it ain't fair man... we Ninjas take so much shit n this is it? u toss us into random slots of units where neither of us are(nor will ever be..) proficient in, when those who wanna rock n roll are stuck diggin up pavements???
get the fk outta heeere -_-
time check: 0536hr~
my day is done so imma crash.
tomoro night (or rather tonight...) we be rollin to the keeey-s to parrrtayyyy~
"what's a RocknRolla?
it's not about drugs, drums, and hospital drips, oh no. There's more there than that, We all like a bit of the good life - some the money, some the drugs, other the sex game, the glamour, or the fame.
But a RocknRolla... he's different...
Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot~ "

*que bad ass music intro~
i fkin luv the English accent~
soddin wankers...
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