recently the dreams that i've been havin are more n more elaborate n bizzare~
Dreams have a tendency to do tat... yes... but, these dream i have are laced with complex idealogies... if tat makes sense~
i usually cant remember my dream when i wake up... as would any other of the other dreams, but i always would have tat "what the hell was tat all about?" mind-set when i wake up from one of these crazy ass dreams...
Usually one would dream of.. maybe, the happenings tat took place during the day or perhaps of an event that has yet to take place, an examination or a trip overseas.. that kinda thing~
thats like, a "normal" dream.. even though it makes no sense, u still have a rough picture of wats goin on, wats it all about.... but for "crazy ass dreams" its a totally different story....
u see.... "crazy ass dreams", or CADs, are like dreams tat have no meaning in the events tat unfold in your life, neither is it those kinda dreams tat like, for example, if ur a clerk, u dream of becoming a boss, if ur some scrony kid, u dream of becomin bigger n bash up all the other kids....etc~
no... CADs are MORE illusive & perplexing~ they usually tell a story.. but one tat makes no sense... the characters can be anyone, but usually consist of ppl u dont know, or ppl u arent to familiar with in real life or even ur enemies... then u wonder, y did u even dream of these ppl in the 1st place...
for eg. i briefly recall a certain image in my dream where JLO calls me on my cell from a cab, then tells me she's kidnapped or something.. another was tat we where rowing a boat or something somewhere n we met this old dude n he shot at us... then i cant remember wat happened...
CADs are always thriller dreams... like stories tat involve u n it always has alot of runnin somewhere or chasing something ....
n i must say, i love these dreams... they are an easy escape from reality n are quite fun actually~
the thing tat seprates CADs from any other ordinary one is tat its, sooo damn real.
i often wake up wonderin if tat really happened.. even if i know it didnt, but still i would pause to, sort of make sure...
dream to sleep, or sleep to dream?
Definatly the 2nd one~ :)