no Joke~
i caught sight of it hoppin about near MacDonalds..

Poor thing must've fallin into some nuclear waste or something..
kinda cool lookin.. u know.. with one leg and all...
BUt u cant help feelin sorry for it..
On the other hand... its not like u see a one-legged bird everyday.. hoppin around MAcdonalds.. lookin for a half-eaten french fry to build its nest or something..
so.. theres somethin to show ur grand-kids..

PIcture no.2 here shows 2 cats humping each other... yeah.. its a picture of 2 cats humping...
Its all part of nature.. nothin to be embarressed about.. that is.. except for the fact that THEIR SIBLINGS!!!
not onli is this ANIMAL PORN... its also FUCKIN INCEST MAN!! ARGH!~
That is the sickest shit information i've ever had the misfortune of knowing.. and the 1st thing that came to my mind was 2 share it with u guys : )
For All those ppl hu are gettin turned on by tis freak of a porn show..
I hope the goat tat ur fantasising about bites ur prick of and tosses u over a cliff into a pile of horse shit.. u sick animal fuckerr...
OH.. and the last one is the most grusome.. most diabloical of them all...
PArents.. cover ur children's eyes.. for this is a picture tat will haunt ur dreams forever...
It is none other than a picture of one of Pooh's friends from the 100 arce woods.. humping an unknown homosexual CareBEAR !!!!

I'LL let u come to ur own conclusions with this one.... urgh... nasty~
Fre3ze Out~
you are SICK, bitch.
i know u are but wat am i... :)
eh fucker how dare u disturb the nature... its animals... its a different case how dare you...
that is why there is a difference between human and animals.... MORON!
We are also humping our own siblings if look at it technically... we came from the same parents...remember adam and eve... Stupid!
1st of.. there is no such thing as ADAM & EVE... but if u do.. then remain a virgin then..since we're all one big family..-_-
2nd .. maybe only u perform incest.. normal ppl dont do tat..i think humping ur own family member is illegal here...
and 3rd... bite me :)
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