went swimmin with the turds again at bedok~
they tried to kill me...
aloy broke my nose n sloppy tried to rape me... but im ok... lots of scratch marks n bruises... but i'll live~
took a vid of the turds tryin to gang bang each other... but it looks lame so i wont put it~
sch's a bitch... my timetable is shitty n there are no hot girls, or any girls for tat matter, in my classes~ have yet to get a sighting of the girL~ but i dont care.. she's eviL~ n i hate her... so there~
my sis is thinkin of gettin a small tattoo in the area below the wrist on her bday~ i wonder how she's gonna tell my mom... i think when i save up enough money i'll go get extend mine over the shoulder or something~
im feelin particularly intimidating these past few days~ been scaryin away all the year 1 pricks in my class with my purple hair n eviL~ Yuna eyes.... so fun~ when ever i walk out of the class, they'll all siam n make way for me... like im some columbian drug lord... or maybe im just flatterin myself~
i need more female friends... i think im turnin gay~
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
eviL toys~
had nothin better to do today so went to toys'r'us~
saw a creepy lookin toy.. it scared me so i took a picture of it...

its a bobble-head doggy soft toy thingy~
it looked sadistic so i bought it n went to burn it....
i'll be sending them a letter of complain ordering them to cease the sale of satanic toys to lil children even though it would be cool to have them all possesed....
but im a nice guy~
help save the children...
burn all bobble-head doggys now~
saw a creepy lookin toy.. it scared me so i took a picture of it...

