"buenas noches~"
said the mexican salesman to the little boy...
"woould youu likeee to buyyy a sombrero for 10 pesos lil boy?"
"wad use would i have for a sombrero? "
asked the little boy...
"the weather here is veryy hot, a hat this big would protect you from the sun's rays and keep u warm when you go harvesting in the fields~"
"no Señor, it is winter, the sun is no where to be seen... i have no use for it now.."
replied the little boy...
"wooould u likeee to buyy some arabica coffee beans for 20 pesos lil boy?"
"wad use would i have for a arabica coffee beans ? "
asked the little boy...
"these are the finest coffee beans in all of latin america, plant them by your father's yield and they will grow effortlessly through the winter~"
"no Señor, the lakes are frozen, no water runs through the fields anymore.. i have no use for them now..."
replied the little boy....
the mexican salesman rumaged through his bag of wears, pulling out items one by one... but the little boy seemed interested in nothing. He looked at his the animal pulling his cart and asked the little boy......
"wooould u likeee to buyy this donkey for 50 pesos lil boy?"
"wad use would i have for a donkey? "
asked the little boy...
"he could carry your wares from town to town, it's hooves tread firmly through the thick snow & requires little to drink~"
"no Señor, the townsfolk have moved to the inner city for warmth and supplies for the coming winter.... i have no use for it now..."
replied the boy...
the mexican salesman looked at the boy with dismal....
"i have nothing left to offer u lil boy, i'd best be off... adios~"
he climbed into his wooden cart, tugged gently on the leash & rod off following the road to the next village.
the little boy stood alone in the cold until only fog n mist enshrouded the caravan and all could be heard were the sound of hooves trotting in the distance~
he placed his hands into his pockets and stumbled back indoors.....
(gawd~ i have no idea wad the hell im writing about anymore -_-....)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
the sleep~
havent had enough lately with all the shit goin on... pass few days i've been subsituting water for caffine~
yesterday was a long long day... from the moment i woke up at 6am, till the time igot home from playin soccer at 11pm~ its been like this for 3 days now... and that night when i went to bed, i had one of the best uninterrupted sleep in a long time, i was literally unconcious~
it wasn't that kinda sleep where u'd close ur eyes for like 2 secs and it was morning already, neither was it those sleep for 10 hours but still wake up feeling like u've been sleep dancing all night....
and the dreams, oohhh... i dreamt of dream after dream~ and they felt soooo real, and yet, so conceptual~ first i was in a bus sitting nice to some girl, then i was in a house with a friend... they were meaningless, frivolous, silly, but rather enjoyable :)
its intriguing to experience the surrealness of dreams.....though, i wouldnt call it something u "feel", its more like a sensation... like lookin at a painting. yeah, dreams are like art... art of the subconcious mind harmonizing the strange reflections of the day with the lucid dramatizations of the REAL world...
dreaming is free~
we fly, we travel, we pretend...
we fantasize of wealth.. of power.... of sex~
to dream, is freedom...
its like an orgasm of the mind...
to dream, is love~
infact not alot of people seem to appreciate sleep anymore, everyone's bragging about how much sleep they DIDN'T get the night before as a way to bolster their self-righteousness... saying that u sleep 3-4 hours aday makes others see u as disciplined & drivin... when actually all ur doing is more harm to ur body~
i read a book today about the great renaissance essayist Montaigne who loved sleep so much tat his onli frustration was that when ur asleep, u arent conscious of its pleasures. So he instructed his servants to wake him up in the middle of the night so that he could come into a semi-consciousness in order to savour the feeling of sleepyness & enjoy the pleasure of going back to sleep~
Sleep is a break from toil, a release of responsibility~
we postpone our duties & give ourselves up to a greater force so magical that it subsides our worries and soothes away concern~
kinda makes u feel a lil tired readin this doesnt it?
bet u just smiled a lil too cause u know its true :)
yesterday was a long long day... from the moment i woke up at 6am, till the time igot home from playin soccer at 11pm~ its been like this for 3 days now... and that night when i went to bed, i had one of the best uninterrupted sleep in a long time, i was literally unconcious~
it wasn't that kinda sleep where u'd close ur eyes for like 2 secs and it was morning already, neither was it those sleep for 10 hours but still wake up feeling like u've been sleep dancing all night....
