Wednesday, January 23, 2008


im so angry... every morning.. so damn angsty~ from the moment i wake up, feels like everything's tryin to annoy me~

punk kids goin to school makin so much damn noise, ppl hu block my way when im in a hurry... u decide to stop in the middle of the pressing crowd to think where u wanan go next, wads up with that? -_-

and the morons hu wont move to the back of the freakin bus when there's so much space to stand there... wat the hell's ur problem? not glamourous enough for ya to be standing at the rear end? huh?

well fuck u~

even the birds feel like their mockin me... perchin on the railings with their twiggy legs n 3-toed talons... like their better then me cause they can fly n all -_-

im soo angsty~
and i dont even know why.... maybe its cause i killed to many kittens... then again, maybe its cause i stopped -_- murder's alway was a great way to realise one's bottled-up rage...

old people scare me... i hate it when they rush for seats in the train like their lives depended on it..... hate it when they try to squeeze into a train thats clearly maxed out its capacity... how are we suppose to respect the elderly when they behave like 2 yr olds~

and oh my gawd, i cant believe Heath Ledger's dead...
i mean... shit~

seriously...what the hell man -_-

im just feel soo beaten down by everything... i'm loosin control of my own reality, n its makin me feel weird.. insecure... and i DONT EVEN KNOW WHY... i tell myself "its just one of those days... u'll get over it, no worries :)"

3 days later, nothing changes... but ahh well, no worries...
its just one of those days.. tomoro would be better...

oh wait, didn't i say that yesterday? ~

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