when i was a kid i used to beg my mom to buy me a kinder Surprise everytime she went to the store... most of the time she wouldn't, sayin it was a waste of money n all tat.. but every 100 years or so when the planets aligned, she'd bring home for me an egg or 2, at which point i'll flip out at the sight of them...
the chocolate was shit of course, everyone knew tat... kids just wanted the toy, (regardless of how crappy it maybe...) and for a brief moment, existence as we knew it would come to a dramatic stand-still as we opened the tiny packaging to reveal the hidden treasure residing within...
i loved that shit as a kid~
then Ferrero decided to stop manufacturing them n crushed the hopes & dreams of millions of innocents all over the world... i always thought it was a great novelty gimmick, never did know why they canceled it~
and so. Kinder Surprise was no more, but a couple of years later, Kinder JOY was introduced to the world with a cheesy commercial with 2 brats and a mom who succeeds in providing them with both the sweet sugary goodness of chocolate and a delightful toy at the same time~

instead of having a fragile layer of white chocolate encase the mystery toy, its concept was now focuses on the egg's internal content, meaning the egg white and egg yolk (or egg yolks for tat matter) instead of a chocolaty shell, Kinder JOY consisted of a soft milky white chocolate & not 1, but 2 chocolate balls with hazel nut filling and waffle chips drizzled on it...

i have no idea why there's 2 egg yolks in the egg.. their onli gonna confuse the 2 year olds further... y couldnt they just put the 2 yolks together n make one giant yolk ball?
the toy i got was this.. weird, some 2cent rubber totem of a "see-no-evil" tiki head ment to be place on the top of a pencil for, i dunno... decoration purposes, like anyone bothers to decorate a Pencil -_-~
perhaps it's got unprecedented abilities which allows the user's drawings to come to life or some voo doo shit like tat... or maybe its just a random doo hicky in a chocolate egg~
i googled kinder JOY to see wad kinda prizes there were and it seemed some of them were pretty cool, like robots and jigsaw puzzles etc... i wondered y i got the see-no-evil tiki totem instead of the other cool stuff, maybe it was some kinda cosmic irony the gods of fate felt humorous to bestow upon me... or maybe im just too old for this shit~
annnnnyway... should've tossed the lil tiki head out but decided to keep it cause im cool tat way. brought it home n found a nice pen to stick it onto... gonna put it in my bag n carry it around with me, see if anything cool happens when i whip it out...
think imma call him fred~
fred the see-no-evil tiki totem of doom....
kay off to bed :p