and the dreams, oohhh... i dreamt of dream after dream~ and they felt soooo real, and yet, so conceptual~ first i was in a bus sitting nice to some girl, then i was in a house with a friend... they were meaningless, frivolous, silly, but rather enjoyable :)
its intriguing to experience the surrealness of dreams.....though, i wouldnt call it something u "feel", its more like a sensation... like lookin at a painting. yeah, dreams are like art... art of the subconcious mind harmonizing the strange reflections of the day with the lucid dramatizations of the REAL world...
dreaming is free~
we fly, we travel, we pretend...
we fantasize of wealth.. of power.... of sex~
to dream, is freedom...
its like an orgasm of the mind...
to dream, is love~
infact not alot of people seem to appreciate sleep anymore, everyone's bragging about how much sleep they DIDN'T get the night before as a way to bolster their self-righteousness... saying that u sleep 3-4 hours aday makes others see u as disciplined & drivin... when actually all ur doing is more harm to ur body~
i read a book today about the great renaissance essayist Montaigne who loved sleep so much tat his onli frustration was that when ur asleep, u arent conscious of its pleasures. So he instructed his servants to wake him up in the middle of the night so that he could come into a semi-consciousness in order to savour the feeling of sleepyness & enjoy the pleasure of going back to sleep~
Sleep is a break from toil, a release of responsibility~
we postpone our duties & give ourselves up to a greater force so magical that it subsides our worries and soothes away concern~
kinda makes u feel a lil tired readin this doesnt it?
bet u just smiled a lil too cause u know its true :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
it's beauty to me~
i slept at 3am the other night & woke up at 6 to get to sch by 8 for the 1st paper... the second was a pretty much a goner & because of that i wont have enough CU points to have my SIP next sem....
when i got home, there was this letter shoved underneath the door from the electric company saying they've disconnected the power in the house cause we didnt pay the bills... true enough, i flipped a couple of switches but nothing turned on... apparently my family's poor~
the phone was dead, so were the lights. Couldn't watch tv or turn on the computer. No fan or AC... & everything in the fridge was melting~ i kinda stoned infront of the door for awhile readin "Chariots of the Gods" since it was the onli place with light and a decent breeze...
vic called.. said the guys just came from the arts house & where gonna have coffee so i went to meet them at Plaza Sing an hour later... i had alot on my mind... figured the coffee would help~
hung around and talked for awhile b4 going to carfour... eddy wanted to get some cheetos before headin off~ when i got home, the sister and the father were back.. it was dark and cold... there were candles everywhere...
the father borrowed some power from the neighbour nextdoor so there was this really long extension cable running from from their house thru my room window which powered the fridge, a desk lamp and a fan in his room....
he did wad most asshole father's would do... he made things worst~ kept bitchin n goin off on how it was my fault i didnt show him the letter before going out.... i flipped him off n went to take a bath under the candle light....
it was pretty romantic i must say... there was no warm water since the heater was out too, but the flickering of the candle light made things feel cosy and warm~
i was exhausted...
the house was in darkness except for some light coming thru the open door and the lone candle i held... everyone was asleep by now but me... went to my room to find something to read to pass the time till my mom came back~
so, there i was, all by myself in the dark reading russel lee's 11th book & sitting by the front door with the candle placed on a table just next to the alter of which i had a very clear view off~
it was... rather unsettling -_- but i was more concerned about the whole "no power" thing than the affairs of the supernatural~ mom came back soon after... don't remember when, clock on the VCR was out~ i asked her if she was ok... she said everything was fine, and i bought it~
that night, i didn't manage to get a wink of sleep... it was hot in my room so i went outside to sleep on the living room floor since my mom was on the couch.. but it was uncomfortable, so i went back to my bed but then it got hot again so i went back n forth the whole night till i ended up in the kitchen cause the tiles on the floor were cool and there was a nice breeze comin from the kitchen window~
the next morning, i woke up in my room... guess i must've walked back but i didnt really remember~ the sister and mom went to work but the Father was home.... i could hear him smackin some poor guy over the phone, he was probably from the electric company~ didnt want to stick around to find out so i went downstairs to study for my last 2 papers tomoro...
