fooled around at work today again... messed with the currency board when no one was lookin~

we're really short on staff since everyone seems to be quting and all the indonesian students have boycotted the place n not turned up for work cause management wouldnt pay them over time or something~
i spent like $12 over dollars on food today cause i didnt have to go to the canteen n eat cheaper stuff so i pigged alot on junk food n popeye's... at this rate i think i'll get cancer soon.....
had a lil mini picnic at the t1 place.... stole food n shared it with everyone.... i dont really care.... polar's been mean to us anyway by screwing up our pays n makin us work 16hr shifts.....

strawberry cheeese cake... $4.80~ for the public...
$0.00 for me~
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