Friday, May 04, 2007

the perfect girL~

i had a weird dream last night.... it goes like this.....

there was this lil lion the size of.. i dunno... maybe a bowling ball... and it was living in my bedroom... and like, i was afraid to touch it but i wanted to keep it as a pet... but then one day it goes all crazy n starts biting my hand..

so then, i went n told my mom about it... who then suggests that maybe i should feed it... so i feed it a plate of Char Siew and Otak~ then placed it bedroom floor with a bowl of water and left... then when i came back, the plate n bowl was empty and the mini lion was gone...

yeeeahhh.... -_-
thats the dream~

(not onli is it one of the most weirdest and amusing dreams i've had.. its also got nothing to do with the title of this post.... i just figured i'd share it cause its my blog n i do wat i want with it... so there~ )

anyway, on the way home i saw "Emo Chick~", "girL~ From the Bus #2" and "Calender girL~" all at bus stop... it seemed to me tat it was kinda like a sign from above tellin me to go up and talk to one of them or something....

i played the whole "i-stare-at-u, u-stare-at-me" thing with them before so they recongize me but they dont actually know me~ hopefully that'll change soon... all i need is just the right opportunity to be able to chat one up.... but there has yet to be one of those moments.. so.. yeah... but its cool... i'll just wait...~

but in case any of u ladies feel a lil impatient... i decided to make a list of wad my version of a perfect girL~ would be....

the perfect girL's race is unknown really.... but if she were malay, she wouldnt be wearing a Tudong and if she were chinese,she wouldnt be one of those "ching-chiong-chang" types tat act jap and speak chinese all day.....

instead, perfect girL~ would have an uber cool accent... maybe british or american... oh doesnt matter their both equally hot~ She'd have the sweetest eyes to go along with her sugar-coated voice.... her scent would be tat of summer's breeze leaving and winter's chill foreboding~

perfect girL~ would be slim, and beautiful.... her hair would be long and smooth and it'd lay across her face, covering one eye ever so seductively~ she'd be really smart and open-minded.. when we're together, i'd be able to do dumb stuff around her & she'd just laugh instead of thinking how weird i am...

Perfect girL~ would be close with her family memebers... she'd have a lil sister and a brother & a dog named December~ She'll know how to cook, and how to take care of herself and her family.....

Perfect girL~ would be rich and live in a mansion up on the Hills~ she'd be one of those artsy types tat enjoy painting and trips to the museum ... she'll have the same taste in music as i do and plays the piano~

perfect girL~ would lay with me instead of run for shelter when it rains in the middle of our picnic... she'd rest her head on my shoulders during a Michael Buble concert and hold my hand tightly during a scary movie~

Perfect girL's kisses would be as soft as rose pedels and sweet like the smile of a newborn... her touch, warm like the summer and fresh like the spring~


Perfect girL~ sounds really great... cause she's smart and sweet and ... well... perfect~

Perfect girL is also not real.... but that's never seemed to bother me since one's never existed before in the first place~ but its alright.... its all good.... :)

ooh.. if any of u ladies fit this describition... dont hesitate to call~



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