i was sooo tired~
went to the gas station & got a can of red bull and a box of strawberry filled hello pandas then found a cosy spot to sit... my box of cigs from the day before were about half gone... but i had enough to keep me goin till tomoro~
it didnt rain, but it was really windy, which was nice.... saw alot of school kids walkin home with maids & mothers fetchin the smaller ones~ i hadn't had a "sit-down-and-watch-the-world-go-by" session in awhile, so it was cool~
life hasnt excactly been a walk in the park for me... i wasnt born rich... my mom's extremely over-protective, my older sister acts like a twelve year old, not to mention the father's an A-hole~
but, it doesnt really bother me anymore... i think i've gotten used to it~ however, i've always wondered how it would be like if things were different... if we were rich and if i didnt have a prick for a dad... but then i'd probably turn out to be one of those jackoff who drive around in a fancy car wearing expensive clothes and treatin women like shit~
i'd figured i'd turn out pretty fucked considering the things i've been through, but im actually quite suprized at how well im taking everything... and with the a-hole around, mom's always tellin me how im the "man of the house" now & i gotta take care of things n look after her & the other child~
the power's back up now, tats why im able to write.. passing tomoro's paper determines whether i'll be spending next sem in sch or in the army.... but i honestly dont know if i can clear it~
probably gonna study more after i finish writing...
this is like my 3rd cup of coffee today, and i have 6 sticks left...
well, 5 now....
its 8.30pm & there's not a cloud in the sky blocking my view of the moon~
beautiful :)
when i got home, there was this letter shoved underneath the door from the electric company saying they've disconnected the power in the house cause we didnt pay the bills... true enough, i flipped a couple of switches but nothing turned on... apparently my family's poor~
the phone was dead, so were the lights. Couldn't watch tv or turn on the computer. No fan or AC... & everything in the fridge was melting~ i kinda stoned infront of the door for awhile readin "Chariots of the Gods" since it was the onli place with light and a decent breeze...
vic called.. said the guys just came from the arts house & where gonna have coffee so i went to meet them at Plaza Sing an hour later... i had alot on my mind... figured the coffee would help~
hung around and talked for awhile b4 going to carfour... eddy wanted to get some cheetos before headin off~ when i got home, the sister and the father were back.. it was dark and cold... there were candles everywhere...
the father borrowed some power from the neighbour nextdoor so there was this really long extension cable running from from their house thru my room window which powered the fridge, a desk lamp and a fan in his room....
he did wad most asshole father's would do... he made things worst~ kept bitchin n goin off on how it was my fault i didnt show him the letter before going out.... i flipped him off n went to take a bath under the candle light....
it was pretty romantic i must say... there was no warm water since the heater was out too, but the flickering of the candle light made things feel cosy and warm~
i was exhausted...
the house was in darkness except for some light coming thru the open door and the lone candle i held... everyone was asleep by now but me... went to my room to find something to read to pass the time till my mom came back~
so, there i was, all by myself in the dark reading russel lee's 11th book & sitting by the front door with the candle placed on a table just next to the alter of which i had a very clear view off~
it was... rather unsettling -_- but i was more concerned about the whole "no power" thing than the affairs of the supernatural~ mom came back soon after... don't remember when, clock on the VCR was out~ i asked her if she was ok... she said everything was fine, and i bought it~
that night, i didn't manage to get a wink of sleep... it was hot in my room so i went outside to sleep on the living room floor since my mom was on the couch.. but it was uncomfortable, so i went back to my bed but then it got hot again so i went back n forth the whole night till i ended up in the kitchen cause the tiles on the floor were cool and there was a nice breeze comin from the kitchen window~
the next morning, i woke up in my room... guess i must've walked back but i didnt really remember~ the sister and mom went to work but the Father was home.... i could hear him smackin some poor guy over the phone, he was probably from the electric company~ didnt want to stick around to find out so i went downstairs to study for my last 2 papers tomoro...
