i was sick a couple of days back, kept thrownin up all over the place... it was painful~ i remembered passin out onto my bed from the fatigue of the affliction & havin the weirdest dreams during my unconciousness~ i cant remember them now of course.. but they kept me amused in my half-weary state...
i missed a really cool dinner on tat day because of this illness, but stewy made me some chicken and gave it to me at church last sunday... which was kinda gay, but really sweet in a "man" sort of way~
i feel almost completely healed now, cept for the headaches, which i think would pass if i had more rest... but i dont like taking naps, it gives my body too much access engery which i dont really need if i wanna keep my sleepin schedule in tact~
sometimes when i see someone on the street leanin on a pillar smokin a cigarette, i feel tempted~ i havent thought bout it for months, but a couple of days ago, there was this guy infront of me... & he was smokin, and he puffed the smoke out & i happend to inhale it... & it felt good~ and i missed tat feeling...
i realised ur mind n ur body are 2 seperate things... ur mind controls ur body, tats for sure... but u cant stop ur body from feeling wad it feels... im not as in control of my body's emotions as most ppl are... but im in control of my mind... n tats wad counts~
went to the market today to get groceries... i like doing that~ i'd be like, the youngest person there of course... pickin out vegetables with on my ipod on surrounded by all the old ppl around me doin their shoppin~ perks of shoppin for ur own groceries is tat u pick wad u wanna eat... i'd usually get lots of meat, and potato chips, and other stuff that i happen to fancy~
an episode of "Martha Stewart" had thought me how to cook this dish which required Scallions, which of course is this long-oniony-thing.... but when i got to the supermarket, all the veggies where labeled in their chinese term, like.. instead of saying "Chinese Cabbage" they'd call it "Xiao Bai Cai"~
so, unless u know how the thing actually looks like, u cant find it with just its name... which was super gay since vegetables all look the same~ but i guess it doesnt effect ppl much since they DO know how it looks like... but wadever right, just let me rant about it~
Facebook is a real bitch.. i dont get how to use it~ every day i get like 3 or 4 emails of ppl hu wanna "have sex" with me, its kinda weird but flattering at the same time.. and everytime i click it, n it takes me to the facebook site where'd just get lost in n close it like 2 mins later... -_-

someone's gotta teach me how to use facebook one day, then i can figure out how to throw houses at those ppl hu keep wanting to rape me~
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