing net and playing real-life Left4Dead with a water bottles and some AC remote controllers...
Again, these things may or may not have happened... i'm being totally ambiguous about all this. U never know who's reading~
i've been snappin away at random pictures of food with my new 8mega pixel phone... i should really consider turning this into a food blog~ maybe it'll get more viewers that way...
is that wad people wanna see?
Pictures of my dinner?
you folks out there are soo weird...
yeeahh, I'm one of those lazy people who didn't get their ez-links changed on time like their suppose to so don't judge me -_-
brought my books to camp & spent the first half of the day making notes and stuff~ At least i managed to squeeze a little mugging in the day so i won't feel so guilty later on~ i'm probably only like one/fifth done with my revision, and with only a few days till my 1st paper, it would be unwise of me to head out during the weekends... However, Ced insists i attend 'boy's night' this Saturday & tempts me with his 1-for-1 booze, so i'll just leave it pending~
this afternoon's antics were quite fun. We had a little 'Dukes of Hazard' episode up by the training grounds when no one was looking..
Forgive me but i must be vauge when it comes to disclosing my affairs in the RSAF, i mean... it's not like i can go right out and say how me and my friend, who's name may or may not have been jH, rode a certain vehicle down a certain slope at a certain speed which might or may not have been the appropriate thing to be doing but hey, that would be totally unprofessional of me, so i won't~
Back in the flight we fooled around with the fishes from the pond & took turns flippin the turtles over with the fishing net and playing real-life Left4Dead with a water bottles and some AC remote controllers...
Again, these things may or may not have happened... i'm being totally ambiguous about all this. U never know who's reading~
i've been snappin away at random pictures of food with my new 8mega pixel phone... i should really consider turning this into a food blog~ maybe it'll get more viewers that way...
is that wad people wanna see?
Pictures of my dinner?
you folks out there are soo weird...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
something about us~
i haven't really had time to write a proper entry, I've been rather preoccupied over the last couple of weeks~ (i'll refrain from elaborating to spare u an essay long post...)
Figured with this being study week & all i'd get be able to get some time alone for myself but then came this thing with this 'cancer' pandemic so i've been turning in pretty early these past few nights, which only burns up time i most preciously need to read and review my lecture notes for the upcoming exams....
Camp today (although idle..) was rather fun. The waking-up process took a bit longer to ease into though... The scratching in my throat and the warmth from the night before where mainly to be blamed, but it got much more comfortable later in the day~
made myself tea and sipped it whilst reading the morning paper, occasionally dipping the butter biscuit & twinkie rolls i brought to camp that morning into my oOh soo sensual beverage~ The morning was pretty slow paced, but i had no complaints there...
During the early afternoon, we drove down to the Pass-Making Office which happened to pass by a large forested area much resembling that of an untamed country side, which i thoroughly enjoyed~ spent the remaining hours chillin with my friends, and having a great laugh whilst playing with matches and molesting each other out of boredom~
A chat about life out by the 'secret spot' opened my mind to certain thoughts bout my possible future.. of regrets and mistakes i'd hope to learn from, even though their not my own to make~
ate a couple of bananas and drank more tea, then headed home and made myself spagetti bolognese AND Carbonara for dinner. That's right, 2 flavors... and they were rather satisfying i might add~
My coughing has yet to cease, it isn't really wise of me to be smoking while in this frail state but i really can't be bothered~ besides, it's not like i'm on a 'one-pack a day' habit and i still don't consider myself a smoker...
so, yeaah~
i think tomoro would yield more fruitful activities but a part of me's hoping it won't so i could use the free time to heal... as of now i think i'd hit the books for a bit, at least until mom gets back from work or if it gets too late~
Hot to windy, rainy to cold~
God's seriously gotta make up his mind about the weather...
Figured with this being study week & all i'd get be able to get some time alone for myself but then came this thing with this 'cancer' pandemic so i've been turning in pretty early these past few nights, which only burns up time i most preciously need to read and review my lecture notes for the upcoming exams....
Camp today (although idle..) was rather fun. The waking-up process took a bit longer to ease into though... The scratching in my throat and the warmth from the night before where mainly to be blamed, but it got much more comfortable later in the day~
made myself tea and sipped it whilst reading the morning paper, occasionally dipping the butter biscuit & twinkie rolls i brought to camp that morning into my oOh soo sensual beverage~ The morning was pretty slow paced, but i had no complaints there...
During the early afternoon, we drove down to the Pass-Making Office which happened to pass by a large forested area much resembling that of an untamed country side, which i thoroughly enjoyed~ spent the remaining hours chillin with my friends, and having a great laugh whilst playing with matches and molesting each other out of boredom~
A chat about life out by the 'secret spot' opened my mind to certain thoughts bout my possible future.. of regrets and mistakes i'd hope to learn from, even though their not my own to make~
ate a couple of bananas and drank more tea, then headed home and made myself spagetti bolognese AND Carbonara for dinner. That's right, 2 flavors... and they were rather satisfying i might add~
My coughing has yet to cease, it isn't really wise of me to be smoking while in this frail state but i really can't be bothered~ besides, it's not like i'm on a 'one-pack a day' habit and i still don't consider myself a smoker...
so, yeaah~
i think tomoro would yield more fruitful activities but a part of me's hoping it won't so i could use the free time to heal... as of now i think i'd hit the books for a bit, at least until mom gets back from work or if it gets too late~
Hot to windy, rainy to cold~
God's seriously gotta make up his mind about the weather...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
spent the morning waiting at the clinic for my turn to come... was quarantined with all the fever patients cause of my 'flu-like' symptoms... had the mask on and everything. Didn't really go any faster despite of that~
got home and pretty much passed out from the meds... i've been drifting in and out of consciousness since then~ As of right this moment, i think I'm actually feeling better despite earlier discontent on only getting 1day MC~
Unfortunately, im still coughing like i've been smoking since 5yrs old so i could still die tomoro..
fuckin cancer...
got home and pretty much passed out from the meds... i've been drifting in and out of consciousness since then~ As of right this moment, i think I'm actually feeling better despite earlier discontent on only getting 1day MC~
Unfortunately, im still coughing like i've been smoking since 5yrs old so i could still die tomoro..
fuckin cancer...

Tuesday, September 08, 2009
not soo fine~
i'm having a horrible week...
Work and school's been just one big mess....
think the only thing i enjoyed bout the past few days was the hot chocolate my mom made last morning which took all my troubles away for that brief moment, and being able to finally watching "Schindler's List" on my itouch... great great movie~
a thousand times better than "i love you beth cooper" for sure. I swear, im never gonna watch stupid movies at the cinema ever again unless i know their gonna be good~
i'm praying for the weekends...
everything will be fine once i survive till friday~
timbre anyone?
Work and school's been just one big mess....
think the only thing i enjoyed bout the past few days was the hot chocolate my mom made last morning which took all my troubles away for that brief moment, and being able to finally watching "Schindler's List" on my itouch... great great movie~
a thousand times better than "i love you beth cooper" for sure. I swear, im never gonna watch stupid movies at the cinema ever again unless i know their gonna be good~
i'm praying for the weekends...
everything will be fine once i survive till friday~
timbre anyone?
