i've yet to see her... the girL~
Ever more unclear does the invisible affair persist...
she's fading out with each passing day~
strange the timing for such feelings to arise..
but they were never gone in the 1st place~
the sweetness of her, like tat of puppy dogs n butterflys~
her mesmerising eyes and euphonious voice lingers in my mind..
the blush upon her cheek, the tenderness of her smile~
i want to forget her.. this vagrant pursuit must cease....
its incredible how someone can mean so much to someone else n not realise it~
she makes my world stop...
every glance into her eyes, every touch of her hand~
she makes my world stop~
My ode to the girL~ this is the last...
its best i leave this be~
no greater tragic tale told of love lost, then tat of love never found~
i wonder if she'd ever know....
i wonder of wat could have been~
Unending in my heart: the girL~
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
A long time ago, the warmest tree flew, inside it laid corpses of mouse traps and beer.... As time went by the shoe rings evolved... causing pillows and calculators to roam the seas of koi and hermit~
These tales have long came to pass. For every few decades, the crystal balls dance. Causing the Moon and its orange to grow penguins made of strawberries and glue~ Although the seamless night can be evaded by the falling windows, one cannot neglect the sight of a purple bear when he sees one....~
THey bring paper and stones as an offering, and place them before the fields of daffodils and fog~ Above the mountain of clocks, n beyond the rising smoke of music notes, is where it will fine its turtle shell~
With it, the ability to rewrite the names of chocolate Bars and tattooed skin~
The Dragon feels uneasy with the gloves on his wings... but he sleeps.. nonetheless~ Undisturbed by the screams of the headless butterflys~
It sleeps everlasting in the sea of eyes... never to be disturbed... never to be awake... for it is sheeps, that do the real hunting....~
(No idea wat the heLL i just wrote..? WeLL, neither do i...~)
God im bored~ -_-
Fre3ze ouT~
These tales have long came to pass. For every few decades, the crystal balls dance. Causing the Moon and its orange to grow penguins made of strawberries and glue~ Although the seamless night can be evaded by the falling windows, one cannot neglect the sight of a purple bear when he sees one....~
THey bring paper and stones as an offering, and place them before the fields of daffodils and fog~ Above the mountain of clocks, n beyond the rising smoke of music notes, is where it will fine its turtle shell~
With it, the ability to rewrite the names of chocolate Bars and tattooed skin~
The Dragon feels uneasy with the gloves on his wings... but he sleeps.. nonetheless~ Undisturbed by the screams of the headless butterflys~
It sleeps everlasting in the sea of eyes... never to be disturbed... never to be awake... for it is sheeps, that do the real hunting....~
(No idea wat the heLL i just wrote..? WeLL, neither do i...~)
God im bored~ -_-
Fre3ze ouT~
Sunday, September 03, 2006
my mom's gonna kill me~
this was'nt just some random spontaneous crazy thing i just woke up one day n said i wanna get a tattoo, i've always dreams of gettin one since i was in sec2...
it wasn't tat i was afraid of the pain, i was more afraid of the consequnces of getting one, n how gettin inked would effect me gettin a job, the discrimination ppl will show towards me...& the sufferin i would most likly have to endure in NS because of it...
i've contemplated getting one for so many years... n i was willing 2 except all those factors... all but one, which was not getting my mother's blessing...~
i hate to make her anger and disappointed.. its not a very nice feelin for a son to feel when he does something to anger his mother to the point where she starts to cry... ~
My mother is very innocent and narrow-minded in a way... she thinks anyone with a tattoo is either an ex-con or some junkie drug addict/ gangster... the very mention of me gettin one would put her in such a negative mood, then she starts to lecture me about how no one would hire me, or how ppl would pick fights with me cause of it... which, to me sounded so unlikely... still does....~
Even so, my fascination with body art far outshined her parental control over me... i wasn't a disobedinent boy, i've spent my whole life listing to my mother.. till even my friends got pissed cause if she said "no", it would mean no... i didnt even bother to put up a fight..~
i hate to disobey my mother.... which is why wat i did made me feel so guilty~ i did alot of research about tattoos and made alot of desicion-making like, where to have the tatt done so tat i can hide it... reputable tattoo parlors in sg... tattoo aftercare n stuff like tat...~
BUt i have no regrets... i am very proud of my tattoo... it was exceptionally crafted in me by a tattoo artist named Oliver from EZ Tattoos down at Far East... (if any one wants to get inked i recommend going there~) it didnt really hurt tat bad... dont really know wat the big contraversy about the pain is.. its like a 6/10 on the pain scale... if u can endure the stabbing of countless burning needles dragging across ur skin over the same spot for over an hr, u'd be alright...~
maybe when im older n have a family. i'd tattoo my wife n kid's names on my arms... for now, i think i'll be just happy with this one...
i dont think i can ever let my mom find out... she'd definatly send me to get it lasered... DEFINATELY~ My mother is VERY capable of doing something like that..
i just hope one day she realises tat a tattoo isn't ment for "AH-bengs" or used as an intimidation tool... but a form of artistic expression.. something u do to show how much u love urself~
Maybe one day she'd realise the intense investigation and groundwork i did to perfectly position the size n area of the tatt in order to get a white collar job...
as well as the picture....which isnt some word like " i love Satan " on my back... tat would just freak her out.... i even contemplated on tattooing her name just to make her not be so mad if she ever found out... but i quickly scratched tat idea...~
anyway.. to all the ppl out there hu have the same idealogy as my mother, please change ur outlook on ppl with tattoos... i know many ppl hu hold degrees hu have piercings n tattoos in places u cant even imagine... ~
i hate discrimination in every form, be it racisim, sexism ... or any form of classification tat deminors one person from another... a rich successfull business man has the same rights as a tattoo covered ex-con.... if onli ppl in this country could be more open-minded...
Friends.. n friend's of friends... n anyone hu reads this... please tell this to ur kids one day... i'd rather have my son talk to me about gettin a tattoo then to do it behind my back just because im too narrow-minded to listen to him....~
NOw for some pictures... here;s one of my back before gettin tatt, my friend shawn took it as a final commemoratory, seeing as how i'd never be "bare-backed" again...

