how's that for randomness....
2+2 is 9... the voice in the telephone told me dinosaurs come from empty cookie jars... and if u listen really carefully, u can hear them sing the theme song to Captain Planet~
im soo weird-_-
and thirsty....
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
the bff is feeling sad... and i dont know why~
i called her but she wouldn't pick up.. i texted her but she wouldn't reply...
i dont know whats bothering her... but its bothering me too~ i'd wish she'd talk to me... i'd wish she'd tell me whats gotten her so down... whether its a complicated issue i could help solve, or a bothersome individual i can "persuade" to leave u be~
i'd wish she's give me some kind of hint as to what's on her mind... talk to me, please~ its the onli way i can understand whats going on... perhaps she herself doesn't know why she's feeling this way.... i get that too... i feel down for no reason all the time... and knowing that, know that ur not alone~
im just a block away from u, 5 mins walk to ur place.... 10min if u want me to get u ben & jerry's... or perhaps a bag of kittens... i miss having dinner with u in ur kitchen.. i miss bumming in ur room and sharing a tub of Cookie Dough on ur bed with the same spoon~
and the whole time, we'd talk.... about everything... the mundane woes of life to the scandalous gossips of school~ i guess i havent been spending alot of time with u these pass few weeks... but ur my best friend, and u onli need ask, and i will try n provide, unconditionaly, cause our friendship is at that level now.. where u dont need a reason to ask me for something, nor do i require anything in return....
10 years from now, nothing's gonna change.... we'd still be having dinner at ur kitchen... we'd still be havin ice cream in ur room.... we'd still be talking about life~ nothing's going to change...
bff trumps all friends... sometimes i dont show it... but that doesnt mean it isn't true... so please... ur my best friend...
talk to me...~
i called her but she wouldn't pick up.. i texted her but she wouldn't reply...
i dont know whats bothering her... but its bothering me too~ i'd wish she'd talk to me... i'd wish she'd tell me whats gotten her so down... whether its a complicated issue i could help solve, or a bothersome individual i can "persuade" to leave u be~
i'd wish she's give me some kind of hint as to what's on her mind... talk to me, please~ its the onli way i can understand whats going on... perhaps she herself doesn't know why she's feeling this way.... i get that too... i feel down for no reason all the time... and knowing that, know that ur not alone~
im just a block away from u, 5 mins walk to ur place.... 10min if u want me to get u ben & jerry's... or perhaps a bag of kittens... i miss having dinner with u in ur kitchen.. i miss bumming in ur room and sharing a tub of Cookie Dough on ur bed with the same spoon~
and the whole time, we'd talk.... about everything... the mundane woes of life to the scandalous gossips of school~ i guess i havent been spending alot of time with u these pass few weeks... but ur my best friend, and u onli need ask, and i will try n provide, unconditionaly, cause our friendship is at that level now.. where u dont need a reason to ask me for something, nor do i require anything in return....
10 years from now, nothing's gonna change.... we'd still be having dinner at ur kitchen... we'd still be havin ice cream in ur room.... we'd still be talking about life~ nothing's going to change...
bff trumps all friends... sometimes i dont show it... but that doesnt mean it isn't true... so please... ur my best friend...
talk to me...~
Friday, January 25, 2008
imma lil teapot~
today was weird... went home from work n passed out on the bed after i ate my lunch n every thing.. then remi called askin to go for dinner... i said 'ok'~
on the bus to whitesands, there were these 2 perky teenagers from my old secondary sch sittin just infront of where i was.. a boy & a girl~ i couldn't help over hearing what they were talkin about since they were doin it really loudly... not in a vulgar way though.. think they just sound like tat naturally... anyway, the conversation was just.. soo.. stupid....
i dont even know how u explain it.. its, the kinda stupid teenage conversations about their trivial social standings and high school gossip that just makes u want to hurt them... plus the guy's voice was so friggin high.. which is soo weird cause guys with freakishly high voices have always creeped me out~
then all of a sudden they started singing... loudly too...
