i was, sitting in the middle of the business school canteen this afternoon, just havin a drink with my friends... and, just, simply sitting there made me feel really blissfuL~
it was cause of all the girLs~
and yeah, i dont know how to say this n not sound like a pervert but its true...
i really miss having female contact -_- being in engineering school is like a curse tat cant be lifted... like Rapunzel stuck in a tower or the frog prince not being human... its deprived me one of man's greatest pleasures tat is indefinatly, a heR~
i miss girLs :( its been so long since i've spent time with one... since i've made one laugh~ i miss their smiles and their perky-ness, i miss the their sashay and the way they flick their hair... the way they laugh and the silly antics they do...
i luv how tranquil they can make u feel just by looking at them, and how they make u loose ur composure when they notice u checkin them out~ i miss suggling and holding them near... i miss the beautiful scent of their hair and the innocence in their adorable eyes~
but most of all...
i miss the conversations i have with them~
nothing turns me on more than having a honest and flirtful conversation with a girL~
oOh, its been ever sooo long since i've had a nice chat with one...
rick told me i should start learning to speak Mandarin again to be able to converse with people of "ching-chong-chang" nature.... & i think it does kinda make sense since i've always wanted to learn 2nd language but i never thought about RE-learning my original MT~
besides, i've spent my whole life conversing in English, if i were to dedicate one day speakin onli chinese, it would be rather exciting....
so yeeeah, im gonna do it.. once i get the basics 1st... but im gonna try tat... Mandarin to me still sucks, but the ablilty to be billingual really appeals to me, guess i should start learnin my ABCs & 123s again -_- pfft~
this oughta be fun :)
zai zian (if thats even how u spell it...)
*bangs gong~
Monday, July 30, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
wonderful wonderful weather~
ho ho~
im so cold, and i luv it :)
wonderful wonderful weather makes my skin tingle and gives me a reason to wear my beanie to school.... plus i luv the songs i just put in my ipod, their the kind u'd listen to on a rainy day so yeeah~
kfc-ed at jared's place the other day with vic,andrew & ed~ Panthera kept attacking me... mauled my hands till he drew blood -_- crazy ass cat.... cable tv is really cool too, theres so many shows to watch.... stoned at his place & watched sitcom after sitcom on starworld...
been tryin to complete the story book im readin now, but im barely half way thru... gotta really just dedicate a day to just sit down quietly and read the damn thing~ everyday spent in sch just makes me feel more anti-engine... i get the feelin my destiny's already set... tat god's screwing me over at the very end and theres nothin i can do to change it....
but on a lighter note, get a load of this awsome rain we're havin !
wonderful wonderful weather indeed~ :)
does wadever a Spider-Pig does~
im so cold, and i luv it :)
wonderful wonderful weather makes my skin tingle and gives me a reason to wear my beanie to school.... plus i luv the songs i just put in my ipod, their the kind u'd listen to on a rainy day so yeeah~
kfc-ed at jared's place the other day with vic,andrew & ed~ Panthera kept attacking me... mauled my hands till he drew blood -_- crazy ass cat.... cable tv is really cool too, theres so many shows to watch.... stoned at his place & watched sitcom after sitcom on starworld...
been tryin to complete the story book im readin now, but im barely half way thru... gotta really just dedicate a day to just sit down quietly and read the damn thing~ everyday spent in sch just makes me feel more anti-engine... i get the feelin my destiny's already set... tat god's screwing me over at the very end and theres nothin i can do to change it....
but on a lighter note, get a load of this awsome rain we're havin !
wonderful wonderful weather indeed~ :)
does wadever a Spider-Pig does~
Monday, July 23, 2007
i've been thinkin alot about alot of things today... sch onli lasted 5hrs and the gym was closed so i headed home pretty early...
the weather...
ooh the weather~
waking up to such a cold morning almost made me feel like i was in another country... i felt so mellow... it was nice~
i took a nap right away when i got home... woke up, had a smoke by the corridor while readin my book... and all this while i was in deep thought thinking about.. about everything really... my life, my future... about family & friends...
