Hi everyone...
Lately theres been this kinda email tats been going round either about some
*quote, unquote ..."Eye-Test" or they show u 2 pictures and say something like
" theres something wrong with this picture.. can u find the difference?"
Then... as ur staring intensively at the screen..
BAM! this MOTHER FUGLY face of some rotting corpse appears on ur screen followed by a blood curdling scream that scares the SHIT out of u...
causing watever beverage u were drinkin at that moment to come squirtin out through ur nose... or .. if ur weak hearted.. either soil urself.. or gave u a heart attack..
killing u instantly...
To the basterds hu created this shit as well as those who sent it out.....
Its people like u hu got no social life... staring at ur computer screens all day wondering....
"hmm.. seeing as i got nothin better to do.. y dont i invent a programme tat deceiving lures ppl into an intense concentration to the screen ... before unleashing a freakishly disturbing image of an atrocious face to them... just for the fun of it .."
Human beings are a stupid lot... We invent the race car.. one of the fastest land machines ... and wat do we do with tat technology?
WE take a bunch of morons.. give them each a top notch race car.. and let them drive'em round n round in a circle....
We invent the internet... the source of all knowledge in the world.. and wat do u ppl do ?!
We surf pornography... and invent STUPID SHIT LIKE THIS TO SCARE PPL!!!!
again... FUCK you...
these cheeky basterds have been ever so cunning as to constantly updating their prgrammes.. making it even more difficult to tell if something is gonna happen...
there are the least suspicious ones where by they play some nice soothing music as a horse rides gallently across the sunset then all of a sudden...
SMACK-DAD on the screen is that horrendous fuck of a face followed by that scream...
dont u know ppl can die from shit like this?!
HOw would u like it if one day someone e-mails u some "Help spot the difference" game and having previously been listenin to ur Backstreet Boys CD..innocently left the speakers at full-blast...
(the following may take some imagination.. but hey.. it could happen... )
A decapitated head flashes onto ur screen together with a mother of an ear popping scream...
" AHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!! " goes the floating head...
ur PC explodes and the glass shards from ur monitor shatters into a million tiny pieces and stabs ur eyeballs ... rendering u blind and in extreme pain..
and as u Helplessly stumbling for help.. u accidentally step on ur pet cat's tail..
she shrills in pain and jumps onto ur face.. clinging onto ur head...using her claws furiously to ravages ur eyes out of their sockets in an attempt to get back at u...
"AHHHHGGGRRRRR!!!! OMG !!!!" u scream...
now with ur eye sockets dangling as low as ur elbows.. u stumble over the window ledge and plummet 21 stories down into a truck of 12 inch nails.. all.. unfortunatly.. pointing upwards...
" AHHHHhhh !!! im falling!!! "
and then..
u die...
All because of some stupid ass e-mail...created by a bunch of morons...
1st of.. anyone hu listens to backstreet boys should be killed...
and hey~ it could happen....
Fre3ze ... OUT!~
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
wEirD Ass aNimaLs~
CHeck this out people.. a one-legged bird...
no Joke~
i caught sight of it hoppin about near MacDonalds..

Poor thing must've fallin into some nuclear waste or something..
kinda cool lookin.. u know.. with one leg and all...
BUt u cant help feelin sorry for it..
On the other hand... its not like u see a one-legged bird everyday.. hoppin around MAcdonalds.. lookin for a half-eaten french fry to build its nest or something..
so.. theres somethin to show ur grand-kids..

PIcture no.2 here shows 2 cats humping each other... yeah.. its a picture of 2 cats humping...
Its all part of nature.. nothin to be embarressed about.. that is.. except for the fact that THEIR SIBLINGS!!!
not onli is this ANIMAL PORN... its also FUCKIN INCEST MAN!! ARGH!~
That is the sickest shit information i've ever had the misfortune of knowing.. and the 1st thing that came to my mind was 2 share it with u guys : )
For All those ppl hu are gettin turned on by tis freak of a porn show..
I hope the goat tat ur fantasising about bites ur prick of and tosses u over a cliff into a pile of horse shit.. u sick animal fuckerr...
OH.. and the last one is the most grusome.. most diabloical of them all...
PArents.. cover ur children's eyes.. for this is a picture tat will haunt ur dreams forever...
It is none other than a picture of one of Pooh's friends from the 100 arce woods.. humping an unknown homosexual CareBEAR !!!!