its a bobble-head doggy soft toy thingy~
it looked sadistic so i bought it n went to burn it....
i'll be sending them a letter of complain ordering them to cease the sale of satanic toys to lil children even though it would be cool to have them all possesed....
but im a nice guy~
help save the children...
burn all bobble-head doggys now~
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
writings of a solitarian~
There is no pleasure in the world like writing~
Its a process of discovery n exploration.... i write to pass the time, to find out wat im thinkin, to organize my thoughts. i write wat i see, wat i feel, wat i experience. i write to understand, to amuse, to vent. I write to silence the voices in my head. But most of all... i write to remember... to never forget~
i write down my theories, my thoughts, my feelings. The "what if's" & the "what could have been's". I write of the future n of the past n present. i'd write of my dreams n aspirations, of loves n loves lost~
Whenever I've endured or accomplished a difficult task, after a tramatic experience or had a close brush with death~ or having witnessed the most beautiful of things...~ i'd always write... i'd always remember.. & i'd never forget~
i would wish for it to snow~
i'd sit by my window sill and watch the snow flakes fall from the misty sky~ and i'd start to write about the children runnin around & playin in the snow, buildin frozen scuptures n ice-skating... the air would be cool and calm... everything would be peaceful. And i'd watch.. n just imagine~
i'd wish i was lying down on the deck of a boat~
how cool & fresh the ocean breeze would feel.... i'd write about the dolphins tat gather round as i tossed bait overboard or of the sea gulls tat take a rest on the sails~ i would write about the sun rise n sun set of every morning n night describing it with the upmost of detail...
i would write... and just write~
then i'd read it again.. n i'd remember.... every sight, every feeling.....
and i will remember...
and i will never forget~
Its a process of discovery n exploration.... i write to pass the time, to find out wat im thinkin, to organize my thoughts. i write wat i see, wat i feel, wat i experience. i write to understand, to amuse, to vent. I write to silence the voices in my head. But most of all... i write to remember... to never forget~
i write down my theories, my thoughts, my feelings. The "what if's" & the "what could have been's". I write of the future n of the past n present. i'd write of my dreams n aspirations, of loves n loves lost~
Whenever I've endured or accomplished a difficult task, after a tramatic experience or had a close brush with death~ or having witnessed the most beautiful of things...~ i'd always write... i'd always remember.. & i'd never forget~
i would wish for it to snow~
i'd sit by my window sill and watch the snow flakes fall from the misty sky~ and i'd start to write about the children runnin around & playin in the snow, buildin frozen scuptures n ice-skating... the air would be cool and calm... everything would be peaceful. And i'd watch.. n just imagine~
i'd wish i was lying down on the deck of a boat~
how cool & fresh the ocean breeze would feel.... i'd write about the dolphins tat gather round as i tossed bait overboard or of the sea gulls tat take a rest on the sails~ i would write about the sun rise n sun set of every morning n night describing it with the upmost of detail...
i would write... and just write~
then i'd read it again.. n i'd remember.... every sight, every feeling.....
and i will remember...
and i will never forget~
smoke gets in ur eyes~
went swimmin with the 2 turds~ we worked out at the gym 1st.... suprizingly sloppy has pretty gd stamina... later went swimmin n played the "try-to-drown-aaron~" game again... also they invented another game called "lets-make-aaron-fatherless". im not gonna elaborate on tat~
We ordered mac n sloppy did somethin gross with the coke~ took a video...
after swimmmin, i went home to check out my new bruises n cuts.... mom ask me to follow her go some religious dinner of some sort with my aunt~ being the oh so obedient son i am, i agreed~ my eyes were hurtin from the night before due to the damn haze.. n now even more from the chlorine of the swimmin pooL~ now i had to endure the smoke from those incents.....
got there at about 6... it was some big tent with lots of god statues n paper figures of those chinese gods i see all the time on those channel 8 shows~
followed my parents around the place n prayin to like.. all the gods there... stickin incents into each one of their ... er... ash pot thingy~
i just like, shaked the stick a few times, just for the sake of showing tat im praying, then quickly planted the stick into the pot...~ i was listenin to Marlyin Manson on my ipod as we went to like 7 diff spots to pray.. kinda ironic~
Smoke was really burnin my eyes~ the tent trapted all the smoke inside... i was the onli one my age there... typical~ the rest where adults n old ppl... yeah there was aloooot of old ppl~ saw some kids there too.. but they probably didnt know wat they were gettin themselves into anyway~
old ppl are creepy.. they kept touchin me n rubbin my head...~ tellin my mom how i've grown n shit~ i dont even know these ppl -_-
i saw this creepy old guy.. he like walked up to this lil kid hu was just like sittin there..he kept talkin to him n this creepy manner old ppl do... creeped me out just watching him~
oh.. there was so this chinese opera thingy... noisy as hell~ but kinda cooL to watch... even though i didnt know wat the hell they where doing or sayin... but.. this was like wat old ppl did when colour tv wasn't invented~
anyway... the rest of it was pretty boring n i had to sit my way thru it~
religion is a strange thing...
accordin to my mom... the whole event was to celebrate a god's birthday.... do gods even have bdays? i thought they were like.. born b4 time or something~
bleh... iduncare~
damn haze~
We ordered mac n sloppy did somethin gross with the coke~ took a video...
after swimmmin, i went home to check out my new bruises n cuts.... mom ask me to follow her go some religious dinner of some sort with my aunt~ being the oh so obedient son i am, i agreed~ my eyes were hurtin from the night before due to the damn haze.. n now even more from the chlorine of the swimmin pooL~ now i had to endure the smoke from those incents.....
got there at about 6... it was some big tent with lots of god statues n paper figures of those chinese gods i see all the time on those channel 8 shows~
followed my parents around the place n prayin to like.. all the gods there... stickin incents into each one of their ... er... ash pot thingy~
i just like, shaked the stick a few times, just for the sake of showing tat im praying, then quickly planted the stick into the pot...~ i was listenin to Marlyin Manson on my ipod as we went to like 7 diff spots to pray.. kinda ironic~
Smoke was really burnin my eyes~ the tent trapted all the smoke inside... i was the onli one my age there... typical~ the rest where adults n old ppl... yeah there was aloooot of old ppl~ saw some kids there too.. but they probably didnt know wat they were gettin themselves into anyway~
old ppl are creepy.. they kept touchin me n rubbin my head...~ tellin my mom how i've grown n shit~ i dont even know these ppl -_-
i saw this creepy old guy.. he like walked up to this lil kid hu was just like sittin there..he kept talkin to him n this creepy manner old ppl do... creeped me out just watching him~
oh.. there was so this chinese opera thingy... noisy as hell~ but kinda cooL to watch... even though i didnt know wat the hell they where doing or sayin... but.. this was like wat old ppl did when colour tv wasn't invented~
anyway... the rest of it was pretty boring n i had to sit my way thru it~
religion is a strange thing...
accordin to my mom... the whole event was to celebrate a god's birthday.... do gods even have bdays? i thought they were like.. born b4 time or something~
bleh... iduncare~
damn haze~
Saturday, October 14, 2006
my guitar killed me~
holidays are becommin more n more retarded...
i stay at home all day n do nothin but watch tv n play my guitar~..
Occasionally i do a lil drawin n read a bit.. but tats about it..
i've been playin my guitar so much, my fingertips have all been blistered up.. so now it hurts to play.... no one's free.. they've all gotten jobs n shit..
i swear.. the next semester holiday im getttin a job n going out everyday...~
i've been google-ing alot of nonsensical stuff to occupy my time...~ read up about serial killers and the history of some guy called albert fish.. hu's apparently some american serial killer hu tortured n ate lil children... neat~
dont know y im even tellin u ppl this...
hmmm ... i want a lava lamp~