with the weather soo fine, i just had to go sit on a park bench n ponder over the woes of life.... but i was no where near the park so i just stoned on the couch~
the point is, i realised.... no amount of planning or structuring can ever prepare u for what's to come.... that, who u are and what u do now, won't really matter once u've passed that stage of life~
i realised, tat, its all about the here and the now... about, taking chances and ultimatly just being urself, in whatever u do~ it doesnt matter wad people think, it doesnt have to be the right thing to do, its just, knowing that u made tat choice and stuck with it....
friends come and go, but thats fine... life goes on... u may despise ur family, u may hate them, (and i do hate my family...) but at the end of the day all u want is for them to come home~
waiting is, by far the hardest thing to do.... that, & not knowing... its scary to not know. But ignorance is bliss~ spare urself...
and yes, it does pay to wait... having the fortitude to wait patiently for something u really want, and when it does come..... theres no greater feeling in the world~
i guess, wad im trying to tell myself.. is to just, not think so much about stuff and just go for it... so what if things dont work out, shit happens, not the end of the world~ take that weight of ur shoulders and stop worrying about things tat may or may not even happen... u never know what would happen if u'd just try~
todays a good day~
the weather...
ooh the weather~
waking up to such a cold morning almost made me feel like i was in another country... i felt so mellow... it was nice~
i took a nap right away when i got home... woke up, had a smoke by the corridor while readin my book... and all this while i was in deep thought thinking about.. about everything really... my life, my future... about family & friends...
with the weather soo fine, i just had to go sit on a park bench n ponder over the woes of life.... but i was no where near the park so i just stoned on the couch~
the point is, i realised.... no amount of planning or structuring can ever prepare u for what's to come.... that, who u are and what u do now, won't really matter once u've passed that stage of life~
i realised, tat, its all about the here and the now... about, taking chances and ultimatly just being urself, in whatever u do~ it doesnt matter wad people think, it doesnt have to be the right thing to do, its just, knowing that u made tat choice and stuck with it....
friends come and go, but thats fine... life goes on... u may despise ur family, u may hate them, (and i do hate my family...) but at the end of the day all u want is for them to come home~
waiting is, by far the hardest thing to do.... that, & not knowing... its scary to not know. But ignorance is bliss~ spare urself...
and yes, it does pay to wait... having the fortitude to wait patiently for something u really want, and when it does come..... theres no greater feeling in the world~
i guess, wad im trying to tell myself.. is to just, not think so much about stuff and just go for it... so what if things dont work out, shit happens, not the end of the world~ take that weight of ur shoulders and stop worrying about things tat may or may not even happen... u never know what would happen if u'd just try~
todays a good day~
Saturday, July 21, 2007
& im feeling good~
i luv spending my weekends alone just chillin in my room, having the whole house to myself.... its so peaceful and quiet... plus this morning was uber cold cause of the rain... woke up feelin ever so mellow... oOh, dont u just luv it :)
im feelin gd today... think its cause of all those dragonslaying sessions tats been making me more refreshed... but my body still hurts like hell though... i'll get used to it i guess...
playin James Morrison on a rainy day is so romantic.... gamed a lil then went to read my book by the open door~ If onli i had a lawn to lie down on... that would be really cool~
i want a cat for my birthday... i've decided to go get one and screw the mother since she never listens to me anyway... but im afraid i'd kill it... so... its still a 50/50 thing...
things are gonna be alright...
the rain's here & im having a "feeling"...
yeeah.... things are gonna be alright~
"whoa oOh, we're so miserable and stunnnnnning,
whooOoa ohh, luv songs for the genuinely cunNNing~ "
im feelin gd today... think its cause of all those dragonslaying sessions tats been making me more refreshed... but my body still hurts like hell though... i'll get used to it i guess...
playin James Morrison on a rainy day is so romantic.... gamed a lil then went to read my book by the open door~ If onli i had a lawn to lie down on... that would be really cool~
i want a cat for my birthday... i've decided to go get one and screw the mother since she never listens to me anyway... but im afraid i'd kill it... so... its still a 50/50 thing...
things are gonna be alright...
the rain's here & im having a "feeling"...
