Monday, June 01, 2009

i need a translator~

a friend of mine sent me some chinese songs which, i had happened to mention, sounded "catchy" when i first heard them on the radio... i put them in my itouch and i've been listening to them at over and over again obediently in hopes it will improve my mother tongue~

the advice given by my friends were to..
no.1, Speak more Chinese~
unfortunately most of them have given up trying to converse to me in Mandarin. So, advice number 1... FAIL

next was to.. "Watch more Chinese TV shows"~
wad, those wacky variety shows from Taiwan? hell no~ & if ur talkin bout the local drama shows on channel 8, come on -_- anyone who knows me knows im not into that~
Advice number 2, FAIL

last one's to "Listen to Chinese Music"~
now this one's more do-able... and to be honest, some of the Music's actually nice :)

the 1st song i've ever thought worthy of uploading into my mp3 player back in my poly days was "Qing Tian" from Jay Chou... my guitar teacher thought me tat song and even he was Malay~

i tried downloading a few more and slowly a pattern emerged... the Piano seemed to be the instrument of choice in most of the songs, every song seemed to sound the same... it was hard to tell them apart~

even the song titles had to be changed to the "Han Yue Ping Ying" version or i'd won't be able to read it~ it was such a pain to catagorize them... so i gave up and went back to Foo Fighters & Panic at the disco~

that is, until now....

most of it still kinda sounds boring, but some are nice lah... most i got are from Jay Chou and Wang Lee Hom... i love "Xin Tiao"~ its really sweet... no idea wad it means but catchy nontheless :)

oh, i saw this Flyer in the notice board next to my lift about some Chinese tution class for P4-6 or something... i read the 1st line and was like, WTF -_-

"PLAYING WITH WORD. Available both for chinese and other racers.

Learn around 1,000 the most frequently used words in 1 year, kids can read Mandarin story more easily.

Traditional chinese "San Zi Jing" inclueded"

spotted any mistakes?
not only are there hideous spelling errors, the Grammar is just fucked from the start.

"Play with word"? like.. just one?
oh, and racers can learn to, the F1 kind~

"Learn around 1,000 the most frequently used words in 1 year"
the fuck does this even mean?!

then there's "inclueded"
si mi lan jiao eh this one, no excuse to get this wrong!!! -_-

ihope i won't be sacrificing one language for another~

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