theres so much more stuff that's happened that i wanna write about, but with the computer busted, i can't really do tat... but wadever right~
so here it is...
The Vivo Experience~
by yours truly...
i had no trouble finding the staff entrance this morning... simply followed some girl ahead of me thru a door next to TANGS, which, after a rather long & creepy walk thru an echoy hallway, led to the inside of the department store (finally) were i made my way to the counter....
an announcement was made over the PA system.... "The store is now opening, all staff please return to ur respective counters." i looked around.. there was bearly 4 people insight. There was a woman from Bvlgari, one from DKNY & two (a man & a woman) from the TANG & CO. store behind me. I wondered were everyone went....
after rummaging thru the cupboards & drawers, i think i managed to get a feel of were things were placed & how systematically i would retrieve those items out should a the time arrive for me to do so~ There were more people ion the store now... 2 from Clarins & Dior... including the occasional customer walkin thru. 70% of the staff were still missing... it felt kinda weird at 1st.. u know, with the place being so desserted n all... but then i realised wad a great time i would be havin for the next couple of hours with no one around :)
i'm beginning to like the counter at Vivo, especially (extremely especially) due to the this magical thing called a 'chair' located behind the counter~ the idea of just sitting the whole 8 hrs of work away was very appealing indeed :) i spent most of the time on this wonderous device readin my book & spinnin around in it... had there been more leg room, i would've kept on spinnin regardless of the awkward stares and glares the people around me would give...
i finally found a decent piece of paper (in one of the office folders i found rummaging thru the cupboards again) to pen my thoughts down with greater detail... texted a few ppl back & called the BFF on the company phone & chatted for a bit before she had to leave... ppl are startin to wonder what im writing so vigourously on this piece of paper that i keep halfing to gain leverage when writing.... i notice their puzzled glances as they walk pass my counter... but at this point, i dont really feel embarresed by it, im just enjoyin the freedom~
this is the 2nd piece of paper im using to write... took another from the file in the cupboard again (without much hesitation this time). Saw a pretty girl with her mom walk by for a brief sec, thought i'd mention it. she had really nice hair~ the store plays alot of oldies music.. & its not the classics like "Chicago" or "Air Supply" but rather a bunch of unknown Retro hits u've probably heard somewhere b4 but never bother to find out the title of the song or hu sang it... then after a while, u forget it entirely.... think i'll just continue readin my book, its due next tuesday & im only at chapter 9...
a guy approached me enquiring about the fragrances... he was the 1st customer i spoke to today (there was another b4 him, but he was askin for directions so tat doesn't count) i was pretty impressed with myself for remembering where the sets & bottles were. it went pretty smooth, though he didnt purchase anything~ Plus, while i was writing this down, i had to pause twice for another 2 more customers hu came... the store is still pretty much a ghost town, just slightly noiser than before... and im kinda startin to get a lil hungry~
Lots of text msgs from random ppl today... they kept me amused throughout the morning. its pretty difficult to read my book having to constantly hide it by my side everytime i notice someone approaching... doesn't really matter if its a customer.. im more afraid of those Nazi Floor Managers who'd throw stones at u the second u pull out ur cellphone-_- no such encounter with them yet though.... i tend to keep it tat way...
im startin to wonder when the Afternoon shift person's gonna arrive... im hungry~ gave up tryin to read my book in secret & passed the time leaning against the counterwall starin at the guy in the Diesel Poster infront. He seemed to be wanting to say something to me...
"Fuel for life?" he said without moving his lips (or face for that matter...)
"no thank you, i prefer juice~" i replied.. not moving my lips either~
lunch was Dory Fish with Tartar Sauce & Rice from Food Republic. It barly tasted like fish for that matter... sooo not worth the five bucks i spent on it-_- i'm runnin low on writing space.. theres about 2cm of space left, i need paper....
i went into Best Denki a level down.. was goin to grab one of those A4 sized flyer with the computer specs printed on them as writing material. i snickered at the idea and gave myself a 'thumbs up' in my head at my own resourcefulness.. but there were none of those flyers there to my disappointment... so i went to the "Big Bookshop" (which, contrary to its name, was no bigger than my living room) and ripped out a piece of foolscap :) i went upstairs to the quiet and started to write~
turns out i'm actually allowed to read at the counter as well as sneak in an occasional cookie or a drink... did i mention how much i like the Vivo counter? :)
the journey to the bathroom is quite a tricky one... it involves going a couple of metres west, pass 'FX Creations' and 'Picard', where the smell of pure leather and mahogany overpowers your senses, less you belong to the wealthy, then it'd probably smell as common as a Shrooms burger from KFC. A turn here and there, down a corridor or 2 and you'd reach yet another security check point. you write your name and the 'time in' into a log book. The guard then taps a button which unlocks a magnetised door leading to the cargo lift... you then proceed to take the lift up to the 2nd floor where upon more turns, leads to the lavatory. At which i spent an exceptionally long time grooming myself infront of the mirror. Afterall, having taken a longer time to get there and finishing in half that would've seemed trivial~ so, i took my time.... i took a lot of it :)
Work ended an hour ago. Met Stewy and had our famous conversations outside the roof garden thingy~ Went to Food Republic and had Dim Sum... i haven't had Dim Sum since i tasted french fries... and they tasted good~ We're waiting for the rest to come, then we'll have a proper dinner. One with chicken... and lots of cheese :)
ok thats about all i wrote... here's a picture of the papers i used to write so u dont think i made this up~

30mins later Yee Hao, Carmen, Weilun & Ced came n we had dinner & fooled around Vivo before headin home~
woke up around 11-ish this morning n watched Hanna Montana before headin over to the BFF's for a special quality do-nothin-and-chill-out session~ when we returned, i couldn't find my cellphone so we called my no. and the robot voicemail lady said the phone was switched off.. so then i tried callin again & someone answered it, breathed a lil on the reciever, then hung up... he/she never picked up again-_-
i curse the person who took my phone n failed to return it... if it were a dude, i hope his penis gets eaten by a flock of penis-eating-crows... if it was a chick, well.. i personally can't believe a girl would be so morally confused as to the ramifications of whether or not u'd return a phone u found that doesn't belong to u to its rightful owner.. but if it were, i hope she grows a penis-_-
on a lighter note, im gonna screen some pictures of me and bunny's lil picnic at Vivo acouple of weeks back since we're all on the whole "Vivo Experience" thing...
this happend acouple of weeks back... now my hair's all short and my sunburn's better and, well, i still had my phone-_- but hey, its all good... life is good~
on the bright side of this, i get to have a new phone... bad news would be tat i have to dip into the tattoo/sch fees fund-_-
im never gonna get inked at this rate....