yeeah.... things are gonna be alright~
"whoa oOh, we're so miserable and stunnnnnning,
whooOoa ohh, luv songs for the genuinely cunNNing~ "
Thursday, July 19, 2007
down with the dragons~
this morning on the bus ride to sch, i witnessed one of the most beautiful changes in the weather.... i was in the bus on the way to sch, the air was extremely cool and the sky was looming... it wasnt one of those "wow-i-think-its-gonna-rain-soon" kind of darkness, it was more like a "nail-the-door's-&-windows-shut-theres-a-storm-coming" kinda dark...
as the bus drove further, the sky grew so dark it felt like evening~ and then slowly but surely lil sprinkles of water fell n soon it began to pour.... i've always luved the rain, but usually it just rains & u dont really see it happen infront of u.... tats wats so cool about it :)
i swear its the simple things tats worth living for.... it was the perfect start to my day~
i bought a new lip stud the other day, a ring one.... but its really tight and constrains me from eating fast or saying words tat start with a "P" like... "potato" or "pommergrante" ... im probably just gonna make it into an earring instead~
fought dragons with the turds after sch... sloppy's been running non-stop like a horse and eating fruits n shit to loose weight... plus with his new emo pants and shoes... we were wondering wat was goin on... then the other day he said he wanted to cut his hair.. and that was the last straw... we knew then tat there could onli be 1 reason tat would make slops change so much... and tats non-other than the Power of Love~
Princess slopprah, hu lives n a castle on candy mountain with purple hair as long as Rapunzel's~ its a pity he wont tell us where to find her... so we as friends decided to help him out by placing his profile on channel U's "Hey! Gorgeous" beauty contest shit~
hopefully Princess Slopprah will find u and come forth.... if not we'd have a great laugh~ So all please vote for him at http://u.mediacorptv.com/hey/
"iM sOoOOo cuTE de, coOL worX ; ) evERyoNE pLs voTe 4 mE, coS i am sooOOoo {{{ kAwaii }}} neh! "
ho ho~ PRICELESS!!!
as the bus drove further, the sky grew so dark it felt like evening~ and then slowly but surely lil sprinkles of water fell n soon it began to pour.... i've always luved the rain, but usually it just rains & u dont really see it happen infront of u.... tats wats so cool about it :)
i swear its the simple things tats worth living for.... it was the perfect start to my day~
i bought a new lip stud the other day, a ring one.... but its really tight and constrains me from eating fast or saying words tat start with a "P" like... "potato" or "pommergrante" ... im probably just gonna make it into an earring instead~
fought dragons with the turds after sch... sloppy's been running non-stop like a horse and eating fruits n shit to loose weight... plus with his new emo pants and shoes... we were wondering wat was goin on... then the other day he said he wanted to cut his hair.. and that was the last straw... we knew then tat there could onli be 1 reason tat would make slops change so much... and tats non-other than the Power of Love~
Princess slopprah, hu lives n a castle on candy mountain with purple hair as long as Rapunzel's~ its a pity he wont tell us where to find her... so we as friends decided to help him out by placing his profile on channel U's "Hey! Gorgeous" beauty contest shit~
hopefully Princess Slopprah will find u and come forth.... if not we'd have a great laugh~ So all please vote for him at http://u.mediacorptv.com/hey/
"iM sOoOOo cuTE de, coOL worX ; ) evERyoNE pLs voTe 4 mE, coS i am sooOOoo {{{ kAwaii }}} neh! "
ho ho~ PRICELESS!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
reading ftw~
school was cool today... the rain made my hair fellin all soft n suppel :) plus it was such a nice atmosphere to read my book in... i swear, i havent read a story book in ages and the other day i borrowed one from the lib... "American Gods" by the Neil Gaiman, author of the ever popular "Sandman" series (which is also found in the sch's library btw...)
anyway, i was like.. reading it during class & even brought it down for lunch... read even more while the turds were slackin at the lib~ its been really long since i read a book that i forgot the exquisite feeling tat reading gives u... the unique feeling of detaching urself from ur surroundings and granting u tat sensation of delightful personal confinement :)
ooh~ i luv it so...
however, i find tat its difficult to read when theres a particular voice or sound being broadcasted which... doesnt have to be lound per-say... but is significant enough to be distinguished by the surrounding noise or silence.....
