-scaring the lil kiddies at the swimmin pool with my tattoo and makin the parents feel uneasy around me~
-movin my lip piercing about and grossing-out curious on-lookers and (once again...) scaring the lil kiddies :)
-stoning in a corner & giving out an emo aura at the same time, makin ppl around me feel quite uneasy~
-sitting at a vantage point and starring out at ppl.... if they stare back, i'd just tilt my head to an angle n give them tat "wadru lookin at -_-" look with my eyes all wide & crazy lookin....
-having ppl brave enough to fnd out how un-bad-ass i actually am -_-
for everyone else....
u can call me the boggie man~
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
tats it.. im gonna get a kitty... cause their so cute n cuddly and i want one...
i dont care wad the mother says.... my birthday's comin so i'll just say its a present from a friend or make up some sob story of how i found it in a box half dead & decided to adopt it outta the kindness of my heart...
gonna head down to the spca next sun with the fake gf~ im gonna get the most cutest one there with fur as black as night and eyes as foreboding as the moon~
im gonna call it some random name like "Turtle~" or "Darth Vader" and feed it milk n cookies all day~
im so excited~
gonna get a kitty n im not lettin anyone touch it~
i mean... meow~
i dont care wad the mother says.... my birthday's comin so i'll just say its a present from a friend or make up some sob story of how i found it in a box half dead & decided to adopt it outta the kindness of my heart...
gonna head down to the spca next sun with the fake gf~ im gonna get the most cutest one there with fur as black as night and eyes as foreboding as the moon~
im gonna call it some random name like "Turtle~" or "Darth Vader" and feed it milk n cookies all day~
im so excited~
gonna get a kitty n im not lettin anyone touch it~
i mean... meow~
the benefits of a high metabolism rate ~
swam with the turds the other day cause it was really hot n we all just wanted to... plus since its been sorching these past few days, i'd figured i could get a cool tann while im at it...
but seeing as how god hates me n all.... he made it rain and i caught a cold -_- kept sneezin n my nose was running everywhere... but alas, it was nothing a nice bowl of Blk 85's Barr Chorr Meee couldn't cure~ it like my 3rd trip there in a row and im still lovin it...
i swear they put heroin in the BCM..... i ate so much last night.. 1st.. some left over porriage vic's mom made... then the BCM, 2 plates of carrot cake and to top it of... a cup of mashed potatos from 7-Eleven... i like potatos~ lalala
went to Jared's place to play with his kitty cat, hu's unoffical name is now " CHeeseDale" while the other's watched him W.O.W~ kept suckin on my fingers like it was a booob which was really ticklish but so cute~ it could fall alseep just suckin on it...
i kept it warm by covering it with my shirt n kept sayang-ing it... tee hee hee~ so cute lah... i wanted to steal him but then his parents came back n it ran back to jared's sister~
headed home about midnight, took a bath... and fell right to sleep...
- god hates me~
- heroin was the secret ingredient for 85's BCM...
- Sugar cane & Honey-Lemon is my new favourite drink aside from strawberry milktea :)
- World of Warcraft is stupid -_-
- i want a kitty cat~
but seeing as how god hates me n all.... he made it rain and i caught a cold -_- kept sneezin n my nose was running everywhere... but alas, it was nothing a nice bowl of Blk 85's Barr Chorr Meee couldn't cure~ it like my 3rd trip there in a row and im still lovin it...
i swear they put heroin in the BCM..... i ate so much last night.. 1st.. some left over porriage vic's mom made... then the BCM, 2 plates of carrot cake and to top it of... a cup of mashed potatos from 7-Eleven... i like potatos~ lalala
went to Jared's place to play with his kitty cat, hu's unoffical name is now " CHeeseDale" while the other's watched him W.O.W~ kept suckin on my fingers like it was a booob which was really ticklish but so cute~ it could fall alseep just suckin on it...
i kept it warm by covering it with my shirt n kept sayang-ing it... tee hee hee~ so cute lah... i wanted to steal him but then his parents came back n it ran back to jared's sister~
headed home about midnight, took a bath... and fell right to sleep...
- god hates me~
- heroin was the secret ingredient for 85's BCM...
