Friday, October 14, 2005

My Gun goes Bang Bang~ uR gun goes Pow Pow~

Ever wonder y they dont permit the sale of gunz in this country....
Sure.. guns are dangerous.. guns kill people....
BUt people are dangerous too... people kill people too~
Tats y people made guns in the 1st place..

Guns in the wrong hands are of course a dangerous concoction...
Guns in the hands of angry kids such as myself are also i deadly combination..
So dont sell me one... big deal... but to completly ban the sale of guns is a pretty "last resort" kinda thing..

But hey~

this is singapore.. the goverment knows best.. i respect tat...
I'm just saying.. let singapore sell gunz... let singaporeans buy the gunz...
let singaporean's use the guns... not on other ppl obviously... set up a firing range... (there's revenue for u)
Of course.. i dont condole the selling of gunz to people underage.. so just put an age limit on it...

Singapore is a safe country.... gunz would make it safer.... wouldn't u agree...~

i think i'd better stop now b4 my blog appears on the front page of the straits times...
u know how the singapore gov. is about free speech~

TeLL ur friends about me....
My reign Is just beginning~

Fre3ze OuT~~~~

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