like err... if ur in a canteen & ur trying to read, its possible to concentrate since the noise is of a constant tone of just streams of random noises... however in tat noisy enviroment, if someone in the next table happens to be talking loudly, u'd be distracted by their conversation n not be able to focus~
same goes with a place tats quiet... if ur reading in like.. a library or wadever and some prick next to u turns his music up so loud u can hear it thru his headphones, u wont be able to read~
so i conclude tat u can actually concentrate on reading anywhere really, just as long as it has a constant tone of noise in which ur brain can... like... get used to it and thus shut it out~
n its because of this kinky discovery tats just been amusing me all friggin day :)
and another thing for all u ladies out there, if ever a guy sends u a msg on myspace or friendster, or wadever fuck websites they got out there these days tat allow u to have some profile of urself put up on the internet, and he's just wants to get to know u cause he's seen u around sch b4 n just happens to think ur an interesting person and wants to be ur friend but has no means of communicating with u directly except thru this lame-o form of letter writing, please dont ignore his emails or shunn him off... tats just mean-_-
i mean come on, its not like he's gonna rape u or anything.. pleeease-_- damn all u conservative chinese girls, it sucks when u think every guy tat talks u to tat u dont know wants to get in ur pants... gawd i hate this country.... why is everyone so scared to be friendly?
unless of course the dude's a weirdo tat asks if he could have a lock of ur hair or shit like tat, then sure by all means-_- but now u'd gone n made things all weird n shit...
oh well mystery-girl-from-the-canteen-whom-i'd-probably-never-get-to-know-cause-u-never-replied-my-msg, if i ever see u again i'll probably just stare at u n make u feel uneasy cause now u think im creepy so i might as well act like a pervert -.-
but i guess i could understand all of ur reluctance.... afterall, 90% of all the guys out there hu would ask for ur no. on the street or wadever is probably wanting to get it on with u... but seriously... did u ever think that 1% just wants to be friends with u? to drink expensive tea & have conversations with u? of course u dont -_- cause u live in sg n the media has made u all narrow-minded & conservative...
hu knows, u'd probably like it... but if u dont take tat risk or have the guts to get into that car then its not really my loss either~ so there... -_-~
Fuck this Country & FucK Channel U....
anyway, i was like.. reading it during class & even brought it down for lunch... read even more while the turds were slackin at the lib~ its been really long since i read a book that i forgot the exquisite feeling tat reading gives u... the unique feeling of detaching urself from ur surroundings and granting u tat sensation of delightful personal confinement :)
ooh~ i luv it so...
however, i find tat its difficult to read when theres a particular voice or sound being broadcasted which... doesnt have to be lound per-say... but is significant enough to be distinguished by the surrounding noise or silence.....
like err... if ur in a canteen & ur trying to read, its possible to concentrate since the noise is of a constant tone of just streams of random noises... however in tat noisy enviroment, if someone in the next table happens to be talking loudly, u'd be distracted by their conversation n not be able to focus~
same goes with a place tats quiet... if ur reading in like.. a library or wadever and some prick next to u turns his music up so loud u can hear it thru his headphones, u wont be able to read~
so i conclude tat u can actually concentrate on reading anywhere really, just as long as it has a constant tone of noise in which ur brain can... like... get used to it and thus shut it out~
n its because of this kinky discovery tats just been amusing me all friggin day :)
and another thing for all u ladies out there, if ever a guy sends u a msg on myspace or friendster, or wadever fuck websites they got out there these days tat allow u to have some profile of urself put up on the internet, and he's just wants to get to know u cause he's seen u around sch b4 n just happens to think ur an interesting person and wants to be ur friend but has no means of communicating with u directly except thru this lame-o form of letter writing, please dont ignore his emails or shunn him off... tats just mean-_-
i mean come on, its not like he's gonna rape u or anything.. pleeease-_- damn all u conservative chinese girls, it sucks when u think every guy tat talks u to tat u dont know wants to get in ur pants... gawd i hate this country.... why is everyone so scared to be friendly?
unless of course the dude's a weirdo tat asks if he could have a lock of ur hair or shit like tat, then sure by all means-_- but now u'd gone n made things all weird n shit...
