Sunday, August 17, 2008

a lack of colour~

3 more weeks till my passin out parade~
i guess BMT's pretty fast... but the days are long in camp... 5am-10.30pm

its difficult to explain in words wad goes on in there... everytime when i book out, everything feels different... the air, the people... just the convinence of everything.. turn on the tap n water comes out, everything's so accessable...

tv, hot showers... u really appreciate basic shit like this when ur in camp~ i miss listenin to music and not having to eat my lunch within 10 minutes~

i think ever since field camp, everyone's just dying... worst ever 6 days of my life~
it never gets easier, and it never stops...

the days are oh so long...

sometimes i wish i wasn't in Ninja...
maybe if i'd been in some welfare company, things would've been easier.. run a lil in the morning n free time all the way till lights out~
just cruise thru BMT with just the bare basics...

but then, i would've came out the same person n not learnt anything~

Ninja Coy is no joke~
in Tekong, tellin ppl ur from N Company is like saying ur from Harvard..... and its true wad the commanders say, the worst has yet to come~

its being able to survive the shit they put us thru tat makes us stronger... but its not easy at all...

the things being thrown at us...
it never stops~

and the days are oh sooo long...

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