Sunday, May 03, 2009

Klaatu Barradda Nikto~

i caught Watchmen again for the second time last night, it still gave me the same satisfaction from when i watched it the first time. fkin love that movie~

i've been on the hunt for old school cult classics like "Pulp Fiction" & "Dog Day Afternoon". After watching the 1981 Evil Dead trilogy, there was a sudden appeal to watch all these gritty films.

a couple on the list are:
-Reservoir Dogs
-The Usual Suspects
-American History X
-Donnie Darko
-Requiem For A Dream
-Dead Poet Society

just to name a few...

a couple of them were actually nominated to be the best movies of all time. i plan to validate that claim personally & its kinda fun too, i feel like a professional film critic going round putting my own stake on what's hot n what's not~

i recently caught The International at the new theater down at the sparkly building at Bugis, Iluma they call it.

dont be expecting an ending,(or a decent storyline for that matter) cause there isnt one. quiet the disappointment indeed.
a big WTF to Mr Clive Owen~

oh, another piece of advise...
if Jet li calls u & tells ur mother to go to the market to buy vegetables, ur fucked..
cause big brother is always right~


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