this is he, in his adorable little kiddy tram which i happily push through crowds of people, pretending we're a shotgun family and being amused at their judgmental stares.. which i thought was pretty funny~

we took him to the supermarket & an aquarium...

the kid stared at the pizza+fishes like it was the first time he's even seen them.. tsk, wad a noob~

after awhile, i felt like foolin around on a swing set so we went to this playground for a bit while young theodore went for a quick ride on the "what-cha-ma-call-it-shaky-thing"...

his shoe make silly noises when he walks, it's cool to just watch him run around picking up twigs & randomly touchin stuff :)
took him back home after gettin all dirty from the wet slides and rollin on floors for a quick bath and a change of clothes...
okay, so in my defence... he was lookin at me with his beautiful doe eyes and youthful innocences... i couldn't NOT let him have a Snack Pack now could i?!

met her friend & the 3 of us cabbed down to expo where they went for service & i went to the tech fair to find jess. Said good bye to the little tike & i chatted with jess for a bit before headin home...
the journey home was long and squishy from having the expo brimming with nerds from all across the land... the short bursts of rain didn't exactly smooth the journey home either... and this was mid day where the bus intervals took forever... so that experience was quite a bitch-_-
jess came over after work, we talked and chilled while waiting for the plane to arrive... i bought this woodcraft construction kit of the Eiffel Tower at the Koven Mall for just 2 bucks, pretty neat huh?

usually something like this takes about 10 mins to put together, but i took the time to smoothen all the edges and snip off any splinters so, i think i took about an hour and a half... but despite all that it still looks wobbly...
Hence, confirming i have absoultly no skill in ENGINEERING.

so anyway, this was the final product...

of to the shelf to be forgotten...

cabbed down to the airport at about 3am. the place was all shiny in preparation for the whole Christmas thing..

"cannot find one lah auntie..."

They came out shortly and we spotted him from afar pushin the little airport trolley with a haversack on his back... cabbed yet again to whitesands for mac breakfast and tea.

final cab home and facebook-ed for a bit before crashing.... slept for like 4 hours and woke up feelin cold and cranky from the sore throat and throbbing head....
past few days i've not been gettin enough sleep and eating shit like Manhatten Fish Market, McDonalds, Fried Wanton Noodles & Nasi Lemak.. not to mention the heaty tubs of Snack Packs...

last friday when i think my fever was at it's peak, i had a crazy nightmare whilst waking up from my nap... it was about all my friends getting killed or something and i was the only one left alive to fend for myself against... whatever threat that was out to get me... i was just running and running throught this dream and it just got me thinking that, maybe it's not a dream... maybe it's a prophecy of some kind and i just had a premonition of wad's gonna happen in 2012....
does anyone else have a dream like this?
maybe it's one of those deja vu things where everyone has the same dream and it turns out to be true~
or maybe it's just the fever fuckin with my brain...
whether it's that or a sign of impending doom, we still got a couple more years to live so...
i'd like to take this moment to just comment on wad a super long post this is... i haven't been using this space as often as i'd like anymore but i still try~
And that i'm really hungry now and tired right now... can't really decided which to do first... will i doze off half way through my meal? or will i not be able to fall asleep on an empty stomach?
hmm, let me ponder over this more while i watch some youtube videos of Family Guy....
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