- Sugar cane & Honey-Lemon is my new favourite drink aside from strawberry milktea :)
- World of Warcraft is stupid -_-
- i want a kitty cat~
Saturday, May 26, 2007
damn the feeling~
i saw the news today about the bombings in Iraq...
about the shootings of v-tech...
about the riots in taiwan....
i saw the news about the floods in indonesia....
about the ice caps melting...
about the earthquakes in japan....
i saw the news about the rainforest burning and the oil spills..
the animals dying out and the pollution and plauges....
then i saw on tv a picture of a lil girl with no legs smiling....
i smiled too~
the world's ending soon... i can feel it....
dont u?~
about the shootings of v-tech...
about the riots in taiwan....
i saw the news about the floods in indonesia....
about the ice caps melting...
about the earthquakes in japan....
i saw the news about the rainforest burning and the oil spills..
the animals dying out and the pollution and plauges....
then i saw on tv a picture of a lil girl with no legs smiling....
i smiled too~
the world's ending soon... i can feel it....
dont u?~
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
this is the squiggly line---> ~
i use it alot..
cause i can....
dont know wad it means or wad its for though... but its... on the keyboard so it must be important~ -_-
i tried googling it but nothing came out... its just there... next to the number 1.... and wats the other symbol on the same button as the squiggly line mean anyway... the "`"... its like a floating comma just tat its pointing the other way... again, nothing turns up when i google it... so, yeah...
i've never seen it used before in a sentence nor do i know wad symbolic meaning it represents... it just looks cool...
and i like it.... so there~
i like juice...
and potatos~
damn the curse of the phones....
squiggle squiggle~
i use it alot..
cause i can....
dont know wad it means or wad its for though... but its... on the keyboard so it must be important~ -_-
i tried googling it but nothing came out... its just there... next to the number 1.... and wats the other symbol on the same button as the squiggly line mean anyway... the "`"... its like a floating comma just tat its pointing the other way... again, nothing turns up when i google it... so, yeah...
i've never seen it used before in a sentence nor do i know wad symbolic meaning it represents... it just looks cool...
and i like it.... so there~
i like juice...
and potatos~
damn the curse of the phones....
squiggle squiggle~
Sunday, May 13, 2007
mommy's day~
woke up early and wanted to make mom breakfast but didnt cause we were goin to grandma's place for lunch instead~ it was a really tiring day for me... dont know why.... i kept trying to sleep.. but just ended up lazing around in the bed & not actually falling asleep.....
anyway.. turds came over to check out Sephira~ but they came so late so i chased them off earlier cause i was gonna make mom dinner.... but ended up not doing it cause she wanted to make it-_-
Opended up the bottle of wine i bought a couple of days ago and had a toast.... it was nice...
and so.. here i am... in my room... alone in the dark.. with a glass of wine and Sephira by my side....
i feel so... calm right now~
bored.... but calm.... stupid fake gf wouldnt talk to me so.. wadever....
Tomoro's lesson's at 8 in the morning, i hate mondays... guess i'll just keep pouring more wine n enjoy wats left of this sunday~
anyway.. turds came over to check out Sephira~ but they came so late so i chased them off earlier cause i was gonna make mom dinner.... but ended up not doing it cause she wanted to make it-_-
Opended up the bottle of wine i bought a couple of days ago and had a toast.... it was nice...
and so.. here i am... in my room... alone in the dark.. with a glass of wine and Sephira by my side....
i feel so... calm right now~
bored.... but calm.... stupid fake gf wouldnt talk to me so.. wadever....
Tomoro's lesson's at 8 in the morning, i hate mondays... guess i'll just keep pouring more wine n enjoy wats left of this sunday~
Friday, May 11, 2007
its coming~
reached sch at 8.05am this morning for mac tech but Rick made me wait for him so we could go in together... the basterd arrived at 8.40am and by then those engineering instructor ppl had already started so they didnt allow us to participate.... the choices were to sit at a corner and "self-study" for 4 hrs... or leave and be marked "absent"...
we choose the latter....
it was 9+ and too early to go anywhere... decided to go watch a movie or something to kill time since it was dumb to go home straight away... but we decided to go ikea cause i needed a comfy chair and some curtains to block out the glare from my window when im on sephira~ which... IS COMING TOMOROW!
reached there at like... 930-ish... but the place wasnt like... open yet.. so we ate at there 1st... u know... tat big canteen place tat sells the cool meatballs.... yeah... there was this set meal thingy tat costs onli a dollar... with free coffee refills.... sweeet~
by 10.30 the place was allowed access so we went in..... walked around and saw lots of cool shit.... there were like.. tons of useless stuff i wanted to buy just to make my room look cool.. but.. im poor so....yeah~
Anyway... since i didnt really know the measurements of my window, i couldnt get the curtains but i got this really spiffy chair at $98 bucks...

