the airport feels like my 2nd home now... every where i go i keep wavin to ppl... made friends with alot of random workers there that gimmie free stuff n have all got my back whenever the crazy lady comes n gives me a hard time....
At Terminal 2, im friends with this funny indonesian cleaner guy, the pretty bank teller lady at uob counter no.3 & the security guard from the uob bank~
At Terminal 1, i know more ppl since i get sent here practically all the time cause no one wants to work with te crazy bitch.... anyway.. there's the uppercrust ppl, the 2 indian dude n dudette n the chinese aunty, the sweet jollybean aunties hu gimmie free soyabean to drink... then there's like the 4 cleaners, this old malay auntie in the tudong, the older malay aunty without the tudong, the younger malay girl, & this chinese uncle...
other random ppl include the bus driver from the shuttle service tat takes u to t2 n budget and tat guy tat pushes this trolly thing all around... yeeeah...
anyway, yesterday was such a bitch... it being gd friday n all... u'd think all the ppl would be at church praising the lord n shit... but nooo.... they all decided to use the 3days of public holidays to go on a freakin vacation... fkin anti-chirst turds -_-
n to make things worst.... all the stupid ppl decided to go on vacation n the smart ppl stayed home... more retarded Qs were asked...
"Is there wine in the pastry?"
"u sure there's no discount if i use nets?"
"if i stuck my finger up my ass would i crap outta my nose?"
Fuck all u stupid ppl....
plus, cause the oh so magnificent Establishment known as "PoLar" didnt have enough staff since all the indonesian students boycotted the place n didnt show up today cause they werent gettin paid....
*( again i dont blame them... if i had the time, i'd love to join in the riot carrying the picket fenced sign with the words "NO PAY NO WAY!" or some other forceful slogan & marchin up n down the airport gathering a big enough mob to rush the manager's house or some shit like tat... but i was too bz dealin with the needs of stupid ppl )
but the nice ppl around me did help me out... uppercrust aunty gave me 3 sandwitches for lunch cause i couldnt leave to go break...

Ham & Cheese, Chicken & Egg and Bacon & Egg Sandwitches... woot!
down tat with a nice glass of esprit i stole from the fridge n u get urself a nice tumy ache... but it was all worth it~
i busted my pinky from all the husle & bustle too, so this morning when i went to brush my teeth, the water hit my wound n it really hurt so i found this cool Garfield bandaid tat was apparently "water-proof" & "breatheable" n stuck it on.... look how cute it is! im so amused by it :)

anyway... i handed in my resignation letter yesterday so i wont have to deal with this shit for much longer.... hopefully the manager doesnt call me or wadever....
oh~ and another thing! i have been workin on saturdays for the pass 3 weeks n before tat i've been wakin up too late so i keep missing the powerpuff girls on tv... n now, the day im off, n despite last night's hectic-ness, i forced myself to wake up n turned on the tv, onli to find out some lame-ass show called "MOnster Allergy" had taken over the ppg...... -_-
FUCK! why cant u turds at media corp stop fuckin around with the cartoon schedule... all i ask on a saturday morning is for one decent cartoon, not 20 retard shows back to back in some gd friday cartoon EXTRAVAGANZA! It doesnt make ur channel better if u put shows like "pokemon series fuckin 1250" or "the adventure of sonic the blue fucktart" on! i mean.. The PowerPuff Girls are funny, cute, and everyone likes them.... if u think that the pokemon get u more ratings then fine.. go ahead... ohh.. the kids just love watch the same yellowed pinapple shaped fuck doing the same attacks on the same gawd damn bad guys hu try to always fuckin kidnap him for god knows wad reason over n over again, sure... kids love tat shit... ~
anyway, since mediacorp fucked my tv viewing pleasures, im gonna spend sometime with regina~ its been like a mth since i touched her... n she's gotten dusty... i;ve been thinkin wad kinda songs i should learn....
maybe the intro to "Snow (hey oh)" by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, or just master "Disenchanted" by Chemical Romance to play to JF? but then when i picked it up this morning, i realise i couldnt bend my pinky cause of my boo boo....

see.... i gotta stick my pinky out like some british person drinkin tea.... cant reach the last string.... -_-
so yeah... my saturday's pretty fucked....
i feel like going swimming... need to get a tan before i get inked....
who's a friendly bitch.....
i am~