anyway, saturday was pretty interesting~
vic's dad was part of this Charity organization n they'd planned this thing to bring a bunch of sick kids to watch "Scrooge the musical" down at the Singapore Repotory Theatre~ so i just went to help... thats right, me... doing charity.... didnt think i would bother about doing shit like this now did u... but im capable of performing good deeds, so there~
didnt really do much... all we had to do was usher the kids into the theatre.... they came by the bus loads, one after the other.... i'd figured the kids would all be like... bald and pale-lookin from all the chemo, commin out in wheelchairs with tubes in their arms n shit... but it was nothin like that...
they were all, jumpy and runnnin around all over the place with their power ranger backpacks... they seemed happy enough considering they were suppose to be sick~ even though they were holdin hands with their partners and lined up in a row, they were still jumpin around and wavin their hands about... one of them shot me with his finger, another bowed to me and said "thank u very much" like i was a prince or something.. they were just being kids, & it was really cute to watch~
once tat was done, me n vic didnt really wanna stay to watch the show, so we went to PS for dinner, then walked back... there were alot of ppl in PS... there was a live battle of the bands thing goin on outside, then a 'Winx Club' show goin on on the inside... so all the lil kids n parents were inside while the emo ppl flocked the outside~ point being, there were lots of ppl at PS....
there were lots of stuff to see in the theatre... lots of paintings n shit... and there was a alfresco bar at the back so tat was cool~
so when the show was over and all the kids came out, we had to give each of'em a goodie bag...
kids are like lil monsters... they grab shit n run around alot.. the non-sick kids were the meanest actually... friggin grabbed everything from my hand... it was the actual sick kids tat were nice and polite, saying thank you and smiling alot... especially this one girl hu had down syndrome hu didnt really say thank you out loud, she just mouthed it to me...
now, i wasnt really expecting anything when i came here, i figured "yeah, i got some time to kill... sure, lets go help some sick kids.. there might be some chickas there too.." but that girl made me feel really good about myself... i kinda understand the whole jizz of helping the needy... it felt good :)
annnyway... one by one the kiddies all left... n it was just us helpers, a couple of adults, and us young ppl~ one of the girls went up to me n said something to me in ching, i didnt really know wth she just said... plus she had her cellphone to her ear so i didnt know if she was talkin to me or not~ but she was lookin at me when she said it... then her friend said something in ching too, & from wad i managed to decifer, she said something like " i had alot of question marks on my head "
apparently cellphone girl was askin for something in one of my goodie bags... n when i just stared at her cluelessly, cellphone girl's friend laughed n said the "he looks like he's got alot of question marks on his head" thing~
so yeah, it was just a simple enough situation that happened in less than a min... but it stuck with me cause, i felt weird not being able to relate to them... n everyone speaks like that in this country... sure i can speak english very well... but sometimes its just cool to fit in~
i find it hard to relate with most ppl cause their so different in terms of language n culture~ theres onli a hand full of ppl that i can be on the same lvl with when it comes to conversation~
so we hitched a ride on one of vic's dad's friends's van... which had a couch at the back of it, which was pretty awesome... it was the 1st time i sat in a sofa in a moving vehicle, felt like a video game...
so yeah, thats it...
dont know how to end it, so im just gonna stop~
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