and a floor lamp at $19.. doesnt come with the bulb though....
it felt really cool buying furniture for yrself.... the journey back was a real bitch... had to carry the friggin box all the way home.... but it was really cool fixing everything up and stuff.. it was like lego~
Tomorow i'll be heading down to Sim Lim with the Uncle to get the parts to upgrade sophia~ and buy W.O.W~ cause i have no life~... dont judge me -_-
i've been goin up to my mom every 15 mins saying "ITS COMING!" to her and waving my fists in the air~ she just shoos me off... but i'll be nice since mommy's day is in 2 days....
im so excited.... she's coming.... Sephira's coming~
we choose the latter....
it was 9+ and too early to go anywhere... decided to go watch a movie or something to kill time since it was dumb to go home straight away... but we decided to go ikea cause i needed a comfy chair and some curtains to block out the glare from my window when im on sephira~ which... IS COMING TOMOROW!
reached there at like... 930-ish... but the place wasnt like... open yet.. so we ate at there 1st... u know... tat big canteen place tat sells the cool meatballs.... yeah... there was this set meal thingy tat costs onli a dollar... with free coffee refills.... sweeet~
by 10.30 the place was allowed access so we went in..... walked around and saw lots of cool shit.... there were like.. tons of useless stuff i wanted to buy just to make my room look cool.. but.. im poor so....yeah~
Anyway... since i didnt really know the measurements of my window, i couldnt get the curtains but i got this really spiffy chair at $98 bucks...

and a floor lamp at $19.. doesnt come with the bulb though....
it felt really cool buying furniture for yrself.... the journey back was a real bitch... had to carry the friggin box all the way home.... but it was really cool fixing everything up and stuff.. it was like lego~
Tomorow i'll be heading down to Sim Lim with the Uncle to get the parts to upgrade sophia~ and buy W.O.W~ cause i have no life~... dont judge me -_-
i've been goin up to my mom every 15 mins saying "ITS COMING!" to her and waving my fists in the air~ she just shoos me off... but i'll be nice since mommy's day is in 2 days....
im so excited.... she's coming.... Sephira's coming~
Friday, May 04, 2007
the perfect girL~
i had a weird dream last night.... it goes like this.....
there was this lil lion the size of.. i dunno... maybe a bowling ball... and it was living in my bedroom... and like, i was afraid to touch it but i wanted to keep it as a pet... but then one day it goes all crazy n starts biting my hand..
so then, i went n told my mom about it... who then suggests that maybe i should feed it... so i feed it a plate of Char Siew and Otak~ then placed it bedroom floor with a bowl of water and left... then when i came back, the plate n bowl was empty and the mini lion was gone...
yeeeahhh.... -_-
thats the dream~
(not onli is it one of the most weirdest and amusing dreams i've had.. its also got nothing to do with the title of this post.... i just figured i'd share it cause its my blog n i do wat i want with it... so there~ )
anyway, on the way home i saw "Emo Chick~", "girL~ From the Bus #2" and "Calender girL~" all at bus stop... it seemed to me tat it was kinda like a sign from above tellin me to go up and talk to one of them or something....
i played the whole "i-stare-at-u, u-stare-at-me" thing with them before so they recongize me but they dont actually know me~ hopefully that'll change soon... all i need is just the right opportunity to be able to chat one up.... but there has yet to be one of those moments.. so.. yeah... but its cool... i'll just wait...~
but in case any of u ladies feel a lil impatient... i decided to make a list of wad my version of a perfect girL~ would be....
the perfect girL's race is unknown really.... but if she were malay, she wouldnt be wearing a Tudong and if she were chinese,she wouldnt be one of those "ching-chiong-chang" types tat act jap and speak chinese all day.....
instead, perfect girL~ would have an uber cool accent... maybe british or american... oh doesnt matter their both equally hot~ She'd have the sweetest eyes to go along with her sugar-coated voice.... her scent would be tat of summer's breeze leaving and winter's chill foreboding~
perfect girL~ would be slim, and beautiful.... her hair would be long and smooth and it'd lay across her face, covering one eye ever so seductively~ she'd be really smart and open-minded.. when we're together, i'd be able to do dumb stuff around her & she'd just laugh instead of thinking how weird i am...