oh well mystery-girl-from-the-canteen-whom-i'd-probably-never-get-to-know-cause-u-never-replied-my-msg, if i ever see u again i'll probably just stare at u n make u feel uneasy cause now u think im creepy so i might as well act like a pervert -.-
but i guess i could understand all of ur reluctance.... afterall, 90% of all the guys out there hu would ask for ur no. on the street or wadever is probably wanting to get it on with u... but seriously... did u ever think that 1% just wants to be friends with u? to drink expensive tea & have conversations with u? of course u dont -_- cause u live in sg n the media has made u all narrow-minded & conservative...
hu knows, u'd probably like it... but if u dont take tat risk or have the guts to get into that car then its not really my loss either~ so there... -_-~
Fuck this Country & FucK Channel U....
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
last night i had the best sleep in ages... woke up feeling rested n not tired.. which is really cool n all since getting enough sleep makes u feel alot better...hu knew excercise would make u feel more awake instead of tired~
went to gym with slops n vic after sch today. it was pretty cool.... i actually think we could pull this off. if we made dragon slaying a routine thing, we'd be beefy in no time... then, when im all hunky n shit, i'd totally kick the ass of any dude tat ever looks at me funny... ho ho~
bought a new pair of sports shoes too~ so kudos to tat...
yeeah tats it.. this post sounds so gay~ but wadever...
oh, one more thing...
fuck u magic 8-ball for ur crappy advice~
went to gym with slops n vic after sch today. it was pretty cool.... i actually think we could pull this off. if we made dragon slaying a routine thing, we'd be beefy in no time... then, when im all hunky n shit, i'd totally kick the ass of any dude tat ever looks at me funny... ho ho~
bought a new pair of sports shoes too~ so kudos to tat...
yeeah tats it.. this post sounds so gay~ but wadever...
oh, one more thing...
fuck u magic 8-ball for ur crappy advice~
Monday, July 16, 2007
creepy-happy people~
u know i realised how boring my blog is becoming... its filled with alot of lame ass emo shit tats so gay i cant even believe i actually wrote shit like this -_-....
but i guess it cant be help since i've been really emo these past few days.... but thats gonna change....
yeeah... u know why? cause being emo sucks...
im gonna start being like those creepy-happy-people tat think positive and see the glass as half full or wadever....
im gonna be a weird-happy person from now on and creep the shit outta everyone since i'm always so damn pessimistic~ yeeah... how u like them apples now~
im gonna start listening to cheener music and wear happy-lookin clothes with smily faces on them then burn all my black T's... gonna start smiling more and... and being all perky and joyful....
im gonna start tickling my friends and singing them happy-songs and be as positive and borderline gay as can be because being emo SUCKS BALLS FROM A STRAW....
no longer will i mopped around and act like a druggy.... no, it stops today.... im gonna be all happy and perky and loving and scare the SHIT out of everyone hu knows me....
emo aaron is no more... no longer will my hair cover one of my eyes.. oh no...
from tomoro onwards...
im wearing pink :)
but i guess it cant be help since i've been really emo these past few days.... but thats gonna change....
yeeah... u know why? cause being emo sucks...
im gonna start being like those creepy-happy-people tat think positive and see the glass as half full or wadever....
im gonna be a weird-happy person from now on and creep the shit outta everyone since i'm always so damn pessimistic~ yeeah... how u like them apples now~
im gonna start listening to cheener music and wear happy-lookin clothes with smily faces on them then burn all my black T's... gonna start smiling more and... and being all perky and joyful....
im gonna start tickling my friends and singing them happy-songs and be as positive and borderline gay as can be because being emo SUCKS BALLS FROM A STRAW....
no longer will i mopped around and act like a druggy.... no, it stops today.... im gonna be all happy and perky and loving and scare the SHIT out of everyone hu knows me....
emo aaron is no more... no longer will my hair cover one of my eyes.. oh no...
from tomoro onwards...
im wearing pink :)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
alt F4~
i made friends with a 30 yr old mom from california on W.o.W today.... its really cool... she said she'd gimmie a call sometime when she gets a new mic~
gotta remember to buy a bucket of honey or a tin of Milo~
im really thirsty n water isnt very tasty -_-
made a pact to go to gym everyday to beef up cause i have a feeling im goin army soon.... and also so i can fight dragons..