Saturday, September 05, 2009
super duper~
shawn & i found 2 cartons of beer in the pantry fridge. it was ment for the 15th day of the ghost festival or something like that which was gonna be held later on in the evening~
they set up a table outside by the pond and there was chicken, duck, char siew, the whole nine yards and other assorted goodies along with all the paper money and cloth~
the sun went down and after praying and burning all the offerings we dug into the awesome feast & drank Tiger at the parking lot... it was like a picnic, we talked and laughed and held our beer cans high as we toasted to safety and good tidings to come... The food was great, the drinks aplenty. We were the best team there & we knew it, we were on top of the world~
i left for class feeling buzzed and warm from the booze... late as usual but i was quickly forgiven~ had an interesting photo shoot by the lifts after class and reached home with the intent to complete my Public Relations Essay but was just even more confused about wad i was suppose to do~
this pretty much carried on till the next day as i fumbled with a suitable topic to write about, from Health Care to Propaganda... my mind was all over the place~
superdog-ed with ivan before headin to Queens and had the the most amusing conversation with iqbal on the way back bout gay dudes and the hotness lvl of afros after headin to sheng song to scout for sport-aid prices with chris~
lizzy called a few mins after i got home to help with my essay. we talked into the night & after hearing all her insight i must say, a clearer picture's been painted for me. In light of that, i think i now know what i'm suppose to do & i can't thank her enough :)
woke up early this morning and had half of my sister's egg sandwich before attempting to continue with the paper but decided i'd blog abit first for the hell of it~
there's a can of Double Mocha Nescafe hidden at the back of the fridge i've been saving for the right occasion, think i'd need to use it today...
enjoy ur weekend folks~
they set up a table outside by the pond and there was chicken, duck, char siew, the whole nine yards and other assorted goodies along with all the paper money and cloth~
the sun went down and after praying and burning all the offerings we dug into the awesome feast & drank Tiger at the parking lot... it was like a picnic, we talked and laughed and held our beer cans high as we toasted to safety and good tidings to come... The food was great, the drinks aplenty. We were the best team there & we knew it, we were on top of the world~
i left for class feeling buzzed and warm from the booze... late as usual but i was quickly forgiven~ had an interesting photo shoot by the lifts after class and reached home with the intent to complete my Public Relations Essay but was just even more confused about wad i was suppose to do~
this pretty much carried on till the next day as i fumbled with a suitable topic to write about, from Health Care to Propaganda... my mind was all over the place~
superdog-ed with ivan before headin to Queens and had the the most amusing conversation with iqbal on the way back bout gay dudes and the hotness lvl of afros after headin to sheng song to scout for sport-aid prices with chris~
lizzy called a few mins after i got home to help with my essay. we talked into the night & after hearing all her insight i must say, a clearer picture's been painted for me. In light of that, i think i now know what i'm suppose to do & i can't thank her enough :)
woke up early this morning and had half of my sister's egg sandwich before attempting to continue with the paper but decided i'd blog abit first for the hell of it~
there's a can of Double Mocha Nescafe hidden at the back of the fridge i've been saving for the right occasion, think i'd need to use it today...
enjoy ur weekend folks~
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
i woke up really early this morning... had a rather violent dream which disrupted my slumber, but it wasn't scary or anything like that...
i could feel myself tossing around in bed for abit. First thought that came to my mind when i woke up was 'WTF' because it was a really nonsensical dream, i can't even remember wad it was about except that it was really weird and there was a Horse~
finished bathing and got dress before six so i stoned around the house abit... made tea and cut a slab of Pandan Swiss Roll from the fridge. It was nice having the time to have breakfast before heading out, usually i'd be rushing to work the moment i got outt've bed.
its nice to finally enjoy a morning before sunrise to myself~
popped by the mini-mart downstairs to grab some lemon drops before strolling over to the bus stop... it reached just as i arrived to board it~
i wasn't surprised to see it only had like 2 people inside...
"i'm early today.."
i kept tellin myself that.. or maybe it was everyone else who was late.... and we're all actually slaves to a race of machines livin' in a virtual world~
i reached the flight at 7.30am.
work was rather subjective, but i had fun hanging out with my friends. We got released early thanks to the great one's leadership & got home just before six feeling totally exhausted...
i really need to get my priorities straightened out... there's so much to do and although this morning started out great, the week's endeavors have only just began to emerge~
the days leading up to the October will be taxing but at least I've got something to look forward at the week's end :)
and thats all i have to say today so,
good night~
i could feel myself tossing around in bed for abit. First thought that came to my mind when i woke up was 'WTF' because it was a really nonsensical dream, i can't even remember wad it was about except that it was really weird and there was a Horse~
finished bathing and got dress before six so i stoned around the house abit... made tea and cut a slab of Pandan Swiss Roll from the fridge. It was nice having the time to have breakfast before heading out, usually i'd be rushing to work the moment i got outt've bed.
its nice to finally enjoy a morning before sunrise to myself~
popped by the mini-mart downstairs to grab some lemon drops before strolling over to the bus stop... it reached just as i arrived to board it~
i wasn't surprised to see it only had like 2 people inside...
"i'm early today.."
i kept tellin myself that.. or maybe it was everyone else who was late.... and we're all actually slaves to a race of machines livin' in a virtual world~
i reached the flight at 7.30am.
work was rather subjective, but i had fun hanging out with my friends. We got released early thanks to the great one's leadership & got home just before six feeling totally exhausted...
i really need to get my priorities straightened out... there's so much to do and although this morning started out great, the week's endeavors have only just began to emerge~
the days leading up to the October will be taxing but at least I've got something to look forward at the week's end :)
and thats all i have to say today so,
good night~
Monday, August 24, 2009
summer song~
i spent the morning sippin' tea & eating biscuits before hitting the books... i wasn't really thinking bout the workload, just more on my understanding of things. was trying to work smart this time round, didn't wanna repeat past mistakes if u know what i mean~
Made myself a sandwich for lunch... wholewheat on lettuce with cheese and turkey ham plus a heavy dose of Mustard, mild of course, never did fancy the hot stuff. Indulged in my Nicholas Sparks novel for a few chapters before leaving the rest for the evening~
the conversation last night, although short-lived was rather enjoyable. It's been awhile since i've spoken with a person that way....
guess that was something worth adding~
had a flash back of my field camp days for some reason... Lookin back on what i'd been through, i'd say the future don't look so scary anymore~
restocked my playlist with a whole new bunch of songs... i'm feeling quite ready for the week ahead...
the thought of that delighted me~
Made myself a sandwich for lunch... wholewheat on lettuce with cheese and turkey ham plus a heavy dose of Mustard, mild of course, never did fancy the hot stuff. Indulged in my Nicholas Sparks novel for a few chapters before leaving the rest for the evening~
the conversation last night, although short-lived was rather enjoyable. It's been awhile since i've spoken with a person that way....
guess that was something worth adding~
had a flash back of my field camp days for some reason... Lookin back on what i'd been through, i'd say the future don't look so scary anymore~
restocked my playlist with a whole new bunch of songs... i'm feeling quite ready for the week ahead...
the thought of that delighted me~
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
bye bye, Blackbird~
balancing school and work is starting to take it's toll... I've been showing up late for work one too many times and it's getting annoying~ My mornings are getting mentally agonizing and Eden for taking my i-touch earphones the other day did not help in the transition...
today's the only day since last week that i've come home and not headed straight to the bed. i found the time to watch some television and blog for a bit... im at the last two chapters of the "WATCHMEN" novel so im gonna resume to that in a bit...
been doing alot of reading these days, maybe it's the whole 'going-back-to-school' thing that's making reading fun again, i'm enjoying the habit~
in these recent weeks i somehow feel quite contented with how everything's going... i like being kept busy, i like how i'm meeting alot of new people & learning alot in school... I like how although i pull plenty of stunts in camp & often get on their nerves, my mates still have my back~
it's a pity there wasn't much pictures taken during the days leading up to my birthday.. but here's a video the best friend (whom i've not been spending much time with recently & im sorry for that) took of me at her place some weeks ago... i think it's pretty funny~
PS: i thought Public Enemies was cool, why's does everyone keep complaining about it?
i'd totally be gay for Johnny Depp~
well, not really....
today's the only day since last week that i've come home and not headed straight to the bed. i found the time to watch some television and blog for a bit... im at the last two chapters of the "WATCHMEN" novel so im gonna resume to that in a bit...
been doing alot of reading these days, maybe it's the whole 'going-back-to-school' thing that's making reading fun again, i'm enjoying the habit~
in these recent weeks i somehow feel quite contented with how everything's going... i like being kept busy, i like how i'm meeting alot of new people & learning alot in school... I like how although i pull plenty of stunts in camp & often get on their nerves, my mates still have my back~
it's a pity there wasn't much pictures taken during the days leading up to my birthday.. but here's a video the best friend (whom i've not been spending much time with recently & im sorry for that) took of me at her place some weeks ago... i think it's pretty funny~
PS: i thought Public Enemies was cool, why's does everyone keep complaining about it?
i'd totally be gay for Johnny Depp~
well, not really....