they kept doing it all the way to the train station -_- i was behind them all the way... restraining myself from lunging at them...
the entrance of whitesands had an equally bizzare scene... amongst the crowd of ppl commin out from the mrt and those comming & going from the shoppin mall was this old brown dog... just layin there in the middle... it was kinda sad cause he looked dirty n hurt? i suppose? or he was probably just restin.... but what dog does tat? just lay there, in the middle of... well... everything~
and in that same area was this half-naked old guy singin chinese opera from a mic while his sidekick plucked on some ancient chinese thinga-ma-jig string instrument... and on the other corner.. was the dog~
i know it sounds pretty normal.. just some dog.. and an old guy... but seeing both together was just weird... i mean... they.... well...its weird so.... ahhhh-_- ~ it just is, why am i even explaining myself...
had macdonalds, walked around then left.. on the way back, while waiting for the light to turn green.. there was an suv stationed behind a redlight... at the backseat, there was this dude with the windows winded down.. and he was takin pictures of us...
i dunno if it was some prank or wadever, i dont think it was.... there was like, a family inside the car, not a bunch of punks doing each other's dares and makin asses of themselves if u know wad i mean.. anyway he was using a pretty fancy camera.. with a red aiming light n flash... took like 2 pictures b4 the light went green then they drove off... that is before i waved to them & they waved back.. as if takin my picture wasnt strange enough...
walked to pasir ris central to get fruit juice cause i was thirsty n i like juice... then when the guy was done juicing the watermelons, he shrieked the words "do u need a plastic bag?" in the most WEiRdesT tone... it was... high, and shrieky and sounded kinda retarded.. i said "nahh" then looked back at remi n gave him a raised eye brown...
juice was refreshing though....
it's probably pretty confusing if u just read this.. u had to be there to... to feel the awkardness of it all... but wadever, i wanted to write about it.. so i did.... and if u start reading it, and u see a pink rabbit start to form between ur eyes, then u'll know...
u'll know its commin for u.. and its gonna get u.... cause it lives in ur brain and eats on ur soul.. then u'll be beggin for the purple pencils to bring ur chicken away -_-
on the bus to whitesands, there were these 2 perky teenagers from my old secondary sch sittin just infront of where i was.. a boy & a girl~ i couldn't help over hearing what they were talkin about since they were doin it really loudly... not in a vulgar way though.. think they just sound like tat naturally... anyway, the conversation was just.. soo.. stupid....
i dont even know how u explain it.. its, the kinda stupid teenage conversations about their trivial social standings and high school gossip that just makes u want to hurt them... plus the guy's voice was so friggin high.. which is soo weird cause guys with freakishly high voices have always creeped me out~
then all of a sudden they started singing... loudly too...
they kept doing it all the way to the train station -_- i was behind them all the way... restraining myself from lunging at them...
the entrance of whitesands had an equally bizzare scene... amongst the crowd of ppl commin out from the mrt and those comming & going from the shoppin mall was this old brown dog... just layin there in the middle... it was kinda sad cause he looked dirty n hurt? i suppose? or he was probably just restin.... but what dog does tat? just lay there, in the middle of... well... everything~
and in that same area was this half-naked old guy singin chinese opera from a mic while his sidekick plucked on some ancient chinese thinga-ma-jig string instrument... and on the other corner.. was the dog~
i know it sounds pretty normal.. just some dog.. and an old guy... but seeing both together was just weird... i mean... they.... well...its weird so.... ahhhh-_- ~ it just is, why am i even explaining myself...
had macdonalds, walked around then left.. on the way back, while waiting for the light to turn green.. there was an suv stationed behind a redlight... at the backseat, there was this dude with the windows winded down.. and he was takin pictures of us...
i dunno if it was some prank or wadever, i dont think it was.... there was like, a family inside the car, not a bunch of punks doing each other's dares and makin asses of themselves if u know wad i mean.. anyway he was using a pretty fancy camera.. with a red aiming light n flash... took like 2 pictures b4 the light went green then they drove off... that is before i waved to them & they waved back.. as if takin my picture wasnt strange enough...