anyone know how to play the second part of John Mayer's Why Georgia?~
i stay at home all day n do nothin but watch tv n play my guitar~..
Occasionally i do a lil drawin n read a bit.. but tats about it..
i've been playin my guitar so much, my fingertips have all been blistered up.. so now it hurts to play.... no one's free.. they've all gotten jobs n shit..
i swear.. the next semester holiday im getttin a job n going out everyday...~
i've been google-ing alot of nonsensical stuff to occupy my time...~ read up about serial killers and the history of some guy called albert fish.. hu's apparently some american serial killer hu tortured n ate lil children... neat~
dont know y im even tellin u ppl this...
hmmm ... i want a lava lamp~

anyone know how to play the second part of John Mayer's Why Georgia?~
i'm so annoying~
this is a video of me annoyin my eviL mother~ with her new phone she took from me...
don't any of u turds laugh at me... i dont typically act like a moron, i was just being especially annoying on tat day...
so there~
happy mother's day~
don't any of u turds laugh at me... i dont typically act like a moron, i was just being especially annoying on tat day...
so there~
happy mother's day~
Thursday, October 12, 2006
stuff in my room~
LO and BEHOLD! the great mystical treasures found no where else.. but in this pig sty i call a room~
Stuff #1:
an orange stuffed mouse i use to support the base of my guitar~

Stuff #2:
a broken skipping rope i cut to swing around with...

Stuff #3:
a sticker of what looks to be either stick-men with red heads, or berry flavoured lolipops~

Stuff #4:
a ladder......

Stuff #5:
a one-eyed stuff aligator

Stuff #6:
a broken toy gun & a nunchaku...

tune in next time to see wat other crap i uncover in my crib!
oh gawd i need a life~
Stuff #1:
an orange stuffed mouse i use to support the base of my guitar~

Stuff #2:
a broken skipping rope i cut to swing around with...

Stuff #3:
a sticker of what looks to be either stick-men with red heads, or berry flavoured lolipops~

Stuff #4:
a ladder......

Stuff #5:
a one-eyed stuff aligator

Stuff #6:
a broken toy gun & a nunchaku...