Friday, July 24, 2009
im loving the morning's weather for accommodating with me on this day of days, there isn't a finer morning one could have the luck of waking up to :)
i spent the time watching all the previous episodes of Prison Break that i had missed out over the past few weeks and did some reading by the open door...
the guys bought me cake yesterday and fed all of it to my face... we never even got to eat any of it which was such a pity seeing as how im sure it would've tasted swell~ clean up was a bitch but i had fun. With friends like them there's no needs for enemies really :)
party tonight, after party tomoro night~
no rest for the weary :p
i spent the time watching all the previous episodes of Prison Break that i had missed out over the past few weeks and did some reading by the open door...
the guys bought me cake yesterday and fed all of it to my face... we never even got to eat any of it which was such a pity seeing as how im sure it would've tasted swell~ clean up was a bitch but i had fun. With friends like them there's no needs for enemies really :)
party tonight, after party tomoro night~
no rest for the weary :p
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
today's suppose to be the solar eclipse of the sun by the moon or something like tat, but the rain pretty much ruined most of it... talk about cosmic irony~
everyone huddled around the tv to watch the live telecast of it on channel U, but it was just a bunch of reporters interviewing scientists and random pedestrians, like we give a shit bout all that.. just show us the bleedin eclipse already~
i didn't stay long enough to see if they actually did...
weather was nice and cool though~
aside from the fact that M** got H1N1 and everyone's freakin out bout whether or not we're gonna get locked up... everything's just dandy~ my first day of school the other day was awesome, it was a journalism class & it was super interesting, i was really intrigued.
the sudden stimulation has sparked a reading frenzy in me... i'm constantly lookin out for new reading material- mags, newspapers, books, texts, etc.
went to the library and got a book bout the Holocaust... kinda retrospective for the likely hood of impending Doom judging by how everything in the world's fallin apart~
Hmmm.... better stock up on Cheetos~
everyone huddled around the tv to watch the live telecast of it on channel U, but it was just a bunch of reporters interviewing scientists and random pedestrians, like we give a shit bout all that.. just show us the bleedin eclipse already~
i didn't stay long enough to see if they actually did...
weather was nice and cool though~
aside from the fact that M** got H1N1 and everyone's freakin out bout whether or not we're gonna get locked up... everything's just dandy~ my first day of school the other day was awesome, it was a journalism class & it was super interesting, i was really intrigued.
the sudden stimulation has sparked a reading frenzy in me... i'm constantly lookin out for new reading material- mags, newspapers, books, texts, etc.
went to the library and got a book bout the Holocaust... kinda retrospective for the likely hood of impending Doom judging by how everything in the world's fallin apart~
Hmmm.... better stock up on Cheetos~

Sunday, July 19, 2009
love like a sunset~
the one thing i can say about how my weekend went was that even though for the most parts of it i was totally wasted and judgment impaired, i still remember having an incredible time~
i thought Friday night's escapades were bad enough with the strange incident with "Creepy Old Guy" and animal psychology 101... but then come Saturday night's shenanigans which was no.2 on my list of alcoholic endeavours we don't talk about... the first one being the night of the Pineapple Malibu~
we don't talk about that night anymore...
my throat feels like shit, i've been speaking with a low gruff all day and did nothing to contain my bedhead~ taking into consideration how god's decided to make the weather today gentle, hot tea and a good movie is all i need right now to rejuvenate from the week's adventures~
i've been downloading tons of chick flicks & now my heart's all mushy from watching Sleepless in Seattle which has renewed my confidence in destiny's clasp on love~
im sure i'll get around to being cynical again in a few days time...
so, just shut up and let me be~
i thought Friday night's escapades were bad enough with the strange incident with "Creepy Old Guy" and animal psychology 101... but then come Saturday night's shenanigans which was no.2 on my list of alcoholic endeavours we don't talk about... the first one being the night of the Pineapple Malibu~
we don't talk about that night anymore...
my throat feels like shit, i've been speaking with a low gruff all day and did nothing to contain my bedhead~ taking into consideration how god's decided to make the weather today gentle, hot tea and a good movie is all i need right now to rejuvenate from the week's adventures~
i've been downloading tons of chick flicks & now my heart's all mushy from watching Sleepless in Seattle which has renewed my confidence in destiny's clasp on love~
im sure i'll get around to being cynical again in a few days time...
so, just shut up and let me be~
Monday, July 13, 2009
a thursday night in july~
this month's been full of surprises. i find myself constantly occupied with things to do. For the first few days i was hardly at the computer as much and i quite enjoyed the feeling. I should try & make this more of a habit...
In the times that i'm free i read. Even in the times when i'm not suppose to which is most aggravating to my peers. It just takes one good book to put the fun (not to mention momentum) back into reading again, kudos to that~
Aside from the dreams of death my mom and Winson's been having of me and the mysterious blue sex-ball floating around in the pond, camp's been cool. Our first ever Night Training acouple of days ago was a hoot, but damn was i exhausted.... i blame my fatigue on the frequent binging of the packets of "MAMEE" and "Chicken Rings" in our pantry. Their fucking MSG Bombs but damn do they taste gooood~
i've got quite a hand full of places to go to this weekend and i'm hoping to attend them all if i can. Sometimes i wish cars weren't so unaffordable. Or maybe hurry up and discover the science behind teleportation, im sure that'll soon make roads obsolete.
It's the 21st century after all, you'd figure this kinda stuff would have been invented by now. The world's moving faster now, only fair people learn to catch up to it...

in more ways than one~
this month's been full of surprises. i find myself constantly occupied with things to do. For the first few days i was hardly at the computer as much and i quite enjoyed the feeling. I should try & make this more of a habit...
In the times that i'm free i read. Even in the times when i'm not suppose to which is most aggravating to my peers. It just takes one good book to put the fun (not to mention momentum) back into reading again, kudos to that~
Aside from the dreams of death my mom and Winson's been having of me and the mysterious blue sex-ball floating around in the pond, camp's been cool. Our first ever Night Training acouple of days ago was a hoot, but damn was i exhausted.... i blame my fatigue on the frequent binging of the packets of "MAMEE" and "Chicken Rings" in our pantry. Their fucking MSG Bombs but damn do they taste gooood~
i've got quite a hand full of places to go to this weekend and i'm hoping to attend them all if i can. Sometimes i wish cars weren't so unaffordable. Or maybe hurry up and discover the science behind teleportation, im sure that'll soon make roads obsolete.
It's the 21st century after all, you'd figure this kinda stuff would have been invented by now. The world's moving faster now, only fair people learn to catch up to it...

in more ways than one~
Sunday, July 05, 2009
2 steps forward, 1 step back~
the Email finally came to announce our way overdue promotion from Private to Lance Corporal after being in the Army for more than a year now. We were supposed to be LCP since May but due to whatever processing delay, we only got it 2 mths later...
better late than never i suppose~
Went to my 10 year high school anniversary dinner 2 nights ago with a few of my old classmates. It's been a long time since i've set foot on the school grounds, lot of memories.. mostly bad ones, but that was a long time ago lol~
met acouple of my old teachers, non of them could recognize me anymore... i was incredibly low profile back then so im not surprized. Food was mediocre, the dinner shows were lame and i wasn't really paying attention to any of it to begin with... it was cool just to hang out with my friends i suppose, it didn't have to be over dinner at a formal event like this~
Made the final preparations for my studies yesterday. All i have to do now is just show up for class in 2 weeks time~ i was feeling bold & took 3 modules for the upcoming semester...
-Journalism & News Broadcasting
-Public Relations
i'm definitely syched about it :)
headed over to Delphi to get my portfolio and stayed for some financial talk bout saving money and all that. it was okay, i thought it would be ment more for like "working class adults" but it was rather general, think young adults would have been able to relate to it as well, so yeah~
left town and headed to Tampines to meet V & had my first meal of the day at Carl Jr. before catching Revenge of the Fallen. Alot of people said it was awesome but most of them, knowing how my taste in movies depends mostly on plot and dialogue, said i might not enjoy it as much since it was just riddled with tons of CGI-ed fight scenes & very little character development...
so i kept an open mind... somehow i didn't think i would walk away from a Transformers movie cursing and swearing...
when i saw Optimus Prime drop of from the Helicopter and transform in slow motion i couldn't help but giggle like an 8 year old boy... i think the plot of alright, for a movie bout Alien Robots invading earth, it doesn't have to be so realistic~
Loads of fight scenes of both the Robot & Human kind... i think the movie was kinda showing off how advance the U.S. military is with their airships and submarines etc. there was a subtle "don't fuck with America" message in the whole thing, maybe u caught it as well~ lol
the other annoying thing bout the show was how it kept playing "21 Guns" & "New Divide" over and over again... their nice song & all but a lil variety would be nice~
overall the movie wasn't great or anything like that... but the fight scenes were rather epic. It failed to leave an impression on me but it took me on a journey and that's the next best thing a movie can give :)
u can't go wrong with a Transformers movie lah~
Lastly, i'd like to wish a bunch of my friends born in July a happy 21st/22nd Birthday...