walked to pasir ris central to get fruit juice cause i was thirsty n i like juice... then when the guy was done juicing the watermelons, he shrieked the words "do u need a plastic bag?" in the most WEiRdesT tone... it was... high, and shrieky and sounded kinda retarded.. i said "nahh" then looked back at remi n gave him a raised eye brown...
juice was refreshing though....
it's probably pretty confusing if u just read this.. u had to be there to... to feel the awkardness of it all... but wadever, i wanted to write about it.. so i did.... and if u start reading it, and u see a pink rabbit start to form between ur eyes, then u'll know...
u'll know its commin for u.. and its gonna get u.... cause it lives in ur brain and eats on ur soul.. then u'll be beggin for the purple pencils to bring ur chicken away -_-
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
im so angry... every morning.. so damn angsty~ from the moment i wake up, feels like everything's tryin to annoy me~
punk kids goin to school makin so much damn noise, ppl hu block my way when im in a hurry... u decide to stop in the middle of the pressing crowd to think where u wanan go next, wads up with that? -_-
and the morons hu wont move to the back of the freakin bus when there's so much space to stand there... wat the hell's ur problem? not glamourous enough for ya to be standing at the rear end? huh?
well fuck u~
even the birds feel like their mockin me... perchin on the railings with their twiggy legs n 3-toed talons... like their better then me cause they can fly n all -_-
im soo angsty~
and i dont even know why.... maybe its cause i killed to many kittens... then again, maybe its cause i stopped -_- murder's alway was a great way to realise one's bottled-up rage...
old people scare me... i hate it when they rush for seats in the train like their lives depended on it..... hate it when they try to squeeze into a train thats clearly maxed out its capacity... how are we suppose to respect the elderly when they behave like 2 yr olds~
and oh my gawd, i cant believe Heath Ledger's dead...
i mean... shit~
seriously...what the hell man -_-
im just feel soo beaten down by everything... i'm loosin control of my own reality, n its makin me feel weird.. insecure... and i DONT EVEN KNOW WHY... i tell myself "its just one of those days... u'll get over it, no worries :)"
3 days later, nothing changes... but ahh well, no worries...
its just one of those days.. tomoro would be better...
oh wait, didn't i say that yesterday? ~
punk kids goin to school makin so much damn noise, ppl hu block my way when im in a hurry... u decide to stop in the middle of the pressing crowd to think where u wanan go next, wads up with that? -_-
and the morons hu wont move to the back of the freakin bus when there's so much space to stand there... wat the hell's ur problem? not glamourous enough for ya to be standing at the rear end? huh?
well fuck u~
even the birds feel like their mockin me... perchin on the railings with their twiggy legs n 3-toed talons... like their better then me cause they can fly n all -_-
im soo angsty~
and i dont even know why.... maybe its cause i killed to many kittens... then again, maybe its cause i stopped -_- murder's alway was a great way to realise one's bottled-up rage...
old people scare me... i hate it when they rush for seats in the train like their lives depended on it..... hate it when they try to squeeze into a train thats clearly maxed out its capacity... how are we suppose to respect the elderly when they behave like 2 yr olds~
and oh my gawd, i cant believe Heath Ledger's dead...
i mean... shit~
seriously...what the hell man -_-
im just feel soo beaten down by everything... i'm loosin control of my own reality, n its makin me feel weird.. insecure... and i DONT EVEN KNOW WHY... i tell myself "its just one of those days... u'll get over it, no worries :)"
3 days later, nothing changes... but ahh well, no worries...
its just one of those days.. tomoro would be better...
oh wait, didn't i say that yesterday? ~
Monday, January 21, 2008
be quiet~
went the mother as she tumped loudly on the sister's room door early in the morning.
She shouts through the door something about the trains not working... n hurries the sister before she becomes late for work...
the sister replies something through the otherside of the door, its too muffled to be heard from my room... but the mother understood, and replied in kind with more frantic outcries of urgency~
