woke up at freakin 7am just to get to Yio chu Kang at 9am... need sleep so bad at the rate of "going out" i've been.. going out at -_-
see how i make u FAMOUS FOOL!
so we swim swim swim and tann tann tann.... and i bring a banana out cause tats wad i do, i bring out healthy snacks to eat when im hungry... hu needs Mr Potato when u got a banana~

and oOh, i bought me a super duper, +10 to all stats, vintage, X-series, limited edition, Jason Mraz Ferdora Haaaaaat!!!

went back to fidel's place to have pizza then i died on his bed for like 2 hours... forgot where the hell i was when i woke up n thought i was kidnapped~ went to have dinner then headed to ang mo kio hub.. then town where we found out tat "the girl from LEFTFOOT is HAAWWWWTTT!!!"
health points go up just sayin tat line~
walk around n bought some stuff.... saw other wicked shit like this pic of 2 heads impaled on a stick...

is it just me?
or is this affecting u?
no worries.. cause the girl from LEFTFOOT is HAAAAAAAAWWT!!!
hp replenished~
headed to bff's place to "break fast", see wad a cool collage she made...

meet the counter girl from one of the clothes stores at Haji lane on the bus... and i think she recognized me... smiled at each other during the whole journey~
urrgh, melts my heart :)
think its cause of my Jason Mraz hat (its +10 to all stats mind u)~
"man, get the fuck outta heeeerre -_-"
*inside jokes: where the point of it's so U dont get it, ho ho~
*hp recovered~
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