Every time u celebrate ur bday, u celebrate mine as well cause my bday's everyday and don't u forget it :)
better late than never i suppose~
Went to my 10 year high school anniversary dinner 2 nights ago with a few of my old classmates. It's been a long time since i've set foot on the school grounds, lot of memories.. mostly bad ones, but that was a long time ago lol~
met acouple of my old teachers, non of them could recognize me anymore... i was incredibly low profile back then so im not surprized. Food was mediocre, the dinner shows were lame and i wasn't really paying attention to any of it to begin with... it was cool just to hang out with my friends i suppose, it didn't have to be over dinner at a formal event like this~
Made the final preparations for my studies yesterday. All i have to do now is just show up for class in 2 weeks time~ i was feeling bold & took 3 modules for the upcoming semester...
-Journalism & News Broadcasting
-Public Relations
i'm definitely syched about it :)
headed over to Delphi to get my portfolio and stayed for some financial talk bout saving money and all that. it was okay, i thought it would be ment more for like "working class adults" but it was rather general, think young adults would have been able to relate to it as well, so yeah~
left town and headed to Tampines to meet V & had my first meal of the day at Carl Jr. before catching Revenge of the Fallen. Alot of people said it was awesome but most of them, knowing how my taste in movies depends mostly on plot and dialogue, said i might not enjoy it as much since it was just riddled with tons of CGI-ed fight scenes & very little character development...
so i kept an open mind... somehow i didn't think i would walk away from a Transformers movie cursing and swearing...
when i saw Optimus Prime drop of from the Helicopter and transform in slow motion i couldn't help but giggle like an 8 year old boy... i think the plot of alright, for a movie bout Alien Robots invading earth, it doesn't have to be so realistic~
Loads of fight scenes of both the Robot & Human kind... i think the movie was kinda showing off how advance the U.S. military is with their airships and submarines etc. there was a subtle "don't fuck with America" message in the whole thing, maybe u caught it as well~ lol
the other annoying thing bout the show was how it kept playing "21 Guns" & "New Divide" over and over again... their nice song & all but a lil variety would be nice~
overall the movie wasn't great or anything like that... but the fight scenes were rather epic. It failed to leave an impression on me but it took me on a journey and that's the next best thing a movie can give :)
u can't go wrong with a Transformers movie lah~
Lastly, i'd like to wish a bunch of my friends born in July a happy 21st/22nd Birthday...
Every time u celebrate ur bday, u celebrate mine as well cause my bday's everyday and don't u forget it :)
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
i sing you to me~
the start of the day,
for me...
begins once the music starts to play~
before i even put on my shoes, my earphones are dawned first. After taking a moment to scroll through the tracks... once the music starts, thats when the day can begin~
hello July!
Great things await me this month~
i look forward to the events that shall derive from it :)
a month that has brought rain to this humid land, and perhaps a little hope to new beginnings. Tons of birthdays to be celebrated in the upcomming weeks, not to mention my own. i have at least 7 parties to attend lol. "Woe is me" to have to decide which i friend i must forfeit seeing as how i can't possibly attend them all.
i spent most of the time in the Ops Room reading to Winson the "Macabre tales of Singapore and Malaysia in the 50's" aloud... it was this random Ghost storybook he'd randomly found and brought to the flight.
The pages were fallin out...
its illustrations substandard...
it was written by some Malayan Journalist named Othman Wok in the 50's and was published later by his eldest daughter in 1991. (so says the Preface...)
the stories where rather tame, not the least bit gruesome but fun to recite surprisingly. The language written was comparable to that of a high school student well-versed in his primary tongue. It lacks certain imagination & depth but to be fair, it was "old school" horror so much shouldn't be expected~
i finally finished watching "Australia" on my itouch after having uploaded it like a week ago. The landscape was like another character all by itself, not bad at all~ i quite liked the accents of Huge Jackman and Nicole Kidman in the movie too.
Couple of people died, which was sad, but understandable. Overall a well-to-do show, not exactly mind-blowing, but it did tickle my emotions just a bit...
Not a bad way to spend three hours :)
"Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be..."
for me...
begins once the music starts to play~
before i even put on my shoes, my earphones are dawned first. After taking a moment to scroll through the tracks... once the music starts, thats when the day can begin~
hello July!
Great things await me this month~
i look forward to the events that shall derive from it :)
a month that has brought rain to this humid land, and perhaps a little hope to new beginnings. Tons of birthdays to be celebrated in the upcomming weeks, not to mention my own. i have at least 7 parties to attend lol. "Woe is me" to have to decide which i friend i must forfeit seeing as how i can't possibly attend them all.
i spent most of the time in the Ops Room reading to Winson the "Macabre tales of Singapore and Malaysia in the 50's" aloud... it was this random Ghost storybook he'd randomly found and brought to the flight.
The pages were fallin out...
its illustrations substandard...
it was written by some Malayan Journalist named Othman Wok in the 50's and was published later by his eldest daughter in 1991. (so says the Preface...)
the stories where rather tame, not the least bit gruesome but fun to recite surprisingly. The language written was comparable to that of a high school student well-versed in his primary tongue. It lacks certain imagination & depth but to be fair, it was "old school" horror so much shouldn't be expected~
i finally finished watching "Australia" on my itouch after having uploaded it like a week ago. The landscape was like another character all by itself, not bad at all~ i quite liked the accents of Huge Jackman and Nicole Kidman in the movie too.
Couple of people died, which was sad, but understandable. Overall a well-to-do show, not exactly mind-blowing, but it did tickle my emotions just a bit...
Not a bad way to spend three hours :)
"Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be..."
Monday, June 29, 2009
english summer rain~
i hope u had a good weekend.
met up with ced & jess for dinner last saturday, i haven't met them for awhile now so it was nice seeing them again. Went for dinner at this Japanese Marche-type Restaurant at the basement of Heeren.
not too bad.. the price was "Okay" for food that was "alright". Never was a fan of Jap food, i'd usually just end up eating their "Western" meals there anyway. But i guess it was partially the company which set the tone...
bounced to Starbucks for a drink and talked till it got late~
but i think the highlight of my weekend was seeing Karen again :)
seventeen years is a long time and our trip to the café was much overdue. Drove to this neat place at Dempsey called "Jones the Grocer". It had this industrial looking, warehouse look with it's high ceilings and cement floor, lots of steel too... one would expect the glaring silver to make the place feel clinical and cold, but the reality was quite the contrary~
we sat down outside by the curve and re-introduced ourselves all over again... like meeting a new friend you've already met before, if that makes sense. It was really fun reminiscing and sharing each other's different memories from the past... we talked and talked till she had to go off to meet her mom~
i had a great time~
met Fazil about an hour after i got home for an evening run by the shore... weather's super sticky.. even in at night~ damn nuclear powerplants fuckin up the atmosphere... we're all gonna get cancer and die from it one day, i swear~
and that pretty much concludes my awesome weekend...
why aren't they showing "State of Play" in the movies anymore?! the fuck am i gonna do for tomoro now-_-
today's weather at the end was great... in addition to that, mother bought spam for tomorrow's breakfast.
im feeling really super :)
i hope u had a good weekend.
met up with ced & jess for dinner last saturday, i haven't met them for awhile now so it was nice seeing them again. Went for dinner at this Japanese Marche-type Restaurant at the basement of Heeren.
not too bad.. the price was "Okay" for food that was "alright". Never was a fan of Jap food, i'd usually just end up eating their "Western" meals there anyway. But i guess it was partially the company which set the tone...
bounced to Starbucks for a drink and talked till it got late~
but i think the highlight of my weekend was seeing Karen again :)
seventeen years is a long time and our trip to the café was much overdue. Drove to this neat place at Dempsey called "Jones the Grocer". It had this industrial looking, warehouse look with it's high ceilings and cement floor, lots of steel too... one would expect the glaring silver to make the place feel clinical and cold, but the reality was quite the contrary~
we sat down outside by the curve and re-introduced ourselves all over again... like meeting a new friend you've already met before, if that makes sense. It was really fun reminiscing and sharing each other's different memories from the past... we talked and talked till she had to go off to meet her mom~
i had a great time~
met Fazil about an hour after i got home for an evening run by the shore... weather's super sticky.. even in at night~ damn nuclear powerplants fuckin up the atmosphere... we're all gonna get cancer and die from it one day, i swear~
and that pretty much concludes my awesome weekend...
why aren't they showing "State of Play" in the movies anymore?! the fuck am i gonna do for tomoro now-_-
today's weather at the end was great... in addition to that, mother bought spam for tomorrow's breakfast.
im feeling really super :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
before and after~
summer's been showing it's warm and sticky side these past few days... but that's okay, as long as it brings along a good storm~ i got my Confirmation letter to college today, been waiting for that letter since monday. Most probably headin down next week to finalize everything, course selection etc~
in relation to that, here are 10 jobs (in no particular order) i'd love to have in the future should god decide to grant me the fortune of obtaining any of these positions...