Perfect girL~ would be close with her family memebers... she'd have a lil sister and a brother & a dog named December~ She'll know how to cook, and how to take care of herself and her family.....
Perfect girL~ would be rich and live in a mansion up on the Hills~ she'd be one of those artsy types tat enjoy painting and trips to the museum ... she'll have the same taste in music as i do and plays the piano~
perfect girL~ would lay with me instead of run for shelter when it rains in the middle of our picnic... she'd rest her head on my shoulders during a Michael Buble concert and hold my hand tightly during a scary movie~
Perfect girL's kisses would be as soft as rose pedels and sweet like the smile of a newborn... her touch, warm like the summer and fresh like the spring~
Perfect girL~ sounds really great... cause she's smart and sweet and ... well... perfect~
Perfect girL is also not real.... but that's never seemed to bother me since one's never existed before in the first place~ but its alright.... its all good.... :)
ooh.. if any of u ladies fit this describition... dont hesitate to call~
there was this lil lion the size of.. i dunno... maybe a bowling ball... and it was living in my bedroom... and like, i was afraid to touch it but i wanted to keep it as a pet... but then one day it goes all crazy n starts biting my hand..
so then, i went n told my mom about it... who then suggests that maybe i should feed it... so i feed it a plate of Char Siew and Otak~ then placed it bedroom floor with a bowl of water and left... then when i came back, the plate n bowl was empty and the mini lion was gone...
yeeeahhh.... -_-
thats the dream~
(not onli is it one of the most weirdest and amusing dreams i've had.. its also got nothing to do with the title of this post.... i just figured i'd share it cause its my blog n i do wat i want with it... so there~ )
anyway, on the way home i saw "Emo Chick~", "girL~ From the Bus #2" and "Calender girL~" all at bus stop... it seemed to me tat it was kinda like a sign from above tellin me to go up and talk to one of them or something....
i played the whole "i-stare-at-u, u-stare-at-me" thing with them before so they recongize me but they dont actually know me~ hopefully that'll change soon... all i need is just the right opportunity to be able to chat one up.... but there has yet to be one of those moments.. so.. yeah... but its cool... i'll just wait...~
but in case any of u ladies feel a lil impatient... i decided to make a list of wad my version of a perfect girL~ would be....
the perfect girL's race is unknown really.... but if she were malay, she wouldnt be wearing a Tudong and if she were chinese,she wouldnt be one of those "ching-chiong-chang" types tat act jap and speak chinese all day.....
instead, perfect girL~ would have an uber cool accent... maybe british or american... oh doesnt matter their both equally hot~ She'd have the sweetest eyes to go along with her sugar-coated voice.... her scent would be tat of summer's breeze leaving and winter's chill foreboding~
perfect girL~ would be slim, and beautiful.... her hair would be long and smooth and it'd lay across her face, covering one eye ever so seductively~ she'd be really smart and open-minded.. when we're together, i'd be able to do dumb stuff around her & she'd just laugh instead of thinking how weird i am...
Perfect girL~ would be close with her family memebers... she'd have a lil sister and a brother & a dog named December~ She'll know how to cook, and how to take care of herself and her family.....
Perfect girL~ would be rich and live in a mansion up on the Hills~ she'd be one of those artsy types tat enjoy painting and trips to the museum ... she'll have the same taste in music as i do and plays the piano~
perfect girL~ would lay with me instead of run for shelter when it rains in the middle of our picnic... she'd rest her head on my shoulders during a Michael Buble concert and hold my hand tightly during a scary movie~
Perfect girL's kisses would be as soft as rose pedels and sweet like the smile of a newborn... her touch, warm like the summer and fresh like the spring~
Perfect girL~ sounds really great... cause she's smart and sweet and ... well... perfect~
Perfect girL is also not real.... but that's never seemed to bother me since one's never existed before in the first place~ but its alright.... its all good.... :)
ooh.. if any of u ladies fit this describition... dont hesitate to call~
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
turd adventures#2 - Spider-man3
it rainned beautifully this morning, which just made wakin up tat much harder... the childish sister hid my "going-out" spectacles from me so i ended up being late n looking stupid since i had to wear my ugly glasses to sch...
