Friday, November 13, 2009

one more time~

I was suppose to starve myself today to prepare my tummy for the awesome zhi char of a life time i'd be havin for tomoro's Road Trip to JB, but couldn't help it...
Bar chor mee + Western from Lavender near the immigration building after accompanying Winson to get his passport~

look at that man... dammmmn~

the Rain hindered most of our walking so we didn't really have much time to work with... decided to go to the "Guan Yin" temple to bai-bai...

my "Fortune Paper" i got from shaking-the-wishsticks-outta-the-round-container said...

"Glad tidings come from above. All of a sudden, treasures of Mt. Tai at your disposal. To inquire or marvel at this good news, best to proceed as many helpers are around."

-wadever that means...
but it says its a "Good" interpretation... so i guess thats cool~

tomoro's gonna be awesome... just hope the weather'll be kind and no one tries to stab us there~

until then, stay tuned...

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