not tat it annoys me tat much... but come on, make up ur mind (hu ever it is tat controls weather movements.. be it mother nature or god or wadever...) in the event of rain we cant really do anything (not that we had anything to do to begin with-_-) so i spent the time watchin "Wall-E" & "The Devil Wears Prada" on my PSP to pass the time...
Wall-E's just the sweetest show ever... i dunno how many times i went "awwww~" in my head, feelin all soft n gay on the inside... TDWP on the other hand was a cool, story-like film bout fashion n life i suppose... not the best of movies but it had tat "i-can-relate-to-the-character" touch to it... which was.... well.. nice~
the rest of the day's spent with loads of reading and eating... couple of times i'd head out to the ol'rusty chin-up bar at the backyard to pull afew... tats about it~ get back, watch some TV, use the computer, lift some weights (yeah i know, idont believe it myself sometimes..) then by 10-ish i crash n the whole thing starts all over again...
right now, i dont even know if im complaining or just sharing stuff about my day... seems mundane enough, yet something's missing~ its like i get this feeling tat theres tons of stuff im suppose to do, but im trapped here doing nothing~ and that anxiety just lingers thru out the day....
i'm afraid my body's gettin used to this lifestyle of bummin around & not doing anything.... soon, i'll become one of those guys tat stays at home all day & chats with his online friends he met in MapleStory -_- cause when "leveling-up" becomes more important than talkin to girls, u know u've hit a new low & i dont ever wanna be like tat~
anyway, on a different note.... certain other things that i've happened to be just thinkin about while sittin around n shit...
-Asians are super, super unfriendly-_- they always give me this awkward vibe, a subtle body language thing if u will... the way their eyes dart about cautiously... like im going to rape them or something.... i guess its just our conservative up-bringing tat limits our trust of another human being~
somebody should do something about tat... im just saying~
-i've said it once, twice, thrice.. shit i've said it in like every 3-5 posts...
ACCENTS ARE SOOoooOOooo HAWT~ well, to be specific, the tone of the voice plays apart too... i hate girls with tat annoying high pitched, act-cute voice.. especially when we guys know ur faking it... no one sounds THAT "Cute", besides its a major turn of.. i dont get why some of u girls think it appeals to us when clearly it doesnt, at least not to me~ if u wanna get krindged at by ppl everytime u say something, then yeah by all means~
-going back to the previous post bout the bus driver and the kid.. perhaps the bus driver was just doin his job u know.. maybe the SBS DID have some kinda counting system tat prevented him from lettin tat kid onboard... maybe he recognized the kid from b4 n knew wad he was up too.. (although tat seems kinda unlikely..-_-)
u know wad, i cant see any reason y he couldnt just give the kid a break.... your an adult u should know better!!
this just goes back to ppl in this country being selfish assholes... be considerate u insusceptible whores~ just cause ur older dont make u better than everyone else.. n just cause ur young dont mean u can get away with doing stupid shit either~
grown ups listen to ur kids, kids teach ur parents... works both ways but i find this one direction better~
keep to that n the world will be a better place....
at least till 2009~
fuckin prudes -_-
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