1. Travel Lifestyle Journalist
2. A Presenter on "Lonely Planet"
3. Host my own show on the Travel Channel
4. Cultural Anthropologist
5. Novel Writer
6. Freelance writer of travel and personal interest.
7. Food Critic
8. Wine Merchant
9. Have my own article column in TIME magazine
10. Correspondent for National Geographic
i doubt im even qualified for any of them to be honest, but im trying to see them as potential goals in which to strive for and not just a personal wish-list to be taken for granted~ contrary to the wine merchant thing of course, thats more of a retirement investment :p
im in desperate need of a camera or at least some kind of image capturing alternative, like a really good cellphone that takes pictures :) my blog needs something more appealing to look at other than a bunch of words & "copy n' paste"-es of stuff i get from the internet...
nothing too fancy either, just a simple digital camera with video functions oughta do, too many buttons would just confuse me anyway... all u need is the zoom functions and the snap + record button and we're all set for a day of shooting hahaha :)
last night was one of the most nostalgic nights i've ever had... i found an old old OLD friend through the wonders of the internet and we made plans to meet this Sunday for coffee~
i still remember the blissful fun times we had as kids~
that was 17 years ago...
pretty magical ain't it :)
The King of Pop passed away this morning... i never knew him, but i owned a couple of his CDs back in the day... or rather cassettes tapes~
u will be missed...
have a nice weekend.
i know i will~
in relation to that, here are 10 jobs (in no particular order) i'd love to have in the future should god decide to grant me the fortune of obtaining any of these positions...
1. Travel Lifestyle Journalist
2. A Presenter on "Lonely Planet"
3. Host my own show on the Travel Channel
4. Cultural Anthropologist
5. Novel Writer
6. Freelance writer of travel and personal interest.
7. Food Critic
8. Wine Merchant
9. Have my own article column in TIME magazine
10. Correspondent for National Geographic
i doubt im even qualified for any of them to be honest, but im trying to see them as potential goals in which to strive for and not just a personal wish-list to be taken for granted~ contrary to the wine merchant thing of course, thats more of a retirement investment :p
im in desperate need of a camera or at least some kind of image capturing alternative, like a really good cellphone that takes pictures :) my blog needs something more appealing to look at other than a bunch of words & "copy n' paste"-es of stuff i get from the internet...
nothing too fancy either, just a simple digital camera with video functions oughta do, too many buttons would just confuse me anyway... all u need is the zoom functions and the snap + record button and we're all set for a day of shooting hahaha :)
last night was one of the most nostalgic nights i've ever had... i found an old old OLD friend through the wonders of the internet and we made plans to meet this Sunday for coffee~
i still remember the blissful fun times we had as kids~
that was 17 years ago...
pretty magical ain't it :)
The King of Pop passed away this morning... i never knew him, but i owned a couple of his CDs back in the day... or rather cassettes tapes~
u will be missed...
have a nice weekend.
i know i will~
Sunday, June 21, 2009
man, my drinking skills have seriously decreased over the months... not that it's been extraordinary or anything like that in the 1st place, but at least it took me a few drinks before i got tipsy....
spam & eggs for breakfast then headed to Plaza Sing in the afternoon.... met up with mel and walked + talked from dhoby to far east then bugis and back to town again.
had a good ol' fashion burger for dinner before headin home... made plans to go timbre next friday so at least i'll have sometime to look forward to during the weekdays~
think if i buy a mahjong table you people will wanna come my house to play?
i feel like drinking bandung sial~
spam & eggs for breakfast then headed to Plaza Sing in the afternoon.... met up with mel and walked + talked from dhoby to far east then bugis and back to town again.
had a good ol' fashion burger for dinner before headin home... made plans to go timbre next friday so at least i'll have sometime to look forward to during the weekdays~
think if i buy a mahjong table you people will wanna come my house to play?
i feel like drinking bandung sial~
Saturday, June 20, 2009
there was nothin to watch on tv so i popped in the "Mama Mia" DVD while havin lunch and occasionally i'd pause from eating and cringe as the characters broke into song and dance like a weird fusion of Western Bollywood-ism....
i never understood musicals, it just lacks realism but the show had alot of physical expression i guess... then my dvd player started jerkin the picture so i just turned it off and went to do my chores~
later on i got hungry again but i'd already finish all the bacon the day before, there were these little bottles of salted pickles and spicy fermented tofu cubes in the fridge... (u know the kind u eat with porridge?)
so i grabbed a pot and tossed in some rice... etc~
i think its the 1st time i've ever cooked porridge so, i just stood by the stove and kept stirring to since i didn't know how long it'd be done~
so err, 20 mins later it was done and i had the weirdest self-made "snack" of porridge and pickled vegetables at 4 in the afternoon....
ok well, headin out now so... yeah... super weird day, tats all im saying~
i never understood musicals, it just lacks realism but the show had alot of physical expression i guess... then my dvd player started jerkin the picture so i just turned it off and went to do my chores~
later on i got hungry again but i'd already finish all the bacon the day before, there were these little bottles of salted pickles and spicy fermented tofu cubes in the fridge... (u know the kind u eat with porridge?)
so i grabbed a pot and tossed in some rice... etc~
i think its the 1st time i've ever cooked porridge so, i just stood by the stove and kept stirring to since i didn't know how long it'd be done~
so err, 20 mins later it was done and i had the weirdest self-made "snack" of porridge and pickled vegetables at 4 in the afternoon....
ok well, headin out now so... yeah... super weird day, tats all im saying~
magic moments with martyrdom~
drove down to Far East last night with an old friend of mine to meet this tattoo artist for a consult on how to cover up the "eccentric" design on my back~ he suggested some ideas to me which i was quite fond of, but.. to cover up everything would take alot of work, alot of money, and a whole lot of pain~
im gonna end up with an entire back piece... tats pretty intimidating, even for me~ he tells me its gonna cost, at the very least, 2-3k which is practically impossible for me to conjure up since im onli gettin a measly 400 bucks a mth -_-
and even if i somehow struck the lottery and had tat amount of cash, its gonna take btw 7-10 sessions... each session being probably 3-4 hours long... all of which, most likely to hurt immensely :(
but i really want it done, guess i'd just gotta start savin i suppose~ it's only a matter of time~
took Leave today from work to go down to Dhoby to register for my school. im totally psyched about it, can't wait :) met R later to watch "i love you, man"... tat movie's totally hilarious!! its witty and funny and quite different from other "chick-flicks"... though i wouldn't really categorize it as one~
but nontheless...
its a really sweet film and i give it a whooping 8.5 outt've 10.
