cleared my room the other day... took off everything from the shelves n drawers... even unplugged sephira~ and the fan too to give'em a wipe... sweeped n mopped.. dusted n cleaned everything... changed the sheets, made the bed... tossed out all the crap i didnt want n re-organized all the crap i did~
took like 3 hrs but it felt accomplishing... my room was clean :)

should've taken a 'before' picture, but i dont think u'd wanna see that...
And check out all the comics i got, i forgot how many i actually owned... this is like 3 drawers n a "portable-cabinet-from-under-the-bed" full of'em~

i was super proud of my collection back in the day,when ppl would ask...
"so wad's ur hobbby aaron?"
then i'd tell'em...
"i collect comics~"
"oh, u mean manga?"
"last time i checked, Batman was from Gotham, not Tokyo -_-"
n i had a kick ass collection of comics.. from the popular X-men & Spider-man to Ninja Turtles & Archie... then there were just weird ones~
n here are a couple of the First Issues..
1st issue of AquaMan, 1st issue of X-Force, 1st X-FActor, 1st Ultimate X-men, 1st issue of Archie & Friends paperback edition~

i bet it'll be worth alotta money if i sell everything... n i think i should since i read them all n i dont really have much space to keep'em in~ but then again, i dunno if i'd have the heart to sell them... or if ppl still wanna buy stuff like this... hu cares about the x-men when u got an x-box 360~
anyway, my room is super clean now, im not letting anyone step into it n touch my stuff~ not even family or friends... untill it gets dirty again, then yeah, mi kasa su kasa~
then u can go roll around on my bed or wadever, i wouldn't care~
so yeah.. too cool for sch so im stayin home~
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