went to the National Museum of Singapore with the bff & the turds~
"Greek Masterpieces" Gallery.. i did more stuff tat day, but i totally forgot the details, so yeah...

3 days ago...
joy riding with the bff, bff's brother & yK~
drove to a romantic rendevouz point somewhere near expo... watched the planes go by n stuff... did more stuff after tat too but im lazy to go into detail... anyway, more pictures...

2 day ago...
stewy's bday parrtayyy~ i realise i look kinda scary in photos -_-

went to vivo with Stewy... there was this japanese store there called "Daiso" or something like tat which sold all sorts of random junk for $2~
Ninja Gloves for $2...
Giant chopsticks for $2...
Plastic carrots for $2....
i love that place... its so random... n i bought a pillow~
i also bought shoes n a $90 dollar shirt from Zara~ stu got some batteries....
i met sooo many ppl at work today... sec school friends, poly friends, work friends, random friends, friend's friends~

they made me wear a hat for the new Diesel Promotion... not cap, HAT.. like Justin Timberlake~ and suspenders... which is very gay n it makes my pants ride up my ass crack... but wadever~ its all good...
note to self: stop buying $90 dollar shirts... save money for tatt and future sch fees-_-
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