woo hoo~
went to Blue Urban later with cas for a bite and chatted for a bit... haven't seen her in a while so yeah, it was cool... can't believe she's flying off to aussie for 5 mths~
everyone around me's going off to some foreign country for mths on end & im still stuck here to cook in this unrelenting humidity that constantly surrounds this damn island-_-
runway cycling this sunday.... i hope they don't call us back for it, i've already made plans -_-
and now im off to bed~
im gonna end up with an entire back piece... tats pretty intimidating, even for me~ he tells me its gonna cost, at the very least, 2-3k which is practically impossible for me to conjure up since im onli gettin a measly 400 bucks a mth -_-
and even if i somehow struck the lottery and had tat amount of cash, its gonna take btw 7-10 sessions... each session being probably 3-4 hours long... all of which, most likely to hurt immensely :(
but i really want it done, guess i'd just gotta start savin i suppose~ it's only a matter of time~
took Leave today from work to go down to Dhoby to register for my school. im totally psyched about it, can't wait :) met R later to watch "i love you, man"... tat movie's totally hilarious!! its witty and funny and quite different from other "chick-flicks"... though i wouldn't really categorize it as one~
but nontheless...
its a really sweet film and i give it a whooping 8.5 outt've 10.
woo hoo~
went to Blue Urban later with cas for a bite and chatted for a bit... haven't seen her in a while so yeah, it was cool... can't believe she's flying off to aussie for 5 mths~
everyone around me's going off to some foreign country for mths on end & im still stuck here to cook in this unrelenting humidity that constantly surrounds this damn island-_-
runway cycling this sunday.... i hope they don't call us back for it, i've already made plans -_-
and now im off to bed~
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
above the rest~
we got our new seaweed uniform today... looks like shit but feels really light and soft to the touch~ brings back alot of memories bout my days in tekong. The prestige still goes on too.. people still raise an eyebrow when u reveal u were from Ninja Company~
doubt i'd be wearing it anytime soon though... Air Force Personel much prefer the colour blue...
school's starting, can't wait.. be good and wish me luck~
over and out..
doubt i'd be wearing it anytime soon though... Air Force Personel much prefer the colour blue...
school's starting, can't wait.. be good and wish me luck~
over and out..
Saturday, June 13, 2009
short stories~
yesterday's impromptu trip to Vivocity was quite delightful~ the walkin around took my mind of certain things which i felt had been hovering in my thoughts for far too long...
there was this event going on in the middle of the place which featured foreign designers sellin their wears at a nifty price. Bought a cool vintage tee for only $15 bucks there... so i was quite content :)
caught "The Taking of Pelham 123" at GV, not a bad movie at all.. very "New York City" if u know wad i mean... i give it an 8 out of 10~
i went to the library this morning...
i spent a long time lookin at all the different books and deciding which of them were worth my time to even, so much as open the first page... i take ages to choose a book i really like.
But i seldom read story books, im more of a reference reader if u will.. history, cookbooks, literature, tat sort of thing~
so like, after an hour or so, i finally choose these elite few which i'm carrying in my hand and i walk over to the do-it-yourself machine thingy and realized that, oh shit, i forgot to bring my wallet.
so there i was, after browsing at all the many books having finally chosen the few which i wanted and theres no way for me to check them out~
so i was like fuck it and just go home... hid the books somewhere near the Chinese section. Figured no one would go lookin for them there since most of the librarians were malay..
i got home and there was my wallet on my dresser where i had left it the night before when i realized, "hey..." i don't have an IC to borrow books with... i need to use my EZ link. which i've already been carrying around with me the whole time~
"fuck me..."
headed down to Bugis later that day for dinner then walked around Junction and Street hoping to find some good bargins..... found none~
bounced to Haji but found nothing there as well... as much as i have great faith in the "walking-around-aimlessly-in-hopes-something-cool-will-reveal-itself" phenomenon, it was starting to look futile~
we made a final attempt to go to check out the Iluma. Didn't think there was anything special in there to begin with but found this neat store with cool Tees going at a cheap rate.
u gotta luve the great sg sale man... bought 3 shirts from there and thanked the cute sales girl as we headed home with great satisfaction :)
it's not just girls, guys feel happy too when we shop~
im missin my mates from Ninja... its our 1 year anniversary and we gotta party like its 1987...
there was this event going on in the middle of the place which featured foreign designers sellin their wears at a nifty price. Bought a cool vintage tee for only $15 bucks there... so i was quite content :)
caught "The Taking of Pelham 123" at GV, not a bad movie at all.. very "New York City" if u know wad i mean... i give it an 8 out of 10~
i went to the library this morning...
i spent a long time lookin at all the different books and deciding which of them were worth my time to even, so much as open the first page... i take ages to choose a book i really like.
But i seldom read story books, im more of a reference reader if u will.. history, cookbooks, literature, tat sort of thing~
so like, after an hour or so, i finally choose these elite few which i'm carrying in my hand and i walk over to the do-it-yourself machine thingy and realized that, oh shit, i forgot to bring my wallet.
so there i was, after browsing at all the many books having finally chosen the few which i wanted and theres no way for me to check them out~
so i was like fuck it and just go home... hid the books somewhere near the Chinese section. Figured no one would go lookin for them there since most of the librarians were malay..
i got home and there was my wallet on my dresser where i had left it the night before when i realized, "hey..." i don't have an IC to borrow books with... i need to use my EZ link. which i've already been carrying around with me the whole time~
"fuck me..."
headed down to Bugis later that day for dinner then walked around Junction and Street hoping to find some good bargins..... found none~
bounced to Haji but found nothing there as well... as much as i have great faith in the "walking-around-aimlessly-in-hopes-something-cool-will-reveal-itself" phenomenon, it was starting to look futile~
we made a final attempt to go to check out the Iluma. Didn't think there was anything special in there to begin with but found this neat store with cool Tees going at a cheap rate.
u gotta luve the great sg sale man... bought 3 shirts from there and thanked the cute sales girl as we headed home with great satisfaction :)
it's not just girls, guys feel happy too when we shop~
im missin my mates from Ninja... its our 1 year anniversary and we gotta party like its 1987...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
tomoro marks the one year anniversary of me being in the army for... well, a whole year~ and today, marks the "one year to go" mark for when i ORD~
i had a good day today... kinda made up for last night's incident which i thought would've ruined my whole week~
but i feel good today... so yeah :)
my back hurts, feels like some one elbowed it.. but i haven't been tied up recently so im wondering wad's the cause... think im not sleepin in the right position or something, maybe its the damn jerking of the vehicles, i dunno~
i need a back rub & some HELLO PANDAS...
i had a good day today... kinda made up for last night's incident which i thought would've ruined my whole week~
but i feel good today... so yeah :)
my back hurts, feels like some one elbowed it.. but i haven't been tied up recently so im wondering wad's the cause... think im not sleepin in the right position or something, maybe its the damn jerking of the vehicles, i dunno~
i need a back rub & some HELLO PANDAS...
Monday, June 01, 2009
i need a translator~
a friend of mine sent me some chinese songs which, i had happened to mention, sounded "catchy" when i first heard them on the radio... i put them in my itouch and i've been listening to them at over and over again obediently in hopes it will improve my mother tongue~
the advice given by my friends were to..
no.1, Speak more Chinese~
unfortunately most of them have given up trying to converse to me in Mandarin. So, advice number 1... FAIL
next was to.. "Watch more Chinese TV shows"~
wad, those wacky variety shows from Taiwan? hell no~ & if ur talkin bout the local drama shows on channel 8, come on -_- anyone who knows me knows im not into that~
Advice number 2, FAIL
last one's to "Listen to Chinese Music"~
now this one's more do-able... and to be honest, some of the Music's actually nice :)
the 1st song i've ever thought worthy of uploading into my mp3 player back in my poly days was "Qing Tian" from Jay Chou... my guitar teacher thought me tat song and even he was Malay~
i tried downloading a few more and slowly a pattern emerged... the Piano seemed to be the instrument of choice in most of the songs, every song seemed to sound the same... it was hard to tell them apart~
even the song titles had to be changed to the "Han Yue Ping Ying" version or i'd won't be able to read it~ it was such a pain to catagorize them... so i gave up and went back to Foo Fighters & Panic at the disco~
that is, until now....
most of it still kinda sounds boring, but some are nice lah... most i got are from Jay Chou and Wang Lee Hom... i love "Xin Tiao"~ its really sweet... no idea wad it means but catchy nontheless :)
oh, i saw this Flyer in the notice board next to my lift about some Chinese tution class for P4-6 or something... i read the 1st line and was like, WTF -_-
"PLAYING WITH WORD. Available both for chinese and other racers.
Learn around 1,000 the most frequently used words in 1 year, kids can read Mandarin story more easily.
