Monday, October 17, 2005
tHe PinK rAbbiT StriKeS aGAiN~!
The pink rabbit is back~
Its eating my brains ... i can feel it...
Its eating me... slowly devouring my every thought... my every memory...
I think its working its way into my eyes..
i can feel it chewing my eyeballs...
He's eating my face....
I gotta find someway to get rid of him..
Gotta find someting to amuse myself... Its the onli way to get rid of a pink rabbit..
there aren't any gd shows on Tv.. no where fun to go... no games to play.... no books to read.....
All hope seems lost...
I think if i pure some suger on the floor and wait for the ants to come... it might amuse me~
Yeah... tat might work...
Then i can follow them to their hideout and poison the little motherfuckers...
its too late for me now.. the pink rabbit's got me...
Damn u pink rabbit!!!
DAMN UUUUU~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its eating my brains ... i can feel it...
Its eating me... slowly devouring my every thought... my every memory...
I think its working its way into my eyes..
i can feel it chewing my eyeballs...
He's eating my face....
I gotta find someway to get rid of him..
Gotta find someting to amuse myself... Its the onli way to get rid of a pink rabbit..
there aren't any gd shows on Tv.. no where fun to go... no games to play.... no books to read.....
All hope seems lost...
I think if i pure some suger on the floor and wait for the ants to come... it might amuse me~
Yeah... tat might work...
Then i can follow them to their hideout and poison the little motherfuckers...
its too late for me now.. the pink rabbit's got me...
Damn u pink rabbit!!!
DAMN UUUUU~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
i Don't Wanna Live Forever~
U know wat im really sick of...?
this whole dieting and plastic surgery crap everyone in the world seems to be doing...
Sure.. i wouldn't mind if these doctors managed to transform a fat basterd into a twig.. im talkin about the people who dont even need the surgery or the dieting in the 1st place.. these over-paided anorexic motherfuckers wont even step foot into a fast food restarunt...
"Because the food has alot of carbs~"..."Its oily & full of fats~"
Blah Blah Blah~~
SOmeone should stab these ppl with a burning french fry~
People need carbs to survive...they need meat.. and fats ... and oil...
If u dont eat them....Ur brain will rot and u will die ~
Go buy some tomato seeds, grow them... and make urself ur own damn salad.. u fuking vegetarians...
Also.. i've hear enough from u ppl (as well as the Ministry of Health~) that i need to have... " 1 serving of fruits and 2 serving of vegetables a day~"
Screw u~
When i go to a fastfood restaurant, i KNOW its bad for me...i like it.. and im gonna eat it~
I dont need YOU ppl telling me its bad for me!
U know .. for all the dieting .. for all the surgery u ppl go through to make urselfs feel " beautiful" ...
Ur all going to grow old...
Your all gonna get wrinkles...
uR all going to DIE~
UPsized fries may not be gd 4 u... but neither are the pesticides tat go in ur salad.. u skinny ass salad eating assholes...
We're all choosing ways to die... LET ME KILL MYSELF IN PEACE~
Fuk vegetables... fuk healthy living... and fuk slim10
Just do watever u want to urselfs... and hope u dont come back as a bug in ur nxt life...
Power to the People~
Fre3ze OUt~~~~
this whole dieting and plastic surgery crap everyone in the world seems to be doing...
Sure.. i wouldn't mind if these doctors managed to transform a fat basterd into a twig.. im talkin about the people who dont even need the surgery or the dieting in the 1st place.. these over-paided anorexic motherfuckers wont even step foot into a fast food restarunt...
"Because the food has alot of carbs~"..."Its oily & full of fats~"
Blah Blah Blah~~
SOmeone should stab these ppl with a burning french fry~
People need carbs to survive...they need meat.. and fats ... and oil...
If u dont eat them....Ur brain will rot and u will die ~
Go buy some tomato seeds, grow them... and make urself ur own damn salad.. u fuking vegetarians...
Also.. i've hear enough from u ppl (as well as the Ministry of Health~) that i need to have... " 1 serving of fruits and 2 serving of vegetables a day~"
Screw u~
When i go to a fastfood restaurant, i KNOW its bad for me...i like it.. and im gonna eat it~
I dont need YOU ppl telling me its bad for me!
U know .. for all the dieting .. for all the surgery u ppl go through to make urselfs feel " beautiful" ...
Ur all going to grow old...
Your all gonna get wrinkles...
uR all going to DIE~
UPsized fries may not be gd 4 u... but neither are the pesticides tat go in ur salad.. u skinny ass salad eating assholes...
We're all choosing ways to die... LET ME KILL MYSELF IN PEACE~
Fuk vegetables... fuk healthy living... and fuk slim10
Just do watever u want to urselfs... and hope u dont come back as a bug in ur nxt life...