tune in next time to see wat other crap i uncover in my crib!
oh gawd i need a life~
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
my mother~ (part II )
my mother is EVIL~
i love her very much but she is EVIL~ i tell u....
couple of days ago my bandmate asked me to go Malaysia for a day.. i told him.. "yeah sure... 1 day onli, no big deal..."
so 2 days before the trip i asked my mom for my passport... thus leading her to inquire why i needed it... so i told her.. n she imediately forbade me from going...
wad the fuck~ -_-
she gave me no reason as to why not, n proceeds to tell me crap excuses like.. malaysia is dangerous n i might die there -_-
Oh my gawd~
My mom is a great Parent... she looks after the kids, feeds us, brings home the bacon, cleans up around the house n all that stuff parents are suppose to do to ensure a healthy n safe lifestyle for their kids...
But she is a horrible mother.... she never tells me any important information like our financial status or even her past for that matter... she never talks to me about stuff, n she's never let me do anything... remotely dangerous in my entire life...
i wasnt allow to use the stove till i was like 12, i've never ridden a roller-coaster ever.... not even those 360 degree viking ship thingys... i've never been able to go out after sch till i was in sec 1... before tat it was straight home everyday... n she would fetch me back too... even though our house was like just across the street... oh~ so tats why i didnt have any friends -_-
but ironically, despite having never experienced these life threathening things.... i have not grown into a hermit of some kind, but infact... the opposite... i have always wanted to sky dive or bungee jump... i have no fear, but i have no permission either....
sometimes i just wanna just flash my tattoo at her n say " LOOK ! LOOK AT THAT! WAT U GONNA DO ABOUT IT NOW! "
buuut that would just give her a stroke so i'd reframe from doing that now....
so every morning, whenever i see her i just point at her n shout "EVIL!", then she'd call me sickening n i'd just run away waving my arms about... bleh~
ah... but i still love her~
my mother ladies n gentlemen....my mother~
i love her very much but she is EVIL~ i tell u....
couple of days ago my bandmate asked me to go Malaysia for a day.. i told him.. "yeah sure... 1 day onli, no big deal..."
so 2 days before the trip i asked my mom for my passport... thus leading her to inquire why i needed it... so i told her.. n she imediately forbade me from going...
wad the fuck~ -_-
she gave me no reason as to why not, n proceeds to tell me crap excuses like.. malaysia is dangerous n i might die there -_-
Oh my gawd~
My mom is a great Parent... she looks after the kids, feeds us, brings home the bacon, cleans up around the house n all that stuff parents are suppose to do to ensure a healthy n safe lifestyle for their kids...
But she is a horrible mother.... she never tells me any important information like our financial status or even her past for that matter... she never talks to me about stuff, n she's never let me do anything... remotely dangerous in my entire life...
i wasnt allow to use the stove till i was like 12, i've never ridden a roller-coaster ever.... not even those 360 degree viking ship thingys... i've never been able to go out after sch till i was in sec 1... before tat it was straight home everyday... n she would fetch me back too... even though our house was like just across the street... oh~ so tats why i didnt have any friends -_-
but ironically, despite having never experienced these life threathening things.... i have not grown into a hermit of some kind, but infact... the opposite... i have always wanted to sky dive or bungee jump... i have no fear, but i have no permission either....
sometimes i just wanna just flash my tattoo at her n say " LOOK ! LOOK AT THAT! WAT U GONNA DO ABOUT IT NOW! "
buuut that would just give her a stroke so i'd reframe from doing that now....
so every morning, whenever i see her i just point at her n shout "EVIL!", then she'd call me sickening n i'd just run away waving my arms about... bleh~
ah... but i still love her~
my mother ladies n gentlemen....my mother~
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
nerdy no more~
i've been rumaging thru my drawer where i stash all my old journals n photos from my old sch days n i must say.. i do look really different..
From being a cute shy kid aunties loved to adore in primary sch.. to a soft pale-skin nerd everyone loved to pick on.. to now.. a good-lookin, tall, well-build, charming, did i mention gd lookin guy~
oh how i've hated my childhood...just look at the geeky face of mine... even girls would beat me up... jeuz christ~

now u know y i turned out so messed up.....
havin girls pick on u is not cooL~
ah but at least now i've been told im 'scary lookin' by many ppl so at least i dont get picked on so much... plus.. once ppl know u got a tattoo or pierced ur lips its a pretty useful intimidation tooL~
but im sure those hu know me know im nothin like wat i look like... dont fuckin discriminate ppl on their looks.. i hate tat.. ~
Oh yes.. another thing cooL happened today... my sister was casually blow-drying her hair when the hair- dryer exploded~ there was sparks n everything... burnted a hole in her hand muahhahaa~ gawd im a bad brother...
i guess this was payback for that time when she forgot to turn of the iron n i accidentally brushed up against it...
ITS KARMA I TELL YA! n it sure took its time seeing as how it happened like 7 yrs ago.. but at least justice is served..~
gd thing about my burn was tat i got to show it off to all my friends.. n she got to take an off day from work.... ~
look at that... its crazy y im still single i tell ya~