i was sooo tired~
went to the gas station & got a can of red bull and a box of strawberry filled hello pandas then found a cosy spot to sit... my box of cigs from the day before were about half gone... but i had enough to keep me goin till tomoro~
it didnt rain, but it was really windy, which was nice.... saw alot of school kids walkin home with maids & mothers fetchin the smaller ones~ i hadn't had a "sit-down-and-watch-the-world-go-by" session in awhile, so it was cool~
life hasnt excactly been a walk in the park for me... i wasnt born rich... my mom's extremely over-protective, my older sister acts like a twelve year old, not to mention the father's an A-hole~
but, it doesnt really bother me anymore... i think i've gotten used to it~ however, i've always wondered how it would be like if things were different... if we were rich and if i didnt have a prick for a dad... but then i'd probably turn out to be one of those jackoff who drive around in a fancy car wearing expensive clothes and treatin women like shit~
i'd figured i'd turn out pretty fucked considering the things i've been through, but im actually quite suprized at how well im taking everything... and with the a-hole around, mom's always tellin me how im the "man of the house" now & i gotta take care of things n look after her & the other child~
the power's back up now, tats why im able to write.. passing tomoro's paper determines whether i'll be spending next sem in sch or in the army.... but i honestly dont know if i can clear it~
probably gonna study more after i finish writing...
this is like my 3rd cup of coffee today, and i have 6 sticks left...
well, 5 now....
its 8.30pm & there's not a cloud in the sky blocking my view of the moon~
beautiful :)
Saturday, September 22, 2007
divine intervention~
the devil speaks chinese...
and as punishment he makes you do "ting xie" of all the lyrics of f4 songs...
and when u think you've seen it all, he makes us watch korean dramas with chinese subtitles!!!
chant the magic words to make him go away...
"one, two, pikachu... three, four, bulbasaur~"
*damn u naked mocca man, NO I DONT WANNA SEE UR MATCHING PIPES U HOMO!!!
and as punishment he makes you do "ting xie" of all the lyrics of f4 songs...
and when u think you've seen it all, he makes us watch korean dramas with chinese subtitles!!!
chant the magic words to make him go away...
"one, two, pikachu... three, four, bulbasaur~"
*damn u naked mocca man, NO I DONT WANNA SEE UR MATCHING PIPES U HOMO!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
the happy song~
im reeally happy today :)
so i made up a happy song and sang it to myself...
i was gonna post the lyrics here but they werent exactly consistant since its mainly made up words of random stuff i see around me then i just add the word "happy" in there at some point~
yeeeahhh -.-
i was standin outside a grade school when i went to follow vic to fetch his lil sister, and there were tons of annoying lil kids half my size runnin around all crazy-like, screamin about stuff with their high, unbroken voices and makin so much noise.... so i gave them all a scary look and they all ran away from me~
that actually made me feel good... didnt do it cause i was an asshole, i just did it cause i could :)
im weird that way...
wokay, i've offically creeped out all my friends... but idont care, im uber happy :)
exam tomoro wish me luck~
so i made up a happy song and sang it to myself...
i was gonna post the lyrics here but they werent exactly consistant since its mainly made up words of random stuff i see around me then i just add the word "happy" in there at some point~
yeeeahhh -.-
i was standin outside a grade school when i went to follow vic to fetch his lil sister, and there were tons of annoying lil kids half my size runnin around all crazy-like, screamin about stuff with their high, unbroken voices and makin so much noise.... so i gave them all a scary look and they all ran away from me~
that actually made me feel good... didnt do it cause i was an asshole, i just did it cause i could :)
im weird that way...
wokay, i've offically creeped out all my friends... but idont care, im uber happy :)
exam tomoro wish me luck~
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
hot fuzz (review)~
this may be a british film, but its all about the american way when it came to the roaring gun battle scenes of blasting 50 rounds n hoping one of them hits the bad guy~
its really a great movie when it comes to the originality of it... the plot was extremely ridiculous but was made in a way so believable that it went really well with the whole story...
the begining of the movie was pretty slow, but it was all about developing the storyline and when everything fell into place, they brought on the pg-13 humour mixed with m-18 violence that kept me smiling all the way~
it was a film that everyone could enjoy with a slighty larger dose of blood scenes which seemed "cool" instead of "gross" and i kinda felt that was a good move the directors made~
its a well planned & original comedy thats definately worth seeing, although not so much for those with weak stomachs :)

ooh, i have a re-take on thrusday n im writing a movie review instead -_-
chocolate on pizza anyone?~
its really a great movie when it comes to the originality of it... the plot was extremely ridiculous but was made in a way so believable that it went really well with the whole story...