I'LL let u come to ur own conclusions with this one.... urgh... nasty~
Fre3ze Out~
no Joke~
i caught sight of it hoppin about near MacDonalds..

Poor thing must've fallin into some nuclear waste or something..
kinda cool lookin.. u know.. with one leg and all...
BUt u cant help feelin sorry for it..
On the other hand... its not like u see a one-legged bird everyday.. hoppin around MAcdonalds.. lookin for a half-eaten french fry to build its nest or something..
so.. theres somethin to show ur grand-kids..

PIcture no.2 here shows 2 cats humping each other... yeah.. its a picture of 2 cats humping...
Its all part of nature.. nothin to be embarressed about.. that is.. except for the fact that THEIR SIBLINGS!!!
not onli is this ANIMAL PORN... its also FUCKIN INCEST MAN!! ARGH!~
That is the sickest shit information i've ever had the misfortune of knowing.. and the 1st thing that came to my mind was 2 share it with u guys : )
For All those ppl hu are gettin turned on by tis freak of a porn show..
I hope the goat tat ur fantasising about bites ur prick of and tosses u over a cliff into a pile of horse shit.. u sick animal fuckerr...
OH.. and the last one is the most grusome.. most diabloical of them all...
PArents.. cover ur children's eyes.. for this is a picture tat will haunt ur dreams forever...
It is none other than a picture of one of Pooh's friends from the 100 arce woods.. humping an unknown homosexual CareBEAR !!!!

I'LL let u come to ur own conclusions with this one.... urgh... nasty~
Fre3ze Out~
PINK RABBIT Victim No.1~
You see this moron in the photo...?

yeah.. u see.. this guy didnt believe me when i told him of the PINK RABBIT...
He laughed.. u all laughed..
but u see.... in the end.. there was no escaping it..
Out of the blue.. he started singing to the trees and humping rocks..
As u can see.. he's pretending to be a deer or something...
u see wat the PINK RABBIT does .. it fucks with ur mind and make u act like a retarded down syndrome Loony Toon..
i swear.. if it had'nt been for me to put him down.. he'd probably still be running around the country naked trying to hump YOU..~
No need to thank me.. just doing my job huntin down the PINK RABBITS of the world...
Fre3ze Out~

yeah.. u see.. this guy didnt believe me when i told him of the PINK RABBIT...
He laughed.. u all laughed..
but u see.... in the end.. there was no escaping it..
Out of the blue.. he started singing to the trees and humping rocks..
As u can see.. he's pretending to be a deer or something...
u see wat the PINK RABBIT does .. it fucks with ur mind and make u act like a retarded down syndrome Loony Toon..
i swear.. if it had'nt been for me to put him down.. he'd probably still be running around the country naked trying to hump YOU..~
No need to thank me.. just doing my job huntin down the PINK RABBITS of the world...
Fre3ze Out~
HunT foR the PINK RaBBIT~
I tried to warn u people..
I really did..
BUt u never listen do u...
And u know its comming for u...
BUt Due to many complains from my readers about how lame the article on the PINK RABBIT is.. i've decided to make this the last PINK RABBIT Rant.. and start a new one on PINK RABBIT VICTIMS..
See it to believe it ppl...
Fre3ze out~
I really did..
BUt u never listen do u...
And u know its comming for u...
BUt Due to many complains from my readers about how lame the article on the PINK RABBIT is.. i've decided to make this the last PINK RABBIT Rant.. and start a new one on PINK RABBIT VICTIMS..
See it to believe it ppl...
Fre3ze out~
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