Traditional chinese "San Zi Jing" inclueded"
spotted any mistakes?
not only are there hideous spelling errors, the Grammar is just fucked from the start.
"Play with word"? like.. just one?
oh, and racers can learn to, the F1 kind~
"Learn around 1,000 the most frequently used words in 1 year"
the fuck does this even mean?!
then there's "inclueded"
si mi lan jiao eh this one, no excuse to get this wrong!!! -_-
ihope i won't be sacrificing one language for another~
the advice given by my friends were to..
no.1, Speak more Chinese~
unfortunately most of them have given up trying to converse to me in Mandarin. So, advice number 1... FAIL
next was to.. "Watch more Chinese TV shows"~
wad, those wacky variety shows from Taiwan? hell no~ & if ur talkin bout the local drama shows on channel 8, come on -_- anyone who knows me knows im not into that~
Advice number 2, FAIL
last one's to "Listen to Chinese Music"~
now this one's more do-able... and to be honest, some of the Music's actually nice :)
the 1st song i've ever thought worthy of uploading into my mp3 player back in my poly days was "Qing Tian" from Jay Chou... my guitar teacher thought me tat song and even he was Malay~
i tried downloading a few more and slowly a pattern emerged... the Piano seemed to be the instrument of choice in most of the songs, every song seemed to sound the same... it was hard to tell them apart~
even the song titles had to be changed to the "Han Yue Ping Ying" version or i'd won't be able to read it~ it was such a pain to catagorize them... so i gave up and went back to Foo Fighters & Panic at the disco~
that is, until now....
most of it still kinda sounds boring, but some are nice lah... most i got are from Jay Chou and Wang Lee Hom... i love "Xin Tiao"~ its really sweet... no idea wad it means but catchy nontheless :)
oh, i saw this Flyer in the notice board next to my lift about some Chinese tution class for P4-6 or something... i read the 1st line and was like, WTF -_-
"PLAYING WITH WORD. Available both for chinese and other racers.
Learn around 1,000 the most frequently used words in 1 year, kids can read Mandarin story more easily.
Traditional chinese "San Zi Jing" inclueded"
spotted any mistakes?
not only are there hideous spelling errors, the Grammar is just fucked from the start.
"Play with word"? like.. just one?
oh, and racers can learn to, the F1 kind~
"Learn around 1,000 the most frequently used words in 1 year"
the fuck does this even mean?!
then there's "inclueded"
si mi lan jiao eh this one, no excuse to get this wrong!!! -_-
ihope i won't be sacrificing one language for another~
Sunday, May 31, 2009
oh singapura~
Friday's trip to Malaysia was a blast... ever since i renewed my passport a couple of weeks ago, it was like the possibilities where endless... i held in my hands my very own personal document of Freedom~
it was great knowing i could leave in a moments notice...
the last time i left the country was on the 4th of June 1998 to Indonesia... its now 2009, that was 11 years ago. Imagine my excitement when i crossed the line into another country and saw that the lamp posts where red instead of Grey, with an eccentric bend of steel curled to the side with 2 potted plants dangling very so gracefully from the tips~
Imagine my exhilaration as hundreds of motorbikes and Protons with the letter "J" fronting every plate number reigned over the slightly reddened streets of Jorhor~
the little differences also amused me, like how everything's spelled in Malay... "Exit" is called "Keluar", Restrooms called "Tandas"... the word "Tandas" doesn't even sound like toilet... if it weren't for the picture of the Male and Female logo i would've figured it for a storage room or something~
there are no Hi-rises in Malaysia... which makes it look pretty rural but a relief to me in some way... having all the buildings built so low makes the sky look bigger... u could look up and see everything~ it may not have been the most breath-taking view of a picture perfect blue sky but at least u could see it, u know...
Actually the difference between Singapore and Malaysia doesn't really differ that far... they pretty much had the same stuff we have cept cheaper and.. well, sometimes even better... but development wise, i would say SG takes the cake~
things aren't as clean, certain infrastructures aren't as well developed... basically most of the superficial stuff like the roads being a bit Off & all that, is sightly flawed compared to Singapore's...
but the thing that makes me overlook these minor discrepancies were the people~
you'd never find people behaving like this in Singapore cause everyone here is friendly as Shit...
i wouldn't say its cause they were constantly happy like they just won the lottery or anything like that... its more of the impression they gave me...
that their here to live...
to go about their lives, to survive..
and to do so peacefully & with respect~
im walkin around City Square lookin at all the people and not one, NOT ONE OF THEM gave me the "Guai Lan" look you'd often see in the faces of Singaporeans... everyone was pleasant, like one big family.... i heard stories bout how they'd judge u by the colour of ur skin or how everyone there'll try n cheat u of ur money when they see ur not local... that any moment u can get robbed or some guy would just stab u for bumping into him...
i felt non of that hostility~
i walked around with my head held high, smiling at everyone who so much as looked in my direction:) being in a strange country, not knowing anybody there... its extremely liberating... i felt this constant wave of self-confidence and empowerment, like the laws don't apply to me... like i could do wadever i wanted...
being a tourist gave u unique privileges the locals weren't entitled to... u could walk up to a stranger and strike up a random conversation and no one would think twice that ur some weirdo cause ur not, ur a tourist... a visitor in our country who means us no harm~
it's a great way to express urself, i fucking luved that :)
Omg, and the food! holy shit was that ever the highlight of the day~ Duck ever so succulent to the taste, Dumplings the size of ur palm, fish with the taste of the sea, Deer meat in all it's splendor!!!
(i could go on... )
both dinner and lunch, all under S$40... so divided by 2 people, tats 20 bucks per person... and all, with the taste, quality and portion fit for Kings and Superstars alike~
think the only trouble i had over there was that of communication... SM had to do almost all of the verbal transaction, accept for the movie ticket.. i bought that since the ticket girl was Malay... but i bet her mandarin would've been better than mine anyway~
Looking up at the night sky above after dinner made clear that it was late, and it was time to go home... all my life, since i can remember.. i've hated Singapore... i hated the govt, the rules, the restrictions, the lifestyle, the people... i found no good reason to ever wanna stay, even when comparing sg to msia... sg lost~
but... for some strange reason.... i actually wanted to go back~
& i hated myself for feelin tat way, but it was home... seeing the MRT again didn't exactly make me overflow with patriotism~ and hearing the Singporean accent being spoken again instantly turned me off. i didn't feel glad to be back at all...
but, it was home i suppose... i spent all my life living here, we're creatures of habit afterall...
the only thing i can embrace from this is the fact that i have the choice to leave... the option to 'get-out'~
think i'll just hold on to tat idea for now..
& maybe brush up on my "lahs" & "lors" in the mean time~
it was great knowing i could leave in a moments notice...
the last time i left the country was on the 4th of June 1998 to Indonesia... its now 2009, that was 11 years ago. Imagine my excitement when i crossed the line into another country and saw that the lamp posts where red instead of Grey, with an eccentric bend of steel curled to the side with 2 potted plants dangling very so gracefully from the tips~
Imagine my exhilaration as hundreds of motorbikes and Protons with the letter "J" fronting every plate number reigned over the slightly reddened streets of Jorhor~
the little differences also amused me, like how everything's spelled in Malay... "Exit" is called "Keluar", Restrooms called "Tandas"... the word "Tandas" doesn't even sound like toilet... if it weren't for the picture of the Male and Female logo i would've figured it for a storage room or something~
there are no Hi-rises in Malaysia... which makes it look pretty rural but a relief to me in some way... having all the buildings built so low makes the sky look bigger... u could look up and see everything~ it may not have been the most breath-taking view of a picture perfect blue sky but at least u could see it, u know...