the begining of the movie was pretty slow, but it was all about developing the storyline and when everything fell into place, they brought on the pg-13 humour mixed with m-18 violence that kept me smiling all the way~
it was a film that everyone could enjoy with a slighty larger dose of blood scenes which seemed "cool" instead of "gross" and i kinda felt that was a good move the directors made~
its a well planned & original comedy thats definately worth seeing, although not so much for those with weak stomachs :)

ooh, i have a re-take on thrusday n im writing a movie review instead -_-
chocolate on pizza anyone?~
Sunday, September 16, 2007
i tried studying the whole weekend but acomplished nothing -_- really gotta pass my sups or im outta sch... but seeing as how shitty engineering is, the army doesnt seem tat bad~
gotta go for the remedial lessons tomoro morning, hopefully it'll be the lec would just divulge all sorts of hints n shit about the sup papers....
i've been playing soo much Real-time strategy games on the pc, everytime my mom asks me to do something i acknowlege her by saying stuff like... "Yes my liage" or "i bow to your will master"... then she'd just call me crazy n shunn me off while i'd skip away~
oh yeah, one more thing... im gonna haff to kill that creepy naked guy from the mocca adverts for being so gay and wearing a tiger-skinned underpants~
yeeeah, kay ciao~
gotta go for the remedial lessons tomoro morning, hopefully it'll be the lec would just divulge all sorts of hints n shit about the sup papers....
i've been playing soo much Real-time strategy games on the pc, everytime my mom asks me to do something i acknowlege her by saying stuff like... "Yes my liage" or "i bow to your will master"... then she'd just call me crazy n shunn me off while i'd skip away~
oh yeah, one more thing... im gonna haff to kill that creepy naked guy from the mocca adverts for being so gay and wearing a tiger-skinned underpants~
yeeeah, kay ciao~
Thursday, September 13, 2007
this could be the end of everything...~
i had 4 papers for my exams but now i have 5 sup papers -.-
i wanted to re-heat the mash potato from kfc, so i put it in the steamer n it melted the plastic container & my mom laughed~
lifehouse did a cool Keane cover of the song "somewhere only we know"~
anyone wanna go see the "Tattoo City - A Singapore Story" Exhibition at the arts house this saturday with me?
horoscope for of the day says they'll be some big chance in my life.....
dont see it yet though~
i wanted to re-heat the mash potato from kfc, so i put it in the steamer n it melted the plastic container & my mom laughed~
lifehouse did a cool Keane cover of the song "somewhere only we know"~
anyone wanna go see the "Tattoo City - A Singapore Story" Exhibition at the arts house this saturday with me?
horoscope for of the day says they'll be some big chance in my life.....
dont see it yet though~
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
candy jane~
there once was a girl, her name was jane...
she lived above a sweet shop in a town of a town, in a place of a place... it was small and dim with only one window...
but it was home...
she'd gaze out of it from time to time, watchin the children enter the store... the sugary, toothsome scent of strawberry lickerish & rainbow coloured gumdrops oozed in thru the cracks of the wooden floor from the store below... it was warm & cherishing... & reminded her of summers spent with her mother~
but she never went down though...
she'd watch the children enter & leave, carrying out bags of gummybears and candy canes.... and she'd observe, quietly, from the window in her room... they would tease her from below... waving their bags of edible jewels above their heads, taunting her as they popped hand-fulls into their mouths and smiled once their tongues felt the sweetness~
she'd look at them blankly with her absract stare.... expressing neither admiration nor discontent... & once they found no satisfaction in their attempts, they left... and she'd watch them leave~
she imagined in her head the vast selections of candy & sweets the little shop contained... the infinite colours of jellybeans and sugar tots endowned with the flavours of every fruit & essence in the world.... and she'd smile a wide smile~
but she never went down....
