it started off pretty usual, since sundays are usually the unoffical "Family Day" mosy of my friends where out with their folks... except me of course.. cause my family's weird n all~ But this sunday, i went to my grandma's place to eat lunch... then watched BATMAN on HBO. After tat went home, did some chores n shit... the usual stuff...
Then all of a sudden this black lil doggy ran to my door n just sat there on the door mat...

so i started petting it n stuff.... my mom was beside me n totally freaked... keep sayin it was diseased n shit...
then it ran off, so i decided to chase it all over my block. I thought like, maybe its owner was in danger or something since it was too well groomed to be stray.
It ran all over the place n took me on a 10 min dash around my block.... onli to stop at this house with 2 other dogs in it, n they all started barkin at each other.... i asked if it was their dog, they said no... but they decided to let him in their home for awhile so, tats when i left~ i decided to name it Van Helsing cause its all black n ran around n shit... yeeeaahhh~
Then at about 6-ish, jF asked me to go town with her n the girls... so, since i had nothin better to do, i went... we went to Far East n all i did was carry their shoppin ... cause im kind and all :) Then outside near the hotel tat was near far east, there were cops n ambulance n a fire truck over there... till now i dont really know y.. it was either there was a fire, someone was tryin to kill themselves, or an animal was trapped there.... ~
but still, it was pretty cool to watch... HO! so coOooL :)
went to eat dinner at wisma then headed home~

stupid liz not going zoo with me anymore -_- i wanna see the animals!
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