Tuesday, January 23, 2007


i didnt go to sch cause i was feelin emo today~
there were 3 tutorial, 1 of which was cancelled n the other two were 3 hrs apart~ i thought of going at 1st.... i got up, took a bath n got all dressed up.... but then i realised my slipper had snapped from the day before, n i didnt want to put on my shoes for 1 lousy lesson~

so i screwed the entire day~ woo haa~
i feel so in control of my life... tsk~ Pretty much spent the whole morning with Dylan~ and Sophia~ Strangely my fingers dont hurt but my ass does for sitting down to much. The chairs in my house are so uncomfortable~ i neeed new chairs.. with those soft coushion seats, not the leather kinda but the cotton kind... im so random~

i really have nothing to blog about now... im just stallin time and waiting for my lunch to be done~ my toaster is fucked, onli one of the heating elements work...

no one's at home... n its kinda dark outside so hopefully it'll rain later...
yeeeah.... random~

im taking Regina~ out tommoro, we still dont know where to jam.... the onli place so far we know of is tat aljunid~ hmmm...

im so unbelievably emo~ i think i'll go slit my wrists again after lunch....

yeah, tats all~

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