i was having an unpleasent dream then, it wasn't so much a nightmare as it was... unpleasent, if tat makes any sense.... but a dream's a dream, & i was enjoying the fantasy... that is... till this incident began-_-
i thrashed about my bed, making noises with my feet, in hopes the mother would see my distress as an indication to keep ur voice down or stop banging on the damn door~ but no such assessment was made... and the noise continued...
the sister exits from her room & the conversation gets louder... i thrashed about even more.. but no one sees.. or they did, but no one cares~
"turn on the radio!" one of them says in ching...
"see what the news has to say about the distruption with the trains!"
and they did... to 93.3FM -_-
with that insidious S-Pop theme song being played between every infomercial... i thrashed and i thrashed, blanket hurled off the side of the bed... i buried my head beneath my pillow, shielding my ears tightly, but i could still hear it... it seeps through the cotton threads & the gaps of my fingers, pass the brain and into my soul~
i wailed and i howled, but my mouth is dry, n no sound could be heard~ i felt helpless... could no one hear my cries for sanctuary? if they could, did no one bothered to question my distress? i didnt know which was worst~
it was torture.... i screamed, i moaned, i howled~ then, as aburptly as it had begun, it stopped.... the front door slammed shut, locks were latched, footsteps shuffled away into the distance~
and it was quiet again...
but i was never the same, how could u be after all that.... my eyes stared blankly at the ceiling... tired as they were, they would not close~ sweat dripped from the side of my forehead... dazed, and still shaken from the ordeal, i did the only thing i could do...
i woke up....
went the mother as she tumped loudly on the sister's room door early in the morning.
She shouts through the door something about the trains not working... n hurries the sister before she becomes late for work...
the sister replies something through the otherside of the door, its too muffled to be heard from my room... but the mother understood, and replied in kind with more frantic outcries of urgency~
i was having an unpleasent dream then, it wasn't so much a nightmare as it was... unpleasent, if tat makes any sense.... but a dream's a dream, & i was enjoying the fantasy... that is... till this incident began-_-
i thrashed about my bed, making noises with my feet, in hopes the mother would see my distress as an indication to keep ur voice down or stop banging on the damn door~ but no such assessment was made... and the noise continued...
the sister exits from her room & the conversation gets louder... i thrashed about even more.. but no one sees.. or they did, but no one cares~
"turn on the radio!" one of them says in ching...
"see what the news has to say about the distruption with the trains!"
and they did... to 93.3FM -_-
with that insidious S-Pop theme song being played between every infomercial... i thrashed and i thrashed, blanket hurled off the side of the bed... i buried my head beneath my pillow, shielding my ears tightly, but i could still hear it... it seeps through the cotton threads & the gaps of my fingers, pass the brain and into my soul~
i wailed and i howled, but my mouth is dry, n no sound could be heard~ i felt helpless... could no one hear my cries for sanctuary? if they could, did no one bothered to question my distress? i didnt know which was worst~
it was torture.... i screamed, i moaned, i howled~ then, as aburptly as it had begun, it stopped.... the front door slammed shut, locks were latched, footsteps shuffled away into the distance~
and it was quiet again...
but i was never the same, how could u be after all that.... my eyes stared blankly at the ceiling... tired as they were, they would not close~ sweat dripped from the side of my forehead... dazed, and still shaken from the ordeal, i did the only thing i could do...
i woke up....
Monday, January 14, 2008
pimp my crib~
i went to sloppy's house today to watch American gangster... met him at the bus stop i alighted at then bought 2 pizzas from Canadian n got chips from 7eleven... the feg wanted to spend $7.50 on a pack of "boiled" chips, but i pursaded him otherwise~
so then we walked to his house about half a mile away... i was so excited to see it, & when we got there, it was beautiful... i mean, shit, it was.. so beautiful~
a delicate koi pond greeted us at the entrance.... there was this lawn chair placed right infront of it... perfect for just laying there, reading a book or sippin a cup of coffee in the morning~

