everyone huddled around the tv to watch the live telecast of it on channel U, but it was just a bunch of reporters interviewing scientists and random pedestrians, like we give a shit bout all that.. just show us the bleedin eclipse already~
i didn't stay long enough to see if they actually did...
weather was nice and cool though~
aside from the fact that M** got H1N1 and everyone's freakin out bout whether or not we're gonna get locked up... everything's just dandy~ my first day of school the other day was awesome, it was a journalism class & it was super interesting, i was really intrigued.
the sudden stimulation has sparked a reading frenzy in me... i'm constantly lookin out for new reading material- mags, newspapers, books, texts, etc.
went to the library and got a book bout the Holocaust... kinda retrospective for the likely hood of impending Doom judging by how everything in the world's fallin apart~
Hmmm.... better stock up on Cheetos~

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