Monday, January 08, 2007


finally im able to blog... i finally got a new PC, its nothin fantasic but at least its better than the previous one.... i have named her sophia~ for no reason in particular.. it was just the 1st name tat came into my mind at that time... yeeeeah~

at least now i'll be about to like... go youtube n blog properly... and play maple and not have it Die on me like 15min later... so kudos to tat~

pass few days have been really shitty... the weather's been a bitch cause of the damn heat n i need to get a fkin hair cut. Everyone seems to be bz with projects except me n the turds... it seems we're all exiled by our other friends hu are swamped with project after project.....

sch was lame today... i was bored during lec and took a video of an ant crawling on the table.... how amusing...~

gawd my family is so annoying.. i hate them all....
sophia's the only one i care about now...

oh ahh oh~ she moves in her own way :)~

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