indoor pool, with a jacuzzi at the end mind u~ how cool is tat?

ok, so.. open the sliding glass doors n into the big ass living room.. with celings so high & space so wide... u could produce an echo from a pin drop~

a piano, he probably never touches, placed ever so complementary below the winding stairs.. it accomodates the ambience of the mellow household incredibly well~ doesnt really show it on the picture, but it does.. one of those "u-gotta-be-there-to-get-it" kinda thing~

his room, though lightly lit, actually feels warmer that way... most of the light comes from the window, but tats really all the light u need~

alright, so.. on to the cool things of the house...
Cool thing No.#1
its got 6 computers, laptops + desktops included~

Cool Thing No.#2
there's 3 plasma TVs all over the house.. hu need 3 TVs? let alone plasmas? fuckin rich ppl -_-

Cool Thing No.#3...
ladies are gonna like this... theres a room in his mom's room to keep all ur clothes in... u know, like in the movies.. where the have a room for their shoes... this is it... cept with clothes... yeah~

Cool Thing No.#4
the shower in his parents bedroom (yeah, theres like.. 20 bathrooms in the house... all of which are probably more fancier than urs) have this sup-ed up hydro gizmo future h2o squirt-o-matic shower massager spa thing-a-ma-jig that.. omg i cant even discribe.. just look at it n aww in its presence~

and finally.. the best for last~
Cool Thing No.#5 (and coolest thing in the house)
He's GOT A BIDET!!!!!
for those of u who dont know wad tat is, a Bidet is this really dandy crapper that the french invented that shoots a jet of water up ur butt n cleans ur ass with a push of a button~
n he never even knew about it -_- so here we are figurin out how to turn it on...
apparently its pressure sensitive, so we had to press the sit down to activate it lol... talk about Artificial inteligence in ur potty~ the things technology can do these days~
and to think...all this... all this wonderful n beautiful stuff... belongs to THIS TURD~

seriously, anyone wanna kidnap him?
so then we walked to his house about half a mile away... i was so excited to see it, & when we got there, it was beautiful... i mean, shit, it was.. so beautiful~
a delicate koi pond greeted us at the entrance.... there was this lawn chair placed right infront of it... perfect for just laying there, reading a book or sippin a cup of coffee in the morning~

indoor pool, with a jacuzzi at the end mind u~ how cool is tat?

ok, so.. open the sliding glass doors n into the big ass living room.. with celings so high & space so wide... u could produce an echo from a pin drop~

a piano, he probably never touches, placed ever so complementary below the winding stairs.. it accomodates the ambience of the mellow household incredibly well~ doesnt really show it on the picture, but it does.. one of those "u-gotta-be-there-to-get-it" kinda thing~

his room, though lightly lit, actually feels warmer that way... most of the light comes from the window, but tats really all the light u need~

alright, so.. on to the cool things of the house...
Cool thing No.#1
its got 6 computers, laptops + desktops included~

Cool Thing No.#2
there's 3 plasma TVs all over the house.. hu need 3 TVs? let alone plasmas? fuckin rich ppl -_-

Cool Thing No.#3...
ladies are gonna like this... theres a room in his mom's room to keep all ur clothes in... u know, like in the movies.. where the have a room for their shoes... this is it... cept with clothes... yeah~

Cool Thing No.#4
the shower in his parents bedroom (yeah, theres like.. 20 bathrooms in the house... all of which are probably more fancier than urs) have this sup-ed up hydro gizmo future h2o squirt-o-matic shower massager spa thing-a-ma-jig that.. omg i cant even discribe.. just look at it n aww in its presence~

and finally.. the best for last~
Cool Thing No.#5 (and coolest thing in the house)
He's GOT A BIDET!!!!!
for those of u who dont know wad tat is, a Bidet is this really dandy crapper that the french invented that shoots a jet of water up ur butt n cleans ur ass with a push of a button~
n he never even knew about it -_- so here we are figurin out how to turn it on...
apparently its pressure sensitive, so we had to press the sit down to activate it lol... talk about Artificial inteligence in ur potty~ the things technology can do these days~
and to think...all this... all this wonderful n beautiful stuff... belongs to THIS TURD~