u know... if they ever invade or anything~
its good to be alive....
no... not really-_-
*sips more wine~
gotta remember to buy a bucket of honey or a tin of Milo~
im really thirsty n water isnt very tasty -_-
made a pact to go to gym everyday to beef up cause i have a feeling im goin army soon.... and also so i can fight dragons..
u know... if they ever invade or anything~
its good to be alive....
no... not really-_-
*sips more wine~
Friday, July 13, 2007
the other eye~
this morning i woke up and my other eye was all red & poofy lookin.....
the white membrain of the eye was swollen n it was overlapping the black part which was pretty gross lookin yet cool at the same time~
didnt go to school today n went to the doc's.... i knew it was comming, i can sort of tell when bad shit's gonna happen to me... and of all days too... friday the 13th...
real smooth god -_-~
barely a mth and the other eye is already fucked.... guess im gonna have to stop wearing my contacts for a while.... cause god wants me to look nerdy forever cause he's a meany and he hates me -_- wont be surprized if wake up blind one day.... i'd bet u'll have a good laugh then wouldnt u -_-
So anyway, since i was like... gonna die & all, i figured i'd make my mom a nice meal b4 i go.... went to buy groceries n shit to cook, not to mention a bottle of wine to wash it all down~
ok so then i was walkin back and all of a sudden the bag with my wine in it torn apart n the bottle fell thru and like, glass n shit was all over the place... n i was like... "ho ho, ur good... ur real good-_-"
so then i went back n made them gimmie a new one then headed home to stone cause the eye hurt... waited for mom to get back n then made dinner....
i felt really good after the meal... it was very satisfying~
cause i made it with love n all~
yeah, so... if i go to bed n dont wake up tomoro just know tat its been cool knowing all of you and err... i'll come visit u at night or something.... give u 4-D numbers or wetdreams.... wadever makes u happy~
yeah.. kay... bye forever~
the white membrain of the eye was swollen n it was overlapping the black part which was pretty gross lookin yet cool at the same time~
didnt go to school today n went to the doc's.... i knew it was comming, i can sort of tell when bad shit's gonna happen to me... and of all days too... friday the 13th...
real smooth god -_-~
barely a mth and the other eye is already fucked.... guess im gonna have to stop wearing my contacts for a while.... cause god wants me to look nerdy forever cause he's a meany and he hates me -_- wont be surprized if wake up blind one day.... i'd bet u'll have a good laugh then wouldnt u -_-
So anyway, since i was like... gonna die & all, i figured i'd make my mom a nice meal b4 i go.... went to buy groceries n shit to cook, not to mention a bottle of wine to wash it all down~
ok so then i was walkin back and all of a sudden the bag with my wine in it torn apart n the bottle fell thru and like, glass n shit was all over the place... n i was like... "ho ho, ur good... ur real good-_-"
so then i went back n made them gimmie a new one then headed home to stone cause the eye hurt... waited for mom to get back n then made dinner....
i felt really good after the meal... it was very satisfying~
cause i made it with love n all~
yeah, so... if i go to bed n dont wake up tomoro just know tat its been cool knowing all of you and err... i'll come visit u at night or something.... give u 4-D numbers or wetdreams.... wadever makes u happy~
yeah.. kay... bye forever~
Monday, July 09, 2007
i dunno wats wrong with me.. i've been feelin really emo.... i keep stoning all friggin day... i think im dying... its my body's way of tellin me to fuck everything & just lay there on the ground n wait it out.
my studies have been real shitty.. i have a feeling im going to the army soon. I dont have the guts to tell my mom how badly i did for my test even though she keeps askin me about them... i have no interest in wad im learning.. even the friggin mtn teacher agrees... so, really wats the point...
my future is so screwed and everyday i feel more n more trouble by this... all i can hope for is to save money to go to australia.. & never come back~
or maybe i've been feelin so angsty cause i havent gotten my fix... but since im such a poor basterd, and the turds wont lend me money so i didnt get to buy my drugs... i guess their doing me a favour by makin me save money n prolongin my life n all.. but im so un-doped right now i cant really be bothered -_-
the onli option i see now of gettin my life back together is to start a new one n fuck the one here... im going to austraila even if i have to swim there... n im never coming back.... there's no future for me in this country n i realise tat even more now.... everyday i witness something that just makes me hate this place more...
if i dont get outta here, im sure to have no chance in surviving.... gonna start workin on weekends n im probably gonna stop wowing once my subscription ends.... i have to start somewhere...
im so tapped out now and rick n slops still managed to make me watch Transformers again at princess when i watched it like yesterday with the FGF~ -_- gawdd... and after sch vic, jared, slops & Deadball passed the time by shooting bubble tea bubbles at the walls....
i need to leave this country now....
or i swear i'd kill myself....
