i dunno if anyone noticed... but isn't the show "Cosmo & George" starring Gurmit Singh just a rip off of the 1978 show "Mork & Mindy"?
not only do they both have the same concept of using names in their titles... but the entire plot is the same, cept the one with Robin Williams in it is less lame~

anyway, back to real life....
spent the afternoon feedin bananas to the turtles and making them pee on themselves before tossing them back into the pond~ i had such a laugh when they started doing that, it was really the highlight of my day, besides ur morning text of course~
our yabbie's pregnant as well... she's been tending to her eggs for about a week or so now. We watched her fiddle with them for a bit before going back to torturing jH's catfish~
it kinda sucked that everyone else left while we stayed but at least we fooled around enough to keep us entertained throughout the day, which (might i add) was INSANELY HUMID AND SUFFOCATING~
yesterday as well...
i do NOT like the weather here, and apparently, the weather here doesn't like me either -_-
wadever man, im headin out for some CAKE, fuck u Global Warming~
oh & Jazrel, quit blog hoping when u know u've got homework to do :p
ps: i’m in love with your anxiety too~
among other things..