here is the stencil of it... already looks pretty neat ~

n this was taken during the finishing of the tattoo.. blood n all still shown.. compliments of victor~

sure it may look kinda torturous, but the anticipation of it is far worst then the actual process...
Vic,shawny n eddy took videos of me n put them on Utube~ here are the links...
as u can see.. not a tear shead....~
Tattoos are becoming a fast trend... soon... in our kid's generation.. tattoos would be so common... 5 yr olds would be gettin them...
One final msg, kids stay in sch, stay off drugs... n talk to ur parents...
Parents.... FUCKING listen to ur kids...~
Fre3ze OUT~
it wasn't tat i was afraid of the pain, i was more afraid of the consequnces of getting one, n how gettin inked would effect me gettin a job, the discrimination ppl will show towards me...& the sufferin i would most likly have to endure in NS because of it...
i've contemplated getting one for so many years... n i was willing 2 except all those factors... all but one, which was not getting my mother's blessing...~
i hate to make her anger and disappointed.. its not a very nice feelin for a son to feel when he does something to anger his mother to the point where she starts to cry... ~
My mother is very innocent and narrow-minded in a way... she thinks anyone with a tattoo is either an ex-con or some junkie drug addict/ gangster... the very mention of me gettin one would put her in such a negative mood, then she starts to lecture me about how no one would hire me, or how ppl would pick fights with me cause of it... which, to me sounded so unlikely... still does....~
Even so, my fascination with body art far outshined her parental control over me... i wasn't a disobedinent boy, i've spent my whole life listing to my mother.. till even my friends got pissed cause if she said "no", it would mean no... i didnt even bother to put up a fight..~
i hate to disobey my mother.... which is why wat i did made me feel so guilty~ i did alot of research about tattoos and made alot of desicion-making like, where to have the tatt done so tat i can hide it... reputable tattoo parlors in sg... tattoo aftercare n stuff like tat...~
BUt i have no regrets... i am very proud of my tattoo... it was exceptionally crafted in me by a tattoo artist named Oliver from EZ Tattoos down at Far East... (if any one wants to get inked i recommend going there~) it didnt really hurt tat bad... dont really know wat the big contraversy about the pain is.. its like a 6/10 on the pain scale... if u can endure the stabbing of countless burning needles dragging across ur skin over the same spot for over an hr, u'd be alright...~
maybe when im older n have a family. i'd tattoo my wife n kid's names on my arms... for now, i think i'll be just happy with this one...
i dont think i can ever let my mom find out... she'd definatly send me to get it lasered... DEFINATELY~ My mother is VERY capable of doing something like that..
i just hope one day she realises tat a tattoo isn't ment for "AH-bengs" or used as an intimidation tool... but a form of artistic expression.. something u do to show how much u love urself~
Maybe one day she'd realise the intense investigation and groundwork i did to perfectly position the size n area of the tatt in order to get a white collar job...
as well as the picture....which isnt some word like " i love Satan " on my back... tat would just freak her out.... i even contemplated on tattooing her name just to make her not be so mad if she ever found out... but i quickly scratched tat idea...~
anyway.. to all the ppl out there hu have the same idealogy as my mother, please change ur outlook on ppl with tattoos... i know many ppl hu hold degrees hu have piercings n tattoos in places u cant even imagine... ~
i hate discrimination in every form, be it racisim, sexism ... or any form of classification tat deminors one person from another... a rich successfull business man has the same rights as a tattoo covered ex-con.... if onli ppl in this country could be more open-minded...
Friends.. n friend's of friends... n anyone hu reads this... please tell this to ur kids one day... i'd rather have my son talk to me about gettin a tattoo then to do it behind my back just because im too narrow-minded to listen to him....~
NOw for some pictures... here;s one of my back before gettin tatt, my friend shawn took it as a final commemoratory, seeing as how i'd never be "bare-backed" again...

here is the stencil of it... already looks pretty neat ~

n this was taken during the finishing of the tattoo.. blood n all still shown.. compliments of victor~

sure it may look kinda torturous, but the anticipation of it is far worst then the actual process...
Vic,shawny n eddy took videos of me n put them on Utube~ here are the links...
as u can see.. not a tear shead....~
Tattoos are becoming a fast trend... soon... in our kid's generation.. tattoos would be so common... 5 yr olds would be gettin them...
One final msg, kids stay in sch, stay off drugs... n talk to ur parents...
Parents.... FUCKING listen to ur kids...~
Fre3ze OUT~
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