Actually the difference between Singapore and Malaysia doesn't really differ that far... they pretty much had the same stuff we have cept cheaper and.. well, sometimes even better... but development wise, i would say SG takes the cake~
things aren't as clean, certain infrastructures aren't as well developed... basically most of the superficial stuff like the roads being a bit Off & all that, is sightly flawed compared to Singapore's...
but the thing that makes me overlook these minor discrepancies were the people~
you'd never find people behaving like this in Singapore cause everyone here is friendly as Shit...
i wouldn't say its cause they were constantly happy like they just won the lottery or anything like that... its more of the impression they gave me...
that their here to live...
to go about their lives, to survive..
and to do so peacefully & with respect~
im walkin around City Square lookin at all the people and not one, NOT ONE OF THEM gave me the "Guai Lan" look you'd often see in the faces of Singaporeans... everyone was pleasant, like one big family.... i heard stories bout how they'd judge u by the colour of ur skin or how everyone there'll try n cheat u of ur money when they see ur not local... that any moment u can get robbed or some guy would just stab u for bumping into him...
i felt non of that hostility~
i walked around with my head held high, smiling at everyone who so much as looked in my direction:) being in a strange country, not knowing anybody there... its extremely liberating... i felt this constant wave of self-confidence and empowerment, like the laws don't apply to me... like i could do wadever i wanted...
being a tourist gave u unique privileges the locals weren't entitled to... u could walk up to a stranger and strike up a random conversation and no one would think twice that ur some weirdo cause ur not, ur a tourist... a visitor in our country who means us no harm~
it's a great way to express urself, i fucking luved that :)
Omg, and the food! holy shit was that ever the highlight of the day~ Duck ever so succulent to the taste, Dumplings the size of ur palm, fish with the taste of the sea, Deer meat in all it's splendor!!!
(i could go on... )
both dinner and lunch, all under S$40... so divided by 2 people, tats 20 bucks per person... and all, with the taste, quality and portion fit for Kings and Superstars alike~
think the only trouble i had over there was that of communication... SM had to do almost all of the verbal transaction, accept for the movie ticket.. i bought that since the ticket girl was Malay... but i bet her mandarin would've been better than mine anyway~
Looking up at the night sky above after dinner made clear that it was late, and it was time to go home... all my life, since i can remember.. i've hated Singapore... i hated the govt, the rules, the restrictions, the lifestyle, the people... i found no good reason to ever wanna stay, even when comparing sg to msia... sg lost~
but... for some strange reason.... i actually wanted to go back~
& i hated myself for feelin tat way, but it was home... seeing the MRT again didn't exactly make me overflow with patriotism~ and hearing the Singporean accent being spoken again instantly turned me off. i didn't feel glad to be back at all...
but, it was home i suppose... i spent all my life living here, we're creatures of habit afterall...
the only thing i can embrace from this is the fact that i have the choice to leave... the option to 'get-out'~
think i'll just hold on to tat idea for now..
& maybe brush up on my "lahs" & "lors" in the mean time~
Friday, May 29, 2009
carpe diem~
movies, food, drinks?
oh my~
sometimes i really can't appreciate how lucky i am being in the Air Force...
heading overseas tomoro & im never coming back.
oh my~
sometimes i really can't appreciate how lucky i am being in the Air Force...
heading overseas tomoro & im never coming back.
Monday, May 25, 2009
fool's gold~
May's a month of great financial difficulty not only to me, but coincidentally to the people around me as well... im beginning to feel the squeeze of gettin just a mere 400 dollars a mth, not that i haven't already, but a recent series of events have lead me to use more than wad i normally would~
even so, i must try my best to conserve my finances any way i can... it is most unfortunate i was not one of those born with silver spoons or other lavish silverware in my mouth, most of us aren't... but we make do with wad we have and appreciate the simpler things in life which the rich are rare to experience~
my weekend was a hectic one & i shall not elaborate...
but one mentionable would be that the blaze is still imminent. The air is dry as dust and the winds rarely blow~
the scientists were right, the end of the world is forthcoming...
hong gan~
even so, i must try my best to conserve my finances any way i can... it is most unfortunate i was not one of those born with silver spoons or other lavish silverware in my mouth, most of us aren't... but we make do with wad we have and appreciate the simpler things in life which the rich are rare to experience~
my weekend was a hectic one & i shall not elaborate...
but one mentionable would be that the blaze is still imminent. The air is dry as dust and the winds rarely blow~
the scientists were right, the end of the world is forthcoming...
hong gan~
Monday, May 18, 2009
journey to the west~
the journey to the west actually started in the north when i went to Yishun to meet sm, who, in turn, was to meet the infamous "Mark from ITE" for a moment of avid discussion regarding the risky pastime of football betting... shortly after, they exchanged goodbyes and we proceeded to the Orchid Country Club for a round of pool~
though slight improvement was shown, im far from becoming an expert in the sport... wandered around a bit before headin to Boon Lay for a peak at the so called 2nd 'Vivocity'~
this is the 1st time i've actually been to the west... never had a reason to go so i never did. it was the first time i heard the robot lady in the train say "Kranji" and "Woodlands Station".
then she goes on further with some stuff bout wad bus to take to go to Malaysia, blah blah blah... no one gives a shit bout the buses robot lady!
as the train rode by, i gazed out thru the windshield lookin at the scenery and how different everything looked. The buildings, the landmarks, even the people... the West seems to have like, more space compared to the east.. theres like, huge pieces of land for u to have a picnic in or fly a kite. which is nice~
so we get to Boon Lay, and right off the bat theres a ton of immigrants roaming around which doesn't even make it seem like im in the right country anymore~ and the Interchange looks like a 24hr Pa-sa-mah-lam... no idea wad tat's about.
Jurong Point itself is a labyrinth of random shops thrown together with no real classification or order~ the apparel stores can just be next to the tech shop, who's next to the food stands, which is next to GV -_-
the lack of strategic placement and the shit loads of people who frequent the area just makes it too freakin confusing for me to appreciate anything really... i needed to get outt've there, and we did. Walked to the SAFRA afew blocks away and attempted to take some pictures with sm's fancy camera but all we got was a badly focused road sign and a picture of some tree~
when we were back on the train i kept lookin at how far i was from home... West side's way too crazy for me... i much prefer the tranquility of the East :)
today in flight we experienced one of the windiest days in a long time... it rained and the clouds made the sky seem like it was almost time for bed when it was barely noon~ burned the hours away Patapon-ing and tossin snails into the fish tank...
met Fadzil for a run around Pasir Ris in the evening... its been months since i last went jogged, it felt good. im surprised i still have a decent amount of stamina to run non-stop~
i wonder why Tang San Zang never considered focusing his journey more to the East... im sure he would've found it far more formidable & less resistant...

wadever lah.. & im sorry shawn, but Boon Lay scares me...
and ur a fool of a toook~
East side ftw~
though slight improvement was shown, im far from becoming an expert in the sport... wandered around a bit before headin to Boon Lay for a peak at the so called 2nd 'Vivocity'~
this is the 1st time i've actually been to the west... never had a reason to go so i never did. it was the first time i heard the robot lady in the train say "Kranji" and "Woodlands Station".
then she goes on further with some stuff bout wad bus to take to go to Malaysia, blah blah blah... no one gives a shit bout the buses robot lady!
as the train rode by, i gazed out thru the windshield lookin at the scenery and how different everything looked. The buildings, the landmarks, even the people... the West seems to have like, more space compared to the east.. theres like, huge pieces of land for u to have a picnic in or fly a kite. which is nice~
so we get to Boon Lay, and right off the bat theres a ton of immigrants roaming around which doesn't even make it seem like im in the right country anymore~ and the Interchange looks like a 24hr Pa-sa-mah-lam... no idea wad tat's about.
Jurong Point itself is a labyrinth of random shops thrown together with no real classification or order~ the apparel stores can just be next to the tech shop, who's next to the food stands, which is next to GV -_-
the lack of strategic placement and the shit loads of people who frequent the area just makes it too freakin confusing for me to appreciate anything really... i needed to get outt've there, and we did. Walked to the SAFRA afew blocks away and attempted to take some pictures with sm's fancy camera but all we got was a badly focused road sign and a picture of some tree~
when we were back on the train i kept lookin at how far i was from home... West side's way too crazy for me... i much prefer the tranquility of the East :)
today in flight we experienced one of the windiest days in a long time... it rained and the clouds made the sky seem like it was almost time for bed when it was barely noon~ burned the hours away Patapon-ing and tossin snails into the fish tank...
met Fadzil for a run around Pasir Ris in the evening... its been months since i last went jogged, it felt good. im surprised i still have a decent amount of stamina to run non-stop~
i wonder why Tang San Zang never considered focusing his journey more to the East... im sure he would've found it far more formidable & less resistant...
wadever lah.. & im sorry shawn, but Boon Lay scares me...
and ur a fool of a toook~
East side ftw~
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