Saturday, October 15, 2005

GuYs actiNg like giRLs + GirLs loOkin like gUys

hi folks...

First off.. let me just start by saying WHAT THE Fuck~ is wrong with these people...
wat is going on?!
Y are more and more people trying to look ..and act.. like the sex thats opposite from them?
Is it cool??? Do u ppl think its cool..? and.. and HIp?!

guys wearing PiNK and prancing about like sissys.. IS NOT COOOOL~!!!
i walk along the streets and i see like 7 out of 10 guys wearing pink...


Oh my GOD~!

No wonder girls in this country say they cant find the perfect man...
Because all the "MEN" are out learning ballet... dressed in pink and watching Chick Flicks like "Legally Blonde" and listening to sappy love song or girl power music...

Take out the "S.H.E" or "Backstreet Boys" cD..
Break it in HalF..
and slit ur wrists with the broken pieces.. u sick perverted pink wearing fags~

ANd wat about those Girls that dress up like guys?? (Butches.. or they call'em)
They cut their hair short... and wear jeans and t-shirts...and wear tight ass bras to Shrink their boobies...

u sick motherfuckers should all die..

Girls are ment to wear revealing clothes... their ment to dress sexyly.. and their NOT SUPPOSE TO ACT LIKE GUYS!!!

there are already a shortage of hot girls in this country.. ARE U TRYING TO CAUSE ANOTHER POPULATION DECREASE ???!!!

y cant u half-breeds just pick a side... u either be completely Gay Or COmpletely Straight... NOT IN THE MIDDLE!!!

I got no problem with pure gays or lesbians...( oh yeah no problem with lesbians at all~ :p )

Its those pink wearing, boobies shrinking AsshoLes tat piss me off~

EIther stay straight.... or DIE~

hAVE a nice day~

ur friendly neighbourhood Leader of FreeSpeech,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lesbians are hot you know.
Population decrease, i love that joke.