*hu's the cuter one now :)
she lived above a sweet shop in a town of a town, in a place of a place... it was small and dim with only one window...
but it was home...
she'd gaze out of it from time to time, watchin the children enter the store... the sugary, toothsome scent of strawberry lickerish & rainbow coloured gumdrops oozed in thru the cracks of the wooden floor from the store below... it was warm & cherishing... & reminded her of summers spent with her mother~
but she never went down though...
she'd watch the children enter & leave, carrying out bags of gummybears and candy canes.... and she'd observe, quietly, from the window in her room... they would tease her from below... waving their bags of edible jewels above their heads, taunting her as they popped hand-fulls into their mouths and smiled once their tongues felt the sweetness~
she'd look at them blankly with her absract stare.... expressing neither admiration nor discontent... & once they found no satisfaction in their attempts, they left... and she'd watch them leave~
she imagined in her head the vast selections of candy & sweets the little shop contained... the infinite colours of jellybeans and sugar tots endowned with the flavours of every fruit & essence in the world.... and she'd smile a wide smile~
but she never went down....
*hu's the cuter one now :)
Sunday, September 09, 2007
went to this Bar last night called the "Crazy Elephant" after much wanderin around in the clarke key area with the bumbling idiots... it was pretty cool... they had a live band playin old sch rock music, most of which i werent too familiar with... except when they played "Voodoo Child" by Jimmi Hendrix that i got all excited~ the guitarist was really good & hendrix is a god~
cant remember wad time i got home only that i slept at 4.30~
woke up the sounds of my mom listening to 9.33fm while doing her cleaning.... that began at 8am -_- & by 8.30 i decided to just wake up so i fumbled to the kitchen where my mom was...
first thing she does when she sees her son in the morning she starts shouting at bout not putting my bath towel back in the bathroom... then about how i didnt wash my pan when i cooked yesterday... then about not pickin up my clothes in my room....
well, she doesnt really shout at me, its just tat her talkin voice is almost the same as her scolding voice, just louder... -_-
so anyway, i was like... "damn mom, why are u so noisy in the morning.... its friggin sunday n ur up by 7 doing chores go back to bed -_-" (my mom's weird tat way, go figure~)
then she spotted the fake tattoo i got from the game convention at suntec last night on my neck & went... "u lil sonofabitch, did u go get another tattoo!?"
so i said... "no mom... gawd, stop shouting so early in the morning" then she started searchin my whole body for any other foreign designs~
point being, im reeally druggy in the mornings n i dunno about u guys but i like to oooze into the day n not be thrown right into it... i dont turn on any lights in the morning, i prefer to let the sun naturally adjust my eyes to daylight...
i'd listen to soft music while i get dressed after my bath then stone on the couch n look around awhile, uknow, to try & remember wad happened last night or wad im suppose to do later... then after a 15mins or so, i'd be ready... u know, to start the day & what not...
my mom just needs to flip her "morning switch" n she's up n running, her body doesnt need stretching, her pupils dont need adjusting to light... i hate it when i go to the kitchen at 6 in the morning n all the lights are on...-_- i always shower in the dark while she showers with all the lights on.... but hey, guess she's weird that way~
my mom n i are so different... the only generic trait i got from her is her fair skin, which, on a guy is kinda faggoty since i can never get tann, but all the girls seem jealous of me so wadever...
mom's noisy in the mornings n she hassles me everyday to go get a job....
im still an unemployed basterd so if anyones got a really cool job that pays $20 bucks an hr who needs ppl, gimmie a call please... if not $5/hr would do~
im gonna go throw stuff on the ground to make her shout at me more... im weird tat way-_-
boo ya~
cant remember wad time i got home only that i slept at 4.30~
woke up the sounds of my mom listening to 9.33fm while doing her cleaning.... that began at 8am -_- & by 8.30 i decided to just wake up so i fumbled to the kitchen where my mom was...
first thing she does when she sees her son in the morning she starts shouting at bout not putting my bath towel back in the bathroom... then about how i didnt wash my pan when i cooked yesterday... then about not pickin up my clothes in my room....
