Thursday, August 10, 2006


its 3.35 am ...
and i cant sleep~

Apparently, i haven't been able to fall asleep much less, remain alseep for the pass few weeks... this has happened b4 a couple of times in the past, but this time its different.. i feel ... awake at night.. literally... in the past i felt was just tat i couldn't get to sleep.. but if i managed to, i would usually sleep right thru the night..

But these few weeks...
i feel awake when i try to sleep... n awake when i wake up again at odd hrs of the morning~

At 1st, i thought it would pass... tat its just a phase of being restless... and that in time... things would eventually go back to normal.. but upon thinkin back now, i realised that this has been going on for quite sometime now.. weeks on end... of sleepless nights and narcoleptic afternoons... day after agonizing day.. i didnt realise how long it was going on till now...

its been going on for so long now... and it's really bothering me.. maybe i should go see a doctor soon, hopefully he could drug me up real gd n things would go back to normal.. ~

i've tired all sorts of methods to try n sleep... from drinkin a warm class of milk at night.. to ... sniffin an onion and even counting sheep, which btw is a load of crap... attempting to count an infinity of rampaging sheep that leap over a fence does NOT put u to sleep.. but would in fact make u even more awake then b4~

i've even tired drinkin myself to sleep... usually i can feel tired enough after a while by drinkin just one can of Beer~ but the effects dont last very long... n it even gives u tat grogy feeling in ur stomach when u wake up.. which ... since u didnt even get enough sleep frm the night b4, is really Uncool~

I've considered other factors which contribute to me unable to catch some Zzz~
My room for one thing, isn't that well ventilated. My mother, hu btw is the most Paranoid person in the World, thinks that if i so much as leave my top window luver open, some Criminal Master Mind would manage to contort his body thru my 15cm by 50cm window and steal my oh so vaulable Dinosaur Figurines, which can onli be sold to a crazy person willing enough to want my shit in exchange for a half bitten tic-tac~

Sure maybe some punk kid hu's got nothing to do at 3 in the morning would wanna throw a lit match in thru the window.... n my room is HIGHLY FLAMABLE. I have got posters lineing every inch of my rm n clothes which litter the floor like a carpet so yes it is a fire harzard n i would probably be the 1st one to die.. but wat chance would it be tat any of this would happen... in this country for that matter..

I also have a Immature and self-centered elder sister hu decides to watch 'Boston LEgal' on the VCR at 4 in the morning with the VoL. turned up.... i cant complain to my father since i dont really regard him as a member of this household, and i dont want to wake my mother and mess up her peaceful sleep... so.. i decide to just get up... n now i cant go back to sleep...~

so here i am, talking of counting sheep & how flameable my room is... at 3.54 am on a sch night... i think i'll go to the doctor's tomoro n get some sleepin pills...
i dont even know if they prescribe it~

i need some sleep.... i really do... so next time if u see me in sch in the morning n i have this "dont fuck with me today, i didnt get enough sleep last night" look.. dont take it personally.. i just didn't get enough sleep last night... n would appreciate it if u'd all FUCK oFF till noon~


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