a reeally long time ago... (dates & days i cant remember)
random picture of me and the guys of DIESEL~

long time ago....
me and eddee at work doing tat "go round and give strangers fragrance samples" but really it was more of a "do wadever we want happy-funky time and try not to get caught" thing~ met up with the bff too :)
not too long ago but still relativly distant....
finally managed to hang out with bunny. Went to Blue URrrrban Oasis for dinner... chilled, played with my funky hat and cam whored~

not so long ago....
stewy + ceily + videocam = random conversations and the birth of the People of the Purple PEA~
gotta get my computer fixed... i miss youtubing and using a mouse instead of a touchpad -_-
"ever wondered if there was a world in a world in a pea?"