its makin me feel really unrested... and since i havent smoked in like.. mths, i guess the long break has nulled my resistance against tabacco~ needless to say, i dont feel the urge to smoke anymore, nor, if i did, would indefinatly reframe from succoming to it~
smoking doesnt seem cool anymore after awhile, just makes u feel sick n smell like a jet engine~ so yeah, im not going to do it anymore... maybe the occasional stick now n then, but i dont think i'll be purchasing any on my own... period~
spent the entire morning playin 'World of Warcraft'~
woke up at 7.45am, & theres not really much to watch on tv... plus, it was great timing too cause my friend came online at that time, so we got on our mics n startin talkin crap...
yeah, that my character...

anyway, we managed to get into a great group n we all went exploring n shit.. the group was made up of Mokand( aka. Jeff ), Illucent ( aka. Robert), and Rageth ( aka. Robert's son hu's name i dont know cause he didnt talk much ) and then there was me (aka Vanden)~
i wish i could've recorded our conversations, it was hilarious... we did all sorts of stuff besides questing like goin into the Al Quhira 40-man Raid instance ( its just a really big n scary place with big monsters FYI to those hu dont play )

we killed some giant snakes...

took down a really big anubis elite...

we died plenty of times of course.. but eventually we took him down~

and a lil group photo right there~

by this time it was around 3pm and we had almost played for 7 hours straight.... n it was like 1am east coast time over at america so they needed to sleep n i needed to eat and rob's son needed to go to sch tommoro... so we went our seperate ways~
i had reached lvl 58 so i could go through the portal to 'Outlands' (an even scarier place with even more bigger monsters) so i flew to 'blasted lands' where the portal was...

rode on over... u can already see it from a distance, its pretty huge~

see wad i mean...

so i went thru it, n there was this huge battle goin on inside.. took another photo like any curious onlooker hu stumbled onto an epic battle would...

then i flew to this place called "Thrallmar" which is were u'd 1st go to went thru the portal... see that town at the top left there? yeah tats the one...

it isnt exactly the safest place to be for beginners, since theres this big ass monster called a "Fel Reaver" that wanders around right outside the encampment... i managed to take a pic of his back before he stepped on me -_-
so.. yeah.. basically that was my day and my 1st time in the "Hellfire Pennisular"~
probably meeting jeff tomoro morning... he's from Atlanta, Gerogia... so my 8am is his 10pm...
going back to sch tommoro to meet jenny for lunch, minty for dinner & gynn for supper... so at least i still keep in touch with reality~
i'm such a nerd -_-~
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