well, she doesnt really shout at me, its just tat her talkin voice is almost the same as her scolding voice, just louder... -_-
so anyway, i was like... "damn mom, why are u so noisy in the morning.... its friggin sunday n ur up by 7 doing chores go back to bed -_-" (my mom's weird tat way, go figure~)
then she spotted the fake tattoo i got from the game convention at suntec last night on my neck & went... "u lil sonofabitch, did u go get another tattoo!?"
so i said... "no mom... gawd, stop shouting so early in the morning" then she started searchin my whole body for any other foreign designs~
point being, im reeally druggy in the mornings n i dunno about u guys but i like to oooze into the day n not be thrown right into it... i dont turn on any lights in the morning, i prefer to let the sun naturally adjust my eyes to daylight...
i'd listen to soft music while i get dressed after my bath then stone on the couch n look around awhile, uknow, to try & remember wad happened last night or wad im suppose to do later... then after a 15mins or so, i'd be ready... u know, to start the day & what not...
my mom just needs to flip her "morning switch" n she's up n running, her body doesnt need stretching, her pupils dont need adjusting to light... i hate it when i go to the kitchen at 6 in the morning n all the lights are on...-_- i always shower in the dark while she showers with all the lights on.... but hey, guess she's weird that way~
my mom n i are so different... the only generic trait i got from her is her fair skin, which, on a guy is kinda faggoty since i can never get tann, but all the girls seem jealous of me so wadever...
mom's noisy in the mornings n she hassles me everyday to go get a job....
im still an unemployed basterd so if anyones got a really cool job that pays $20 bucks an hr who needs ppl, gimmie a call please... if not $5/hr would do~
im gonna go throw stuff on the ground to make her shout at me more... im weird tat way-_-
boo ya~
Friday, September 07, 2007
somewhere only we know~
Thursday, September 06, 2007
stars & boulevards~
bad dream woke me up at 4am cant remember much.... all i can recall is tat something was biting me n i had to run away~
"Oooh...seems like I'm always on my own..."
the band in my head is playin too loudly, i cant hear the woman on the tv play her harmonica.... but then again, she was never really that good to begin with~
"seems like I'm never coming home..."
i tired to touch the pretty picture the butterfly drew but it was too high up the purple tree, so i just let it sit there...
"seems like I'm always on my... "
cookie monster says the moon's a giant cookie so i'm gonna go eat it... unless of course its actually made of cheese n the man on the moon would eat me too~
"All the stars and boulevards ain't close enough for you..."

augustana rocks :)
kay im off~
"Oooh...seems like I'm always on my own..."
the band in my head is playin too loudly, i cant hear the woman on the tv play her harmonica.... but then again, she was never really that good to begin with~
"seems like I'm never coming home..."
i tired to touch the pretty picture the butterfly drew but it was too high up the purple tree, so i just let it sit there...
"seems like I'm always on my... "
cookie monster says the moon's a giant cookie so i'm gonna go eat it... unless of course its actually made of cheese n the man on the moon would eat me too~
"All the stars and boulevards ain't close enough for you..."

augustana rocks :)
kay im off~
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
nice night~
stoned at home the whole morning watchin old episodes of family guy till vic called askin to sim lim... didnt care wad for, just had to leave the house~
slopp's wanted to get his 'razor mouse' for his desktop so we just tagged along... friggin thing costed like 70 dollars, not to mention another $30 for the mouse pad.... a MOUSE PAD-_- if i had $70 bucks lying around i wouldnt spend it on a lousy ass mouse let alone, a mouse pad which costs $30 freakin dollars... shit.. i could use a piece of paper for a mousepad let alone pay for one.... but he's a rich basterd so i dont care~
the whole "shopping-for-a-mouse" thing took probably about half an hour since guys usually just buy their shit n leave unlike girls... so we wandered around aimlessly, red bean ice-cream in hand, just walkin tryin to kill time~
then we saw this big ass building n vic was like,
"hey wats in there..?"
"i dunno, u wanna go in?"
