ohh guess wad, according to this letter i got, I've been kicked out of TP cause i didnt pay my sch fees in time~
i quote... " We regret to inform you that your name has been removed from our Enrolment Register and you are no longer a student of Temasek Polytechnic. Please turn in your matrix card and get the fuck out~" yeah ok i made tat last part up....

anyway, bumped into the turds at the mushroom.... all 20 of them. and they all decided to follow me go pay my sch fees at the admin office.... they made so much noise.... so after tat i'm technically a TP student again. So we celebrated by un-exiling each other n going bz park to eat.
slacked at the lib as one-by-one they left for lessons, sloppy wouldnt let us go his house so we just went home lah~ thought the friday was gonna end like tat, but then jane asked me out to esplanade for drinking so i said ok.
suppose to meet at 4.30 but she came at 5-_- since i already tapped in i took the train back n forth to amuse myself~ met yong xiang in the train while doing tat so we talked to kill time. We headed to marinia Sq to look at furniture for our imaginary new house since we were "pretend" Mr & Mrs aaron & jane tan for the day. i want tat black recliner chair so bad~ went to a bridal shop to pick out our wedding dresses and even went to a travel shop to get luggage and maps for our make-believe honey moon in the Caribbeans.
treated her to Billy Bomber's Milkshake cause im such a gd husband. Cam-whored inside then went outside to have a fix and cam-whored somemore~

walked around alot of places & saw lots of gay ppl~ yeeeeeah.... then went to suntec's toys'r'us to buy stuff for our imaginary children Adam(10yrs), Sarah(5yrs) & Sashsa(1yrs). We got Adam lots of guns, Sarah a creepy lookin doll, and Sasha a possessed Winnie the Pooh~
it seems everyone in the 100 acre woods are possesed in some way~
i quickly burnt them all & had dinner at Mac~ the main reason of today was to slack at esplanade and drown our sorrows with booze, but we decided it wasnt nessasary since the day seemed to have done tat :) But we headed to esplanade anyway n sat by the river. There was a live band performing there so we went to sit near the stage to watch them. They were really good, it was nice chill-out music~
headed home after that cause it was pretty late. Took the train back to Pasir Ris n met liz~ there coincidently.... had a stale fix with her then we took 17 back. The day didnt end there, huda called n said she was emo, so i bought her Choco chip Cookie Dough and went to her house to chill.... im such a gd friend~ V-day is comming, and everyone single seems to be emo.... but i dont care... i got sophia~
headed home at 2am. so tired..... wat a long friday lah... wake up 7am sleep at 3am.
annnny way, here's a picture of her playing with pom-poms and a random video of me in a purple toto~ i hope it haunts ur minds forever....

im so adorable....

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