A friend of mine brought to my attention tat i dont write much about myself...
He says i should write more about the crap that happens in my actual life n mock about tat...
Well.. 1st off.. i already told u ppl in my very 1st entry that im not going to write about my daily activities cause then .. it will just become any other normal blog... not to mention the fact tat i dont want weirdos knowing about the things i've done or the place's i've been...
Secondly.. i live a very boring existance... i sit.. i observe.. i write... its wat i do.. im the kinda person hu watches the ball game instead of competiting in it...
So if i were to write about my day.. it would look something like this:
"Tuesday :
i woke up today..
i went to sch..
i didnt learn anything...
i went home...
-Fre3ze out~ "
Not very entertaining is it....
But... i do have to take these suggestions frm u ppl into consideration... gotta write wat the public wants to read anyway~
And i realise that maybe YOU..the ppl.. could get to know me a little better...
But here's the thing..
i dont want u to get to know me...
i dont like sharing my problems with u ...
& i dont like bitchin about how my life sux to complete strangers...
Nor.. do i.. as a reader.. like to read about ppl .. hu bitch about how their lives sucks to complete strangers...
I swear..-_- no one suffers in silence anymore.... everyone has to "talk about their feelings" n shit...
COme on~~
im a nice guy... so i said.. "ok.. sure watever.. i'll do it..."
So... i've dedicated an entire blog entry to write about urs truly... for the sake of the people...
But, i'll write it in a way.. tat at the end of it all.. u wont even know a DAMN thing about me :)
Everyone's happy ~~~
So.. here it goes.. the story of my life:
-My name is A**** Aka Fre3ze
-i live in a tiny ass country called S******** & I HATE IT OVER HERE...
-I live in a normal house... in a normal neighbourhood.. with everyday normal ppl where nothin interesting every happens...
-i study at T****** Poly
-i have no friends...
-i hate all things PINK...
-im Anti- (war, peace, racist, sexist, people, PINK, & many many more~)
-i've never had a pet..
-i hate my mother tongue..
-Im a pessimist...
i see the cup as half empty..
-i have no hope for humanity n believe tat in 100 yrs we're all goin to die frm our meltin polar ice caps or global warmin or some shit like tat...~
-I dont believe in GoD
NOr Heaven.. nor HeLL....
-There is no such thing as life after death.. onli DEaTH after Death...~
u wont go to heaven if ur gd.. & u wont go to hell if ur bad... u just DIE when u DIE.. its tat simple... so dont make this whole circle of life thing so damn dramatic
(i hope u guys are gettin this...)
-We're born to suffer.. we live to die ... :)
-My motto in life is to get it over with~
-And, my favourite phrase is...( if u ask my frens, they'll all agree)
& i hope u ppl dunwannaliveforever too ~

Fre3ze OuT~