Power to the People~
Fre3ze OUt~~~~
Saturday, October 15, 2005
sMoKing Vs DRinking
I bet ur wondering urself about this topic~
Well let me start off by cursing the Alcoholics...
Alcohol is a wonderful drug.. but for fuck sakes.. drink responsibly... it just really TicKs me off... when some drunk basterd starts patting u on the back like ur his best friend... and start talking about the Philosophy of Life.. while trying to pick up some women at the bar~
The last thing we need is some drunken Fuck puke'in on the tables..
Its not cool for the ppl who have to clean it up~
And wat about those people tat tell u how wasted they got the night before.. like they deserve some award or something...
People like this should be kill~
In fact... just let them drive home by themselves...
Take thier keys.. turn up the engine.. and send them on their way with a bottle of Jack Danial's tucked between their laps..
One of 3 things would happen...
They get pulled over by the cops and are beaten up for resisting arrest due to their drunk state...
They drive head 1st into a telephone poll and die or become paralysised...
(Cruel u say? well they should have thought of that before unleashing their drunken stupidity to the world~...)
and my least favourite..
they make it home safely and pass out in front of thier doors... and live to drink another day~
Lucky Basterds~
And how about smokers?
The Last thing we need is some guy running around throwing cigerette butts everywhere trying to start a fire!
Its Not CooL .. when ur on FIRE~
Singapore is Hot enough.. u dont need to be putting something on fire... in ur Mouth~
Lets be honest... if ppl were to drink.. and smoke responsibly.. there wouldn't be laws against it...
Nothing is ever gd for u.. nothing is ever bad either...
just use it responsibly.. and everything would be ok~
for all u assholes hu are too drunk or too high to understand wat im sayin...
Go kill urselfs...
oh yeah.. and say no to drugs..
Fre3ze oUt~~~~~
Well let me start off by cursing the Alcoholics...
Alcohol is a wonderful drug.. but for fuck sakes.. drink responsibly... it just really TicKs me off... when some drunk basterd starts patting u on the back like ur his best friend... and start talking about the Philosophy of Life.. while trying to pick up some women at the bar~
The last thing we need is some drunken Fuck puke'in on the tables..
Its not cool for the ppl who have to clean it up~
And wat about those people tat tell u how wasted they got the night before.. like they deserve some award or something...
People like this should be kill~
In fact... just let them drive home by themselves...
Take thier keys.. turn up the engine.. and send them on their way with a bottle of Jack Danial's tucked between their laps..
One of 3 things would happen...
They get pulled over by the cops and are beaten up for resisting arrest due to their drunk state...
They drive head 1st into a telephone poll and die or become paralysised...
(Cruel u say? well they should have thought of that before unleashing their drunken stupidity to the world~...)
and my least favourite..
they make it home safely and pass out in front of thier doors... and live to drink another day~
Lucky Basterds~
And how about smokers?
The Last thing we need is some guy running around throwing cigerette butts everywhere trying to start a fire!
Its Not CooL .. when ur on FIRE~
Singapore is Hot enough.. u dont need to be putting something on fire... in ur Mouth~
Lets be honest... if ppl were to drink.. and smoke responsibly.. there wouldn't be laws against it...
Nothing is ever gd for u.. nothing is ever bad either...
just use it responsibly.. and everything would be ok~
for all u assholes hu are too drunk or too high to understand wat im sayin...
Go kill urselfs...
oh yeah.. and say no to drugs..
Fre3ze oUt~~~~~
GuYs actiNg like giRLs + GirLs loOkin like gUys
hi folks...
First off.. let me just start by saying WHAT THE Fuck~ is wrong with these people...
wat is going on?!
Y are more and more people trying to look ..and act.. like the sex thats opposite from them?
Is it cool??? Do u ppl think its cool..? and.. and HIp?!
guys wearing PiNK and prancing about like sissys.. IS NOT COOOOL~!!!
i walk along the streets and i see like 7 out of 10 guys wearing pink...
Oh my GOD~!
No wonder girls in this country say they cant find the perfect man...
Because all the "MEN" are out learning ballet... dressed in pink and watching Chick Flicks like "Legally Blonde" and listening to sappy love song or girl power music...
Take out the "S.H.E" or "Backstreet Boys" cD..
Break it in HalF..
and slit ur wrists with the broken pieces.. u sick perverted pink wearing fags~
ANd wat about those Girls that dress up like guys?? (Butches.. or they call'em)
They cut their hair short... and wear jeans and t-shirts...and wear tight ass bras to Shrink their boobies...
u sick motherfuckers should all die..
Girls are ment to wear revealing clothes... their ment to dress sexyly.. and their NOT SUPPOSE TO ACT LIKE GUYS!!!
there are already a shortage of hot girls in this country.. ARE U TRYING TO CAUSE ANOTHER POPULATION DECREASE ???!!!
y cant u half-breeds just pick a side... u either be completely Gay Or COmpletely Straight... NOT IN THE MIDDLE!!!