*All Hail Megatron~
my studies have been real shitty.. i have a feeling im going to the army soon. I dont have the guts to tell my mom how badly i did for my test even though she keeps askin me about them... i have no interest in wad im learning.. even the friggin mtn teacher agrees... so, really wats the point...
my future is so screwed and everyday i feel more n more trouble by this... all i can hope for is to save money to go to australia.. & never come back~
or maybe i've been feelin so angsty cause i havent gotten my fix... but since im such a poor basterd, and the turds wont lend me money so i didnt get to buy my drugs... i guess their doing me a favour by makin me save money n prolongin my life n all.. but im so un-doped right now i cant really be bothered -_-
the onli option i see now of gettin my life back together is to start a new one n fuck the one here... im going to austraila even if i have to swim there... n im never coming back.... there's no future for me in this country n i realise tat even more now.... everyday i witness something that just makes me hate this place more...
if i dont get outta here, im sure to have no chance in surviving.... gonna start workin on weekends n im probably gonna stop wowing once my subscription ends.... i have to start somewhere...
im so tapped out now and rick n slops still managed to make me watch Transformers again at princess when i watched it like yesterday with the FGF~ -_- gawdd... and after sch vic, jared, slops & Deadball passed the time by shooting bubble tea bubbles at the walls....
i need to leave this country now....
or i swear i'd kill myself....
*All Hail Megatron~
Monday, July 02, 2007
so gayy~
felt like shit the whole morning, so i decided to screw the rest of the lessons for the rest of the day n went home...
dropped by at the secret shop to get a pack of smokes...
cause i was feelin like shit n all.... but they didnt have reds so i settled for the menthol... friggin menthol give u pimples n shrinks ur balls...
but i was feelin like shit.. so, wadever....
went home n was still feelin like shit... and hungry... then mom bought food... so yeah.. tat was good...
i asked her how many boyfriends she had... which was so funny... yeeeah... i think its just one of those days im havin... feels so gay -_-
its seems im the onli one in the world tat hasnt watched Transformers...
i wish i had a bigger ipod to store all my songs in....
and i wish the bcm store moved to pasir ris...
im like.. watchin "The King & I" on arts central now.. and its so gay... but in a nice ...classical sort of way....
gawdd.. wats wrong with me -_-~
dropped by at the secret shop to get a pack of smokes...
cause i was feelin like shit n all.... but they didnt have reds so i settled for the menthol... friggin menthol give u pimples n shrinks ur balls...
but i was feelin like shit.. so, wadever....
went home n was still feelin like shit... and hungry... then mom bought food... so yeah.. tat was good...
i asked her how many boyfriends she had... which was so funny... yeeeah... i think its just one of those days im havin... feels so gay -_-
its seems im the onli one in the world tat hasnt watched Transformers...
i wish i had a bigger ipod to store all my songs in....
and i wish the bcm store moved to pasir ris...
im like.. watchin "The King & I" on arts central now.. and its so gay... but in a nice ...classical sort of way....
gawdd.. wats wrong with me -_-~
Sunday, July 01, 2007
i want it~
look at tat...
its the new ipod phone...
it looks so cool~

look how sweet it looks... so cool and i want one but i have no money... but i want one..
watch the video at the bottom... its so cool... i think im gonna go steal one tomoro~
so cooOoooL~
i said cool like.. so many times.. cause it is...
*dies again~
its the new ipod phone...
it looks so cool~

look how sweet it looks... so cool and i want one but i have no money... but i want one..
watch the video at the bottom... its so cool... i think im gonna go steal one tomoro~
so cooOoooL~
i said cool like.. so many times.. cause it is...
*dies again~
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