Sunday, September 16, 2007


i tried studying the whole weekend but acomplished nothing -_- really gotta pass my sups or im outta sch... but seeing as how shitty engineering is, the army doesnt seem tat bad~

gotta go for the remedial lessons tomoro morning, hopefully it'll be the lec would just divulge all sorts of hints n shit about the sup papers....


i've been playing soo much Real-time strategy games on the pc, everytime my mom asks me to do something i acknowlege her by saying stuff like... "Yes my liage" or "i bow to your will master"... then she'd just call me crazy n shunn me off while i'd skip away~

oh yeah, one more thing... im gonna haff to kill that creepy naked guy from the mocca adverts for being so gay and wearing a tiger-skinned underpants~

yeeeah, kay ciao~

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