better late than never~
090908 was one of the most magnificent days of my life~ the night before (from wad i can remember) bore feelings of excitement & anxiety~ our fear of going thru the grueling 24 click route march (although incredibly painful and enduring) didn't out weight the fact tat in less than 24 hrs, this would all be over, and we'd all be going home~
the march took about 7 hours to complete, lasting from when we first set off, till about noon... we didn't even realize it was over till they told us... it was intense, but no one spaz-ed out...
a couple of hours later, we gathered and set off to the parade square where our parents and loved ones where...
the "N" stands for nacho...

so then we're all standin there not moving n shit, waiting for some guy to give some speech and all tat... and im scannin at the crowd lookin for my mom and sister and i spot them almost instantly but they havent found me yet, so u pan around summore just lookin at all the other ppl hu were there....
everyone elses mommy and daddy, gf or bf (which ever makes u happy) just to keep urself distracted from the intense weight the combat load ur carrying while ur keeping ever so still... u've lost all the blood flow in ur arms by then... but u cant move, not yet... the man in the suit's still talkin.... -_-

we march around summore then sing a song and do a dance~ a sappy music goes on and mom comes down to put my jockey cap on me...

before u know it its over and we're tossin our caps into the sky n runnin around passin high fives~
i take photos with my buddies and platoon mates and we do our soul-ja boi victory dance infront of everyone there~

doesn't look like much but it kept us amused...
and tat was how we cranked it...
so, my Basic Military Training Phase was over.. it was a glorious feeling.. but i just wanted to go home after tat day... and i did...
the army thought me great things, being in Ninja Coy taught me even greater lessons~
its bad in there... Ninja...
its really bad and i wont deny it... but if u think about it, tats the way its suppose to be... Ninja company was old school, the things they practiced weren't exactly "by the book", but it got the job down... they trained us to be soldiers and tats wad we are now~
i wouldnt say i was glad to be in there... but im definately glad to have survived it~
i dont think i ever wanna experience something like tat again...
by on the bright side... my body's super hawt now and the ladies at the clubs all chick me out yo~
ooOhh right~

"POP LOH!!!"
"man! put some pants on -_-~"
*inside jokes are so misleading...
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