hmm.. cant help it i guess..
women are crazy...throw rocks at them~
From being a cute shy kid aunties loved to adore in primary sch.. to a soft pale-skin nerd everyone loved to pick on.. to now.. a good-lookin, tall, well-build, charming, did i mention gd lookin guy~
oh how i've hated my childhood...just look at the geeky face of mine... even girls would beat me up... jeuz christ~

now u know y i turned out so messed up.....
havin girls pick on u is not cooL~
ah but at least now i've been told im 'scary lookin' by many ppl so at least i dont get picked on so much... plus.. once ppl know u got a tattoo or pierced ur lips its a pretty useful intimidation tooL~
but im sure those hu know me know im nothin like wat i look like... dont fuckin discriminate ppl on their looks.. i hate tat.. ~
Oh yes.. another thing cooL happened today... my sister was casually blow-drying her hair when the hair- dryer exploded~ there was sparks n everything... burnted a hole in her hand muahhahaa~ gawd im a bad brother...
i guess this was payback for that time when she forgot to turn of the iron n i accidentally brushed up against it...
ITS KARMA I TELL YA! n it sure took its time seeing as how it happened like 7 yrs ago.. but at least justice is served..~
gd thing about my burn was tat i got to show it off to all my friends.. n she got to take an off day from work.... ~
look at that... its crazy y im still single i tell ya~

hmm.. cant help it i guess..
women are crazy...throw rocks at them~
Monday, October 02, 2006
i hate the exorcism~
today was another retarded day ~
the 3 turds came over to my place to watch this fuck of a show minty lent me~
i hate scary movies n the 3 turds insisted on turnin the vol. so high, even a freakin phone ring spooked us all..
the startin was kinda lame n boring... just some old fart wanderin around some desert dunno find wad.. then the lil girl,regan, n her mom played with an ouiji board n asked some Qs by some ghost called Captain Howey..
then she got all possesed n shiet.. her skin turned all green n she started rollin down stairs, pukeing blood n green slime n peeing on the floor~ not to mention the whole turning-of-the-head 360 degrees...
fucking disturbing show... could really screw up ur kid brother's mind with a show like tat... pity im already the youngest in the family~ bleh...
in the end so many ppl died but she survived... convieniently having amnesia n getting on with her life like nothin ever happened.. bloody hell... -_-
For those hu havent seen the movie... dont~ its creepy n gross.. for those hu have the vcd i suggest u break it now n let ur baby brother play with the broken pieces...
I hate scary movies... they scare me n im never watchin them ever again... ~
If any of u think im a chicken shiet cause i dont find spookin myself entertaining.. then DIE NOW! Slit ur wrist n run into traffic ~
hopefully tomoro will be a more productive day instead of constantly playing Prince of Persia on my xbox n mapling all day..
coldplay rocks~
the 3 turds came over to my place to watch this fuck of a show minty lent me~
i hate scary movies n the 3 turds insisted on turnin the vol. so high, even a freakin phone ring spooked us all..
the startin was kinda lame n boring... just some old fart wanderin around some desert dunno find wad.. then the lil girl,regan, n her mom played with an ouiji board n asked some Qs by some ghost called Captain Howey..
then she got all possesed n shiet.. her skin turned all green n she started rollin down stairs, pukeing blood n green slime n peeing on the floor~ not to mention the whole turning-of-the-head 360 degrees...
fucking disturbing show... could really screw up ur kid brother's mind with a show like tat... pity im already the youngest in the family~ bleh...
in the end so many ppl died but she survived... convieniently having amnesia n getting on with her life like nothin ever happened.. bloody hell... -_-
For those hu havent seen the movie... dont~ its creepy n gross.. for those hu have the vcd i suggest u break it now n let ur baby brother play with the broken pieces...
I hate scary movies... they scare me n im never watchin them ever again... ~
If any of u think im a chicken shiet cause i dont find spookin myself entertaining.. then DIE NOW! Slit ur wrist n run into traffic ~
hopefully tomoro will be a more productive day instead of constantly playing Prince of Persia on my xbox n mapling all day..
coldplay rocks~
Sunday, October 01, 2006
god hates me~
fukin holidays so boring.. wake up every morning at 5am, shower.. then make my mom breakfast before playing "Gay-ple(Maple)Story" for 4 hrs ... yes yes.. i play maple.. its a horrible game of mindlessly hackin tiny mushrooms n snail for hrs on end before lvling even once... but i must admit.. its a guilty pleasure of mine~
Here's how my character looks like.. sloppy says i look like algae cause im like this lil' green shit tat shoot arrows.. bah.. i think i look cooL~