"urhh, yeah wadever~"
so then we went in and it was the national library, the huge one.. had 14 friggin lvls of books in it n shit... it was really something~
it was like a hotel... there was a lobby, security guards at every entrance, escalators with sensor tat would start up when u go near them... even the bathrooms were fancy and they had free lockers for u to put ur shit in too :)
and it was soooo quiet inside, every shuffle of the shoe could be heard, i had to hold in my cough cause i was afraid i would disturb the peace or somethin... & there where these lil art exhibitions on all the floors which were really cool n made us all feel really artsy lookin at them~

at first we just gave them a simple glanced, but then we noticed every around us were really observing the detail & eccentricity of the pieces, holdin lil pamplets in their hands and constantly rubbing their chins as though in deep contemplation of thought as to wad the artist was trying to interpret through his works....
yeeah, so we decided to do tat too~

i cant remember wad floor we went to, but it had all the books on english literature, and of contemporary novels written by french authors filled with quotes from plays n poetry from the renaissance... all of which, incredibly fancy and ooh so intriguing... it was no suprize we decided to stay at that lvl...
we grabbed a book... and had a sit on the most comfortable of library-bought couches and read for about an hour before deciding to leave for another place to splurrge the last remainer of our cash.....
and wad better way then having an exquisite ice blended mocha frap from the godly establishment known as Starbucks~ gawd, i gotta get a job there one day....

its been so long, the whole day spent wandering around the streets without a purpose had finally lead us to this moment where it was just you & ur friends, a cup of coffee, and the rest of the world...

and then we talked & talked... though it seemed gay at some point, it was quite refreshing... i could picture myself 30 years from now doing the same thing with the same ppl and tat made it feel more devine~
this is wad life's all about really... enjoying the lil things~
it was a perfect ending for a somewhat monotonous morning~

hmm.... nice night :)
*Cassy has a squeaky voice, im tellin everyone~
slopp's wanted to get his 'razor mouse' for his desktop so we just tagged along... friggin thing costed like 70 dollars, not to mention another $30 for the mouse pad.... a MOUSE PAD-_- if i had $70 bucks lying around i wouldnt spend it on a lousy ass mouse let alone, a mouse pad which costs $30 freakin dollars... shit.. i could use a piece of paper for a mousepad let alone pay for one.... but he's a rich basterd so i dont care~
the whole "shopping-for-a-mouse" thing took probably about half an hour since guys usually just buy their shit n leave unlike girls... so we wandered around aimlessly, red bean ice-cream in hand, just walkin tryin to kill time~
then we saw this big ass building n vic was like,
"hey wats in there..?"
"i dunno, u wanna go in?"
"urhh, yeah wadever~"
so then we went in and it was the national library, the huge one.. had 14 friggin lvls of books in it n shit... it was really something~
it was like a hotel... there was a lobby, security guards at every entrance, escalators with sensor tat would start up when u go near them... even the bathrooms were fancy and they had free lockers for u to put ur shit in too :)
and it was soooo quiet inside, every shuffle of the shoe could be heard, i had to hold in my cough cause i was afraid i would disturb the peace or somethin... & there where these lil art exhibitions on all the floors which were really cool n made us all feel really artsy lookin at them~
at first we just gave them a simple glanced, but then we noticed every around us were really observing the detail & eccentricity of the pieces, holdin lil pamplets in their hands and constantly rubbing their chins as though in deep contemplation of thought as to wad the artist was trying to interpret through his works....
yeeah, so we decided to do tat too~
i cant remember wad floor we went to, but it had all the books on english literature, and of contemporary novels written by french authors filled with quotes from plays n poetry from the renaissance... all of which, incredibly fancy and ooh so intriguing... it was no suprize we decided to stay at that lvl...
we grabbed a book... and had a sit on the most comfortable of library-bought couches and read for about an hour before deciding to leave for another place to splurrge the last remainer of our cash.....
and wad better way then having an exquisite ice blended mocha frap from the godly establishment known as Starbucks~ gawd, i gotta get a job there one day....
its been so long, the whole day spent wandering around the streets without a purpose had finally lead us to this moment where it was just you & ur friends, a cup of coffee, and the rest of the world...
and then we talked & talked... though it seemed gay at some point, it was quite refreshing... i could picture myself 30 years from now doing the same thing with the same ppl and tat made it feel more devine~
this is wad life's all about really... enjoying the lil things~
it was a perfect ending for a somewhat monotonous morning~
hmm.... nice night :)
*Cassy has a squeaky voice, im tellin everyone~
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