MCT was a real bitch~ the teacher blacklisted me since she chased me out of the class last week n this week im late n didnt bring the book~ Well fuck u then u insensitive bitch... now im stuck with a bunch of stupid noobs for groupmates and i dont know anything about the subject... thanks for setting me back one lab... bitch -_-
went to watch Spider-man 3 with the turds... 11 of them... i pretty much kept to myself n stoned the whole time cause i was really tired... plus with me being so fugly lookin today didnt help...~
overall spider-man3 was pretty cool~ at 1st i was pretty unsure if the dude from "That 70's show" was suited to play the role of Venom~ but he was alright... and then we got the whole emo spidy at the church tower slittin his wrists cause he punched MJ~
the onli REAL good guy in the show i must say, has to be Flint Marko aka. The Sandman.... who's only reason to rob ppl is to get the money to help save his sweet lil daugther from lukimeia or watever the hell sickness she's got~ If i had a dying daugther and the ability to turn into dust and smash stuff, i'd totally use my powers to rob banks n shit....
so... yeah.. tats about it... hmmm.... its such an emo day~
i want my hoody jacket nowww~
MCT was a real bitch~ the teacher blacklisted me since she chased me out of the class last week n this week im late n didnt bring the book~ Well fuck u then u insensitive bitch... now im stuck with a bunch of stupid noobs for groupmates and i dont know anything about the subject... thanks for setting me back one lab... bitch -_-
went to watch Spider-man 3 with the turds... 11 of them... i pretty much kept to myself n stoned the whole time cause i was really tired... plus with me being so fugly lookin today didnt help...~
overall spider-man3 was pretty cool~ at 1st i was pretty unsure if the dude from "That 70's show" was suited to play the role of Venom~ but he was alright... and then we got the whole emo spidy at the church tower slittin his wrists cause he punched MJ~
the onli REAL good guy in the show i must say, has to be Flint Marko aka. The Sandman.... who's only reason to rob ppl is to get the money to help save his sweet lil daugther from lukimeia or watever the hell sickness she's got~ If i had a dying daugther and the ability to turn into dust and smash stuff, i'd totally use my powers to rob banks n shit....
so... yeah.. tats about it... hmmm.... its such an emo day~
i want my hoody jacket nowww~
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
reminisin~ (did i spell tat right?)
nothin to do today so i just read all my past blog entries.... anyway i decided to pick some out and re-publish them like a tribute or something~ so.. yeah... check'em out...
lets see... there's the stupid ones i did when i had nothin better to do....
Ever Wondered If.......... (Santa Claus was Real~)
and the ever popular...
101 ways to kill urself... the macho way~
the "i luv fridays & hate mondays" posts...
friday mornings~
friday afternoon~
i hate mondays~
we got the Tattoo Chronicles...
body art~
my mom's gonna kill me~
as well as the ever popular "the girL~" series...
the girL~
le demoiselle deux ( the girL part 2~ )
ode to the girL ~ (part III)
and then a couple of random ones.....
My Mother~
writings of a solitarian~
World through my eyes~
First of May's the start of Summer... all the big blockbusters will be out soon... gonna watch Spider-man3 tomoro wth the turds~
i wanna get tight black jeans & a hoody jacket... anyone wanna go shoppin with me?
whoa ooh... love songs for the genuinely cunning~
-infinity on high-
lets see... there's the stupid ones i did when i had nothin better to do....
Ever Wondered If.......... (Santa Claus was Real~)
and the ever popular...
101 ways to kill urself... the macho way~
the "i luv fridays & hate mondays" posts...
friday mornings~
friday afternoon~
i hate mondays~
we got the Tattoo Chronicles...
body art~
my mom's gonna kill me~
as well as the ever popular "the girL~" series...
the girL~
le demoiselle deux ( the girL part 2~ )
ode to the girL ~ (part III)
and then a couple of random ones.....
My Mother~
writings of a solitarian~
World through my eyes~
First of May's the start of Summer... all the big blockbusters will be out soon... gonna watch Spider-man3 tomoro wth the turds~
i wanna get tight black jeans & a hoody jacket... anyone wanna go shoppin with me?
whoa ooh... love songs for the genuinely cunning~
-infinity on high-
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