Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865)
Born: Hardin County, Kentucky
Died: Washington, D.C.
He was the 16th president of the United States & served 4 years in office before he was shot by John Wilkes Booth in 1865, becoming the 1st president to have ever been assassinated.
During his term, he managed successfully lead the country through the Civil Wars and put an end to slavery.
Lincoln has been considered a martyr for the ideal of national unity and human rights. Now his face is on 5 dollar bill of the U.S. currency, and had the Lincoln Memorial built in his honor~
"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it."

John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963)
Born: Brookline, Massachusetts
Died: Dallas, Texas at the age of 46
born John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, he was the 35th President of the United States, serving for 2 years before his assassination in 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the crime but was murdered a mere two days later by Jack Ruby before he could even be put on trial.
Some officials speculate a possibility of a conspiracy, but wadever it may be, the event proved to be an important moment in U.S. history because of its impact on the nation and the ensuing political repercussions.
During that time of shaky ties with foreign countries, JFK managed to construct many Foreign Policies that proved effective in some way to promote bilateral ties between countries like Russia & Veitnam.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Barack Obama (August 4, 1961 - the ends of time)
Born: Honolulu, Hawaii
Married to: Michelle Obama
the 44th and current President of the United States. He's also the first African American president to be elected. Having been inaugurated recently on January 20, 2009, he ran an extraordinary campaign that emphasized on ending the Iraq War and providing universal health care to americans.
He promised "change" to the American public and displayed his ability to lead during the economic crisis of '08.
Many people are counting on him to solve many of the catastrophes that we are facing today. We trust that Yes, he can...
"There's not a liberal America and a conservative America. There's the United States of America. "

Phua Chu Kang aka. Kang kang
(September 25, 1997 – February 11, 2007 )
Occupation: CEO of PCK Pte Ltd
he was the poster boy for Singapore's Singlish speaking dialog, having kids going round saying "don't pray pray" thinkin its cool to sound like a fool.
first airing in 1996, he made multiple cameos in many local sitcoms and even appeared in an episode of The Amazing Race which have left many Singaporeans ridiculed under the eyes of foreigners watching from abroad..
in the 2003 SARs pandemic, he appeared in a 4min long music video called "The Sar-vivor Rap", again, putting us in an awkward position in the eyes of our neighbouring countries.
After 8 seasons and 167 episodes, the last season of the show was aired on October 31, 2006. But even after that, they managed to produce a Musical simply titled, "Phua Chu Kang - the Musical" which was a box office disaster n may have proved to be the death knell to any future Singaporean musical productions, proving he's neither any good in Singapore, Jorhor Baru or Batam for that matter...
this is who we have...
this is who we have to show for...
when great leaders and public figures of the world are called forth from every country all over the world to give hope and purpose in our dire times...
this is who will be choosen~
thus, causing me be bleed out from cardiac arrest having stabbed myself in the chest from the sheer embarrassment...
"Use ur blane"
i implore u....