I got no problem with pure gays or lesbians...( oh yeah no problem with lesbians at all~ :p )
Its those pink wearing, boobies shrinking AsshoLes tat piss me off~
EIther stay straight.... or DIE~
hAVE a nice day~
ur friendly neighbourhood Leader of FreeSpeech,
First off.. let me just start by saying WHAT THE Fuck~ is wrong with these people...
wat is going on?!
Y are more and more people trying to look ..and act.. like the sex thats opposite from them?
Is it cool??? Do u ppl think its cool..? and.. and HIp?!
guys wearing PiNK and prancing about like sissys.. IS NOT COOOOL~!!!
i walk along the streets and i see like 7 out of 10 guys wearing pink...
Oh my GOD~!
No wonder girls in this country say they cant find the perfect man...
Because all the "MEN" are out learning ballet... dressed in pink and watching Chick Flicks like "Legally Blonde" and listening to sappy love song or girl power music...
Take out the "S.H.E" or "Backstreet Boys" cD..
Break it in HalF..
and slit ur wrists with the broken pieces.. u sick perverted pink wearing fags~
ANd wat about those Girls that dress up like guys?? (Butches.. or they call'em)
They cut their hair short... and wear jeans and t-shirts...and wear tight ass bras to Shrink their boobies...
u sick motherfuckers should all die..
Girls are ment to wear revealing clothes... their ment to dress sexyly.. and their NOT SUPPOSE TO ACT LIKE GUYS!!!
there are already a shortage of hot girls in this country.. ARE U TRYING TO CAUSE ANOTHER POPULATION DECREASE ???!!!
y cant u half-breeds just pick a side... u either be completely Gay Or COmpletely Straight... NOT IN THE MIDDLE!!!
I got no problem with pure gays or lesbians...( oh yeah no problem with lesbians at all~ :p )
Its those pink wearing, boobies shrinking AsshoLes tat piss me off~
EIther stay straight.... or DIE~
hAVE a nice day~
ur friendly neighbourhood Leader of FreeSpeech,
Friday, October 14, 2005
Pink Rabbit says SHot to iLL
Let me tell u wat a pink rabbit is...
A Pink rabbit is a rabbit which is pink...
It lives in ur head... and feeds on ur brains... which in turn... causes u to become
retarded... and makes u do extremely lame.. and stupid things... such as making up stories about little pink rabbits tat live in ur head.. and eats ur brains... -_-
I'm sure u all know by now...I have a Pink RabBit.. in my head~
And his name.. is Larry~
Larry.. the pink rabbit which lives in my head... doesnt actually eat my brains...
He prefers to devour my "fun" ... in turn... making me feel.. really bored...
And .. im sure u all know... i am really.. really... bored...
So.. by amusing myself with my made up story of a pink rabbit named larry .. who lives in my head and eats my brains... has caused tat boredem .. to go away~
To all u ppl...who have just wasted 1min of ur live reading this piece of shit~
I have onli this to say...
the pink rabbit is real... and upon reading this article... it has managed to make its way into ur head... and is sucking on the juices... surrounding ur delicious brain...
Beware of the Pink Rabbit... Beware~
My Gun goes Bang Bang~ uR gun goes Pow Pow~

Ever wonder y they dont permit the sale of gunz in this country....
Sure.. guns are dangerous.. guns kill people....
BUt people are dangerous too... people kill people too~
Tats y people made guns in the 1st place..
Guns in the wrong hands are of course a dangerous concoction...
Guns in the hands of angry kids such as myself are also i deadly combination..
So dont sell me one... big deal... but to completly ban the sale of guns is a pretty "last resort" kinda thing..
But hey~
this is singapore.. the goverment knows best.. i respect tat...
I'm just saying.. let singapore sell gunz... let singaporeans buy the gunz...
let singaporean's use the guns... not on other ppl obviously... set up a firing range... (there's revenue for u)
Of course.. i dont condole the selling of gunz to people underage.. so just put an age limit on it...
Singapore is a safe country.... gunz would make it safer.... wouldn't u agree...~
i think i'd better stop now b4 my blog appears on the front page of the straits times...
u know how the singapore gov. is about free speech~
TeLL ur friends about me....
My reign Is just beginning~
Fre3ze OuT~~~~
Alot of people have blogs... they write about the things that happen in their lives... about how their day went... the stuff they saw.... the food they ate.. the tv shows they watched...
My blog isn't gonna be about shit like tat~
I'm not gonna let complete strangers knowing the thing's i've done... the places i've been... blah blah blah~ This blog is gonna be filled with the delirious & senseless rantings of a deranged and pissed off guy who's tired of giving a shit~
So all u perverted basterds who get off staring at the computer screen reading the life stories of people from the internet.... this is not the site for u.... ~
If i have offended anyone.... then i do apologize...
i couldn't care less.... so that u can care more~Cheers~
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