seriously, anyone wanna kidnap him?
Monday, January 07, 2008
i've been feelin rather haggared these past few days. my eyes feel heavy and puffy, sometimes when i sit up too fast my head would pulse a beat & a minor pain would daze me for a couple of seconds before i manage to regain myself~
i was sick a couple of days back, kept thrownin up all over the place... it was painful~ i remembered passin out onto my bed from the fatigue of the affliction & havin the weirdest dreams during my unconciousness~ i cant remember them now of course.. but they kept me amused in my half-weary state...
i missed a really cool dinner on tat day because of this illness, but stewy made me some chicken and gave it to me at church last sunday... which was kinda gay, but really sweet in a "man" sort of way~
i feel almost completely healed now, cept for the headaches, which i think would pass if i had more rest... but i dont like taking naps, it gives my body too much access engery which i dont really need if i wanna keep my sleepin schedule in tact~
sometimes when i see someone on the street leanin on a pillar smokin a cigarette, i feel tempted~ i havent thought bout it for months, but a couple of days ago, there was this guy infront of me... & he was smokin, and he puffed the smoke out & i happend to inhale it... & it felt good~ and i missed tat feeling...
i realised ur mind n ur body are 2 seperate things... ur mind controls ur body, tats for sure... but u cant stop ur body from feeling wad it feels... im not as in control of my body's emotions as most ppl are... but im in control of my mind... n tats wad counts~
went to the market today to get groceries... i like doing that~ i'd be like, the youngest person there of course... pickin out vegetables with on my ipod on surrounded by all the old ppl around me doin their shoppin~ perks of shoppin for ur own groceries is tat u pick wad u wanna eat... i'd usually get lots of meat, and potato chips, and other stuff that i happen to fancy~
an episode of "Martha Stewart" had thought me how to cook this dish which required Scallions, which of course is this long-oniony-thing.... but when i got to the supermarket, all the veggies where labeled in their chinese term, like.. instead of saying "Chinese Cabbage" they'd call it "Xiao Bai Cai"~
so, unless u know how the thing actually looks like, u cant find it with just its name... which was super gay since vegetables all look the same~ but i guess it doesnt effect ppl much since they DO know how it looks like... but wadever right, just let me rant about it~
Facebook is a real bitch.. i dont get how to use it~ every day i get like 3 or 4 emails of ppl hu wanna "have sex" with me, its kinda weird but flattering at the same time.. and everytime i click it, n it takes me to the facebook site where'd just get lost in n close it like 2 mins later... -_-

someone's gotta teach me how to use facebook one day, then i can figure out how to throw houses at those ppl hu keep wanting to rape me~
i was sick a couple of days back, kept thrownin up all over the place... it was painful~ i remembered passin out onto my bed from the fatigue of the affliction & havin the weirdest dreams during my unconciousness~ i cant remember them now of course.. but they kept me amused in my half-weary state...
i missed a really cool dinner on tat day because of this illness, but stewy made me some chicken and gave it to me at church last sunday... which was kinda gay, but really sweet in a "man" sort of way~
i feel almost completely healed now, cept for the headaches, which i think would pass if i had more rest... but i dont like taking naps, it gives my body too much access engery which i dont really need if i wanna keep my sleepin schedule in tact~
sometimes when i see someone on the street leanin on a pillar smokin a cigarette, i feel tempted~ i havent thought bout it for months, but a couple of days ago, there was this guy infront of me... & he was smokin, and he puffed the smoke out & i happend to inhale it... & it felt good~ and i missed tat feeling...
i realised ur mind n ur body are 2 seperate things... ur mind controls ur body, tats for sure... but u cant stop ur body from feeling wad it feels... im not as in control of my body's emotions as most ppl are... but im in control of my mind... n tats wad counts~
went to the market today to get groceries... i like doing that~ i'd be like, the youngest person there of course... pickin out vegetables with on my ipod on surrounded by all the old ppl around me doin their shoppin~ perks of shoppin for ur own groceries is tat u pick wad u wanna eat... i'd usually get lots of meat, and potato chips, and other stuff that i happen to fancy~
an episode of "Martha Stewart" had thought me how to cook this dish which required Scallions, which of course is this long-oniony-thing.... but when i got to the supermarket, all the veggies where labeled in their chinese term, like.. instead of saying "Chinese Cabbage" they'd call it "Xiao Bai Cai"~
so, unless u know how the thing actually looks like, u cant find it with just its name... which was super gay since vegetables all look the same~ but i guess it doesnt effect ppl much since they DO know how it looks like... but wadever right, just let me rant about it~
Facebook is a real bitch.. i dont get how to use it~ every day i get like 3 or 4 emails of ppl hu wanna "have sex" with me, its kinda weird but flattering at the same time.. and everytime i click it, n it takes me to the facebook site where'd just get lost in n close it like 2 mins later... -_-

someone's gotta teach me how to use facebook one day, then i can figure out how to throw houses at those ppl hu keep wanting to rape me~
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