after my 4hrs of torturous spamming of my arrow, n listening to 98.7FM's "Muttons In The MOrning~" its usually off to swimmming at shawny's crappy condo with vic n sloppy~ the Stupid guards there really retarded.. i can just walk right in n they dont even suspect a thing.. shit i could be a terrorist for all they know.. Bleh~
We'd swimm awhile then start playin the "try to drown aaron" game, this involves a 3 vs 1 wrestling match where by all three dicks try to .. yes... drown me...
By 4-ish, im usually tanned n baddly bruised n cut in various places.. but it was fun.. sometimes we get to oogle at bikini babes sun bathing .. or i can scare the lil kids away with my tattoo.. Woot!
i even broke vic's thumb yesterday... he tried to grab me underwater so i kicked him n now he's hand is all bandaged up.. haha .. the pussy..
too bad he wont send me the picture of it... bleh...~ -_-
oh yes.. we made a couple of retared videos during swimming...
here's one made during the exams.. i was studyin n a freakin lizard took a shiet on my book...
this one is a twinky eattin contest btw sloppy n vic~ shawn's video phone is pretty shitty so all u can see is darkness n our retarded conversations...
the next 2 are of us playin with this stray cat tat stays in the condo~
ah.. i also like to mention that i love those lovey dovey chick-flick korean dramas ... they keep my mom n sis occupied on the weekends so they dont bother me as much... kudos to tat...~
bleh... i think tats all i've got to write about... 3 more weeks of holidays.. wat the hell am i gonna do now...~
fukin holidays so boring.. wake up every morning at 5am, shower.. then make my mom breakfast before playing "Gay-ple(Maple)Story" for 4 hrs ... yes yes.. i play maple.. its a horrible game of mindlessly hackin tiny mushrooms n snail for hrs on end before lvling even once... but i must admit.. its a guilty pleasure of mine~
Here's how my character looks like.. sloppy says i look like algae cause im like this lil' green shit tat shoot arrows.. bah.. i think i look cooL~

after my 4hrs of torturous spamming of my arrow, n listening to 98.7FM's "Muttons In The MOrning~" its usually off to swimmming at shawny's crappy condo with vic n sloppy~ the Stupid guards there really retarded.. i can just walk right in n they dont even suspect a thing.. shit i could be a terrorist for all they know.. Bleh~
We'd swimm awhile then start playin the "try to drown aaron" game, this involves a 3 vs 1 wrestling match where by all three dicks try to .. yes... drown me...
By 4-ish, im usually tanned n baddly bruised n cut in various places.. but it was fun.. sometimes we get to oogle at bikini babes sun bathing .. or i can scare the lil kids away with my tattoo.. Woot!
i even broke vic's thumb yesterday... he tried to grab me underwater so i kicked him n now he's hand is all bandaged up.. haha .. the pussy..
too bad he wont send me the picture of it... bleh...~ -_-
oh yes.. we made a couple of retared videos during swimming...
here's one made during the exams.. i was studyin n a freakin lizard took a shiet on my book...
this one is a twinky eattin contest btw sloppy n vic~ shawn's video phone is pretty shitty so all u can see is darkness n our retarded conversations...
the next 2 are of us playin with this stray cat tat stays in the condo~
ah.. i also like to mention that i love those lovey dovey chick-flick korean dramas ... they keep my mom n sis occupied on the weekends so they dont bother me as much... kudos to tat...~
bleh... i think tats all i've got to write about... 3 more weeks